parser.add_argument("-V","--verbose",action='store_true',help="(Development) Switch the logger to INFO and give out all kinds of information to get a high-level idea of what the program is doing.")
parser.add_argument("-V","--verbose",action='store_true',help="(Development) Switch the logger to INFO and print out all kinds of information to get a high-level idea of what the program is doing. You can also set the environment variable LSS_DEBUG=1")
parser.add_argument("-u","--url",action='store',dest="url",help="Force URL for the session. If there is already a running session we will connect to it. Otherwise we will start one there. Default is local host with random port. Example: osc.udp://myhost.localdomain:14294/")
parser.add_argument("--nsm-url",action='store',dest="url",help="Same as --url.")