#! /usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Copyright 2020, Nils Hilbricht, Germany ( https://www.hilbricht.net ) This file is part of the Laborejo Software Suite ( https://www.laborejo.org ). This application is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . """ import logging; logger = logging.getLogger(__name__); logger.info("import") #Standard Library from sys import argv as sysargv from sys import exit as sysexit #Third Party from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtGui, QtWidgets logger.info(f"PyQt Version: {QtCore.PYQT_VERSION_STR}") #Engine from engine.config import METADATA #includes METADATA only. No other environmental setup is executed. from engine.start import PATHS, qtApp import engine.api as api #This loads the engine and starts a session. #Qt from .systemtray import SystemTray from .eventloop import EventLoop from .designer.mainwindow import Ui_MainWindow from .helper import setPaletteAndFont from .helper import iconFromString from .sessiontreecontroller import SessionTreeController from .opensessioncontroller import OpenSessionController from .quicksessioncontroller import QuickSessionController from .quickopensessioncontroller import QuickOpenSessionController from .projectname import ProjectNameWidget from .addclientprompt import askForExecutable, updateWordlist from .waitdialog import WaitDialog from .resources import * from .settings import SettingsDialog api.eventLoop = EventLoop() #Setup the translator before classes are set up. Otherwise we can't use non-template translation. #to test use LANGUAGE=de_DE.UTF-8 . not LANG= language = QtCore.QLocale().languageToString(QtCore.QLocale().language()) logger.info("{}: Language set to {}".format(METADATA["name"], language)) if language in METADATA["supportedLanguages"]: translator = QtCore.QTranslator() translator.load(METADATA["supportedLanguages"][language], ":/translations/") #colon to make it a resource URL qtApp.installTranslator(translator) else: """silently fall back to English by doing nothing""" def nothing(*args): pass class RecentlyOpenedSessions(object): """Class to make it easier handle recently opened session with qt settings, type conversions limiting the size of the list and uniqueness""" def __init__(self): self.data = [] def load(self, dataFromQtSettings): """Handle qt settings load. triggered by restoreWindowSettings in mainWindow init""" if dataFromQtSettings: for name in dataFromQtSettings: self.add(name) def add(self, nsmSessionName:str): if nsmSessionName in self.data: #Just sort self.data.remove(nsmSessionName) self.data.append(nsmSessionName) return self.data.append(nsmSessionName) if len(self.data) > 3: self.data.pop(0) assert len(self.data) <= 3, len(self.data) def get(self)->list: """List of nsmSessionName strings""" sessionList = api.sessionList() self.data = [n for n in self.data if n in sessionList] return self.data def last(self)->str: """Return the last active session. Useful for continue-mode command line arg. """ if self.data: return self.get()[-1] else: return None class MainWindow(QtWidgets.QMainWindow): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.qtApp = qtApp self.qtApp.setWindowIcon(QtGui.QIcon(":icon.png")) #non-template part of the program self.qtApp.setApplicationName(f"{METADATA['name']}") self.qtApp.setApplicationDisplayName(f"{METADATA['name']}") logger.info("Init MainWindow") QtGui.QIcon.setThemeName("hicolor") #audio applications can be found here. We have no need for other icons. #QtGui.QIcon.setFallbackThemeName("hicolor") #only one, not a list. This is the fallback if the theme can't be found. Not if icons can't be found in a theme. #iconPaths = QtGui.QIcon.themeSearchPaths() #iconPaths += ["/usr/share/icons/hicolor", "/usr/share/pixmaps"] #QtGui.QIcon.setThemeSearchPaths(iconPaths) logger.info(f"Program icons path: {QtGui.QIcon.themeSearchPaths()}, {QtGui.QIcon.themeName()}") #Set up the user interface from Designer and other widgets self.ui = Ui_MainWindow() self.ui.setupUi(self) self.fPalBlue = setPaletteAndFont(self.qtApp) self.ui.mainPageSwitcher.setCurrentIndex(0) #1 is messageLabel 0 is the tab widget SettingsDialog.loadFromSettingsAndSendToEngine() #set blacklist, whitelist for programdatabase and addtional executable paths for environment #TODO: Hide information tab until the feature is ready self.ui.tabbyCat.removeTab(2) self.programIcons = {} #executableName:QIcon. Filled by self._updateGUIWithCachedPrograms which calls _updateIcons self.sessionController = SessionController(mainWindow=self) self.systemTray = SystemTray(mainWindow=self) self.connectMenu() self.recentlyOpenedSessions = RecentlyOpenedSessions() #Api Callbacks api.callbacks.sessionClosed.append(self.reactCallback_sessionClosed) api.callbacks.sessionOpenReady.append(self.reactCallback_sessionOpen) api.callbacks.singleInstanceActivateWindow.append(self.activateAndRaise) #Starting the engine sends initial GUI data. Every window and widget must be ready to receive callbacks here api.eventLoop.start() api.startEngine() self.restoreWindowSettings() #populates recentlyOpenedSessions if PATHS["startHidden"] and self.systemTray.available: logger.info("Starting hidden") self.toggleVisible(force=False) else: logger.info("Starting visible") self.toggleVisible(force=True) if PATHS["continueLastSession"]: #will be None if --sesion NAME was given as command line parameter and --continue on top. continueSession = self.recentlyOpenedSessions.last() if continueSession: logger.info(f"Got continue session as command line parameter. Opening: {continueSession}") api.sessionOpen(continueSession) else: logger.info(f"Got continue session as command line parameter but there is no session available.") #Handle the application data cache. If not present instruct the engine to build one. #This is also needed by the prompt in sessionController logger.info("Trying to restore cached program database") settings = QtCore.QSettings("LaborejoSoftwareSuite", METADATA["shortName"]) if settings.contains("programDatabase"): listOfDicts = settings.value("programDatabase", type=list) api.setSystemsPrograms(listOfDicts) logger.info("Restored program database from qt cache to engine") self._updateGUIWithCachedPrograms() else: #First or fresh start #A single shot timer with 0 durations is executed only after the app starts, thus the main window is ready. logger.info("First run. Instructing engine to build program database") QtCore.QTimer.singleShot(0, self.updateProgramDatabase) #includes self._updateGUIWithCachedPrograms() logger.info("Deciding if we run as tray-icon or window") if not self.isVisible(): text = QtCore.QCoreApplication.translate("mainWindow", "Argodejo ready") self.systemTray.showMessage("Argodejo", text, QtWidgets.QSystemTrayIcon.Information, 2000) #title, message, icon, timeout. #has messageClicked() signal. logger.info("Ready for user input. Exec_ Qt.") qtApp.exec_() #No code after exec_ except atexit def tabtest(self): import subprocess from time import sleep #xdotool search --name xeyes #xdotool search --pid 12345 subprocess.Popen(["patchage"], shell=True, stdin=None, stdout=None, stderr=None, close_fds=True) #parameters are for not waiting sleep(1) result = subprocess.run(["xdotool", "search", "--name", "patchage"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.decode('utf-8') if "\n" in result: windowID = int(result.split("\n")[0]) else: windowID = int(result) window = QtGui.QWindow.fromWinId(int(windowID)) window.setFlags(QtCore.Qt.FramelessWindowHint) widget = QtWidgets.QWidget.createWindowContainer(window) self.ui.tabbyCat.addTab(widget, "Patchage") def hideEvent(self, event): if self.systemTray.available: super().hideEvent(event) else: event.ignore() def activateAndRaise(self): self.toggleVisible(force=True) getattr(self, "raise")() #raise is python syntax. Can't use that directly self.activateWindow() text = QtCore.QCoreApplication.translate("mainWindow", "Another GUI tried to launch.") self.systemTray.showMessage("Argodejo", text, QtWidgets.QSystemTrayIcon.Information, 2000) #title, message, icon, timeout. #has messageClicked() signal. def _updateGUIWithCachedPrograms(self): logger.info("Updating entire program with cached program lists") updateWordlist() #addclientprompt.py self._updateIcons() self.sessionController.openSessionController.launcherTable.buildPrograms() self.sessionController.quickOpenSessionController.buildCleanStarterClients(nsmSessionExportDict={}) #wants a dict parameter for callback compatibility, but doesn't use it def _updateIcons(self): logger.info("Creating icon database") programs = api.getSystemPrograms() self.programIcons.clear() for entry in programs: exe = entry["argodejoExec"] if "icon" in entry: icon = QtGui.QIcon.fromTheme(entry["icon"]) else: icon = QtGui.QIcon.fromTheme(exe) if icon.isNull(): icon = iconFromString(exe) self.programIcons[exe] = icon def updateProgramDatabase(self): """Display a progress-dialog that waits for the database to be build. Automatically called on first start or when instructed by the user""" text = QtCore.QCoreApplication.translate("mainWindow", "Updating Program Database.\nThank you for your patience.") settings = QtCore.QSettings("LaborejoSoftwareSuite", METADATA["shortName"]) settings.remove("programDatabase") logger.info("Asking api to getSystemPrograms while waiting") diag = WaitDialog(self, text, api.buildSystemPrograms) #save in local var to keep alive settings.setValue("programDatabase", api.getSystemPrograms()) self._updateGUIWithCachedPrograms() def reactCallback_sessionClosed(self): self.setWindowTitle("") def reactCallback_sessionOpen(self, nsmSessionExportDict): self.setWindowTitle(nsmSessionExportDict["nsmSessionName"]) self.recentlyOpenedSessions.add(nsmSessionExportDict["nsmSessionName"]) def toggleVisible(self, force:bool=None): if force is None: newState = not self.isVisible() else: newState = force if newState: logger.info("Show") self.restoreWindowSettings() self.show() self.setVisible(True) else: logger.info("Hide") self.storeWindowSettings() self.hide() self.setVisible(False) #self.systemTray.buildContextMenu() #Don't. This crashes Qt through some delayed execution of who knows what. Workaround: tray context menu now say "Show/Hide" and not only the actual state. def _askBeforeQuit(self, nsmSessionName): """If you quit while in a session ask what to do. The TrayIcon context menu uses different functions and directly acts, without a question""" text = QtCore.QCoreApplication.translate("AskBeforeQuit", "About to quit but session {} still open").format(nsmSessionName) informativeText = QtCore.QCoreApplication.translate("AskBeforeQuit", "Do you want to save?") title = QtCore.QCoreApplication.translate("AskBeforeQuit", "About to quit") box = QtWidgets.QMessageBox() box.setWindowFlag(QtCore.Qt.Popup, True) box.setIcon(box.Warning) box.setText(text) box.setWindowTitle(title) box.setInformativeText(informativeText) stay = box.addButton(QtCore.QCoreApplication.translate("AskBeforeQuit", "Don't Quit"), box.RejectRole) #0 box.addButton(QtCore.QCoreApplication.translate("AskBeforeQuit", "Save"), box.YesRole) #1 box.addButton(QtCore.QCoreApplication.translate("AskBeforeQuit", "Discard Changes"), box.DestructiveRole) #2 box.setDefaultButton(stay) ret = box.exec() #Return values are NOT the button roles. if ret == 2: logger.info("Quit: Don't save.") api.sessionAbort(blocking=True) return True elif ret == 1: logger.info("Quit: Close and Save. Waiting for clients to close.") api.sessionClose(blocking=True) return True else: #Escape, window close through WM etc. logger.info("Quit: Changed your mind, stay in session.") return False def abortAndQuit(self): """For the context menu. A bit A bit redundant, but that is ok :)""" api.sessionAbort(blocking=True) self._callSysExit() def closeAndQuit(self): api.sessionClose(blocking=True) self._callSysExit() def _callSysExit(self): """The process of quitting After sysexit the atexit handler gets called. That closes nsmd, if we started ourselves. """ self.storeWindowSettings() sysexit(0) #directly afterwards @atexit is handled, but this function does not return. logging.error("Code executed after sysexit. This message should not have been visible.") def menuRealQuit(self): """Called by the menu. The TrayIcon provides another method of quitting that does not call this function, but it will call _actualQuit. """ if api.currentSession(): result = self._askBeforeQuit(api.currentSession()) else: result = True if result: self.storeWindowSettings() self._callSysExit() def closeEvent(self, event): """Window manager close. Ignore. We use it to send the GUI into hiding.""" event.ignore() self.toggleVisible(force=False) def connectMenu(self): #Control self.ui.actionRebuild_Program_Database.triggered.connect(self.updateProgramDatabase) self.ui.actionSettings.triggered.connect(self._reactMenu_settings) self.ui.actionHide_in_System_Tray.triggered.connect(lambda: self.toggleVisible(force=False)) self.ui.actionMenuQuit.triggered.connect(self.menuRealQuit) def _reactMenu_settings(self): widget = SettingsDialog(self) #blocks until closed if widget.success: self.updateProgramDatabase() def storeWindowSettings(self): """Window state is not saved in the real save file. That would lead to portability problems between computers, like different screens and resolutions. For convenience that means we just use the damned qt settings and save wherever qt wants. bottom line: get a tiling window manager. """ settings = QtCore.QSettings("LaborejoSoftwareSuite", METADATA["shortName"]) settings.setValue("geometry", self.saveGeometry()) settings.setValue("windowState", self.saveState()) #settings.setValue("visible", self.isVisible()) Deprecated. see restoreWindowSettings settings.setValue("recentlyOpenedSessions", self.recentlyOpenedSessions.get()) settings.setValue("tab", self.ui.tabbyCat.currentIndex()) def restoreWindowSettings(self): """opposite of storeWindowSettings. Read there.""" logger.info("Restoring window settings, geometry and recently opened session") settings = QtCore.QSettings("LaborejoSoftwareSuite", METADATA["shortName"]) actions = { "geometry":self.restoreGeometry, "windowState":self.restoreState, "recentlyOpenedSessions":self.recentlyOpenedSessions.load, "tab": lambda i: self.ui.tabbyCat.setCurrentIndex(int(i)), } types = { "recentlyOpenedSessions": list, "tab": int, } for key in settings.allKeys(): if key in actions: #if not it doesn't matter. this is all uncritical. if key in types: actions[key](settings.value(key, type=types[key])) else: actions[key](settings.value(key)) #Deprecated. Always open the GUI when started normally, saving minimzed has little value. #Instead we introduced a command line options and .desktop option to auto-load the last session and start Argodejo GUI hidden. """ if self.systemTray.available and settings.contains("visible") and settings.value("visible") == "false": self.setVisible(False) else: self.setVisible(True) #This is also the default state if there is no config """ class SessionController(object): """Controls the StackWidget that contains the Session Tree, Open Session/Client and their quick and easy variants. Can be controlled from up and down the hierarchy. While all tabs are open at the same time for simplicity we hide the menus when in quick-view. """ def __init__(self, mainWindow): super().__init__() self.mainWindow = mainWindow self.ui = self.mainWindow.ui self.sessionTreeController = SessionTreeController(mainWindow=mainWindow) self.openSessionController = OpenSessionController(mainWindow=mainWindow) self.quickSessionController = QuickSessionController(mainWindow=mainWindow) self.quickOpenSessionController = QuickOpenSessionController(mainWindow=mainWindow) self._connectMenu() #Callbacks #api.callbacks.sessionOpenReady.append(lambda nsmSessionExportDict: self._switch("open")) #When loading ist done. This takes a while when non-nsm clients are in the session api.callbacks.sessionClosed.append(lambda: self._setMenuEnabled(None)) api.callbacks.sessionClosed.append(lambda: self._switch("choose")) #The rest is handled by the widget itself. It keeps itself updated, no matter if visible or not. api.callbacks.sessionOpenReady.append(lambda nsmSessionExportDict: self._setMenuEnabled(nsmSessionExportDict)) api.callbacks.sessionOpenLoading.append(lambda nsmSessionExportDict: self._switch("open")) #Convenience Signals to directly disable the client messages on gui instruction. #This is purely for speed and preventing the user from sending a signal while the session is shutting down self.mainWindow.ui.actionSessionAbort.triggered.connect(lambda: self._setMenuEnabled(None)) self.mainWindow.ui.actionSessionSaveAndClose.triggered.connect(lambda: self._setMenuEnabled(None)) #GUI signals self.mainWindow.ui.tabbyCat.currentChanged.connect(self._activeTabChanged) self._activeTabChanged(self.mainWindow.ui.tabbyCat.currentIndex()) def _activeTabChanged(self, index:int): """index 0 quick, 1 detailed, 2 info""" if index == 1: #detailed state = bool(api.currentSession()) else: #quick and information and future tabs state = False self.ui.menuClientNameId.menuAction().setVisible(state) #already deactivated self.ui.menuSession.menuAction().setVisible(state) #already deactivated #It is not enough to disable the menu itself. Shortcuts will still work. We need the children! for action in self.ui.menuSession.actions(): action.setEnabled(state) if state and not self.openSessionController.clientTabe.clientsTreeWidget.currentItem(): state = False #we wanted to activate, but there is no client selected. for action in self.ui.menuClientNameId.actions(): action.setEnabled(state) def _connectMenu(self): #Session #Only Active when a session is currently available self.ui.actionSessionSave.triggered.connect(api.sessionSave) self.ui.actionSessionAbort.triggered.connect(api.sessionAbort) self.ui.actionSessionSaveAs.triggered.connect(self._reactMenu_SaveAs) #NSM "Duplicate" self.ui.actionSessionSaveAndClose.triggered.connect(api.sessionClose) self.ui.actionShow_All_Clients.triggered.connect(api.clientShowAll) self.ui.actionHide_All_Clients.triggered.connect(api.clientHideAll) self.ui.actionSessionAddClient.triggered.connect(lambda: askForExecutable(self.mainWindow)) #Prompt version def _reactMenu_SaveAs(self): """Only when a session is open. We could either check the session controller or the simple one for the name.""" currentName = api.currentSession() assert currentName widget = ProjectNameWidget(parent=self.mainWindow, startwith=currentName+"-new") if widget.result: api.sessionSaveAs(widget.result) def _setMenuEnabled(self, nsmSessionExportDictOrNone): """We receive the sessionDict or None""" state = bool(nsmSessionExportDictOrNone) if state: self.ui.menuSession.setTitle(nsmSessionExportDictOrNone["nsmSessionName"]) self.ui.menuSession.menuAction().setVisible(True) self.ui.menuClientNameId.menuAction().setVisible(True) #session controller might disable that else: self.ui.menuSession.setTitle("Session") self.ui.menuSession.menuAction().setVisible(False) self.ui.menuClientNameId.menuAction().setVisible(False) #already deactivated #self.ui.menuSession.setEnabled(state) #It is not enough to disable the menu itself. Shortcuts will still work. for action in self.ui.menuSession.actions(): action.setEnabled(state) #Maybe the tab state overrules everything self._activeTabChanged(self.mainWindow.ui.tabbyCat.currentIndex()) def _switch(self, page:str): """Only called by the sub-controllers. For example when an existing session gets opened""" if page == "choose": pageIndex = 0 elif page == "open": pageIndex = 1 else: raise ValueError(f"_switch accepts choose or open, not {page}") self.mainWindow.ui.detailedStackedWidget.setCurrentIndex(pageIndex) self.mainWindow.ui.quickStackedWidget.setCurrentIndex(pageIndex)