text=QtCore.QCoreApplication.translate("movesessionroot","Detected both the new NSM 1.6.0 official session directory:\n{}\nAND the old one:\n{}\n\nDo you want Agordejo to move your old files and try to merge them with the new sessions? (Recommended)\n\nYou now have the chance to manually make a backup of your files before pressing 'Yes'".format(newdir,olddir))
else:#Simply move.
text=QtCore.QCoreApplication.translate("movesessionroot","With NSM version 1.6.0 the official session directory moved to:\n{}\nYou are still using the old one:\n\n{}\nDo you want Agordejo to move your files? (Recommended)\n\nYou now have the chance to manually make a backup of your files before pressing 'Yes'".format(newdir,olddir))
text=QtCore.QCoreApplication.translate("movesessionroot","With NSM version 1.6.0 the official session directory moved to:\n{}\nYou are still using the old one:\n{}\n\nDo you want Agordejo to move your files? (Recommended)\n\nYou now have the chance to manually make a backup of your files before pressing 'Yes'".format(newdir,olddir))