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6 years ago
#! /usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Copyright 2020, Nils Hilbricht, Germany ( )
6 years ago
6 years ago
This file is part of the Laborejo Software Suite ( ),
6 years ago
6 years ago
Laborejo2 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 years ago
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
import logging; logger = logging.getLogger(__name__);"import")
6 years ago
from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtGui, QtSvg, QtWidgets
from .constantsAndConfigs import constantsAndConfigs
from template.qtgui.helper import stringToColor, removeInstancesFromScene, callContextMenu, stretchLine, stretchRect
from template.helper import pairwise
from .submenus import SecondaryTempoChangeMenu, TempoBlockPropertiesEdit
import engine.api as api
oneRectToReturnThemAll = QtCore.QRectF(0,0,0,0) #prevent the annoying "NotImplementError" from Qt for boundingRect. For items that don't need any collision detection.
_zValuesRelativeToConductor = { #Only use for objects added directly to the Conductor, not their children.
6 years ago
class Conductor(QtWidgets.QGraphicsItem):
"""The track for tempo items. Some methods have the same name and functionality
as note-track to be compatible. For example drag and drop of blocks."""
def __init__(self, parentView):
self.parentView = parentView
self.totalHeight = 71
self.staticPoints = None #Cached backend staticRepresentationList: TempoPoints and interpolated points list
self.staticBlocks = None #Cached Block Data list
self.staticMeta = None #Cached track meta data dict.
self.staffLine = QtWidgets.QGraphicsLineItem(0,0,10,0) #x1, y1, x2, y2
#Displays the real time in minutes and seconds. Definition at the end of thils file.
self.timeLine = TimeLine(self) #registers its own callbacks
6 years ago
def paint(self, *args):
def boundingRect(self, *args):
return oneRectToReturnThemAll
def blockAt(self, xScenePosition):
for block in ConductorTransparentBlock.instances:
start = block.staticExportItem["position"] / constantsAndConfigs.ticksToPixelRatio
end = start + block.staticExportItem["duration"] / constantsAndConfigs.ticksToPixelRatio
if start <= xScenePosition < end:
return block
return None #After the last block.
def transparentBlockHandles(self):
return ConductorTransparentBlock.instances
def updateMetaData(self, trackMetaDictionary):
"""Keep the meta data up to date.
Meta Data is (absolute) min and max tempo values:
{'minimumAbsoluteTempoValue': 120, 'maximumAbsoluteTempoValue': 120}
self.staticMeta = trackMetaDictionary
def updateBlocks(self, staticRepresentationList):
"""This is called when the blocks itself change, of course.
But also """
self.staticBlocks = staticRepresentationList
for dictExportItem in staticRepresentationList:
guiBlock = ConductorTransparentBlock(parent = self, staticExportItem = dictExportItem, x = 0, y = -10, w = dictExportItem["duration"] / constantsAndConfigs.ticksToPixelRatio, h = 20)
guiBlock.setPos(dictExportItem["position"] / constantsAndConfigs.ticksToPixelRatio,0)
6 years ago
rightBorder = (dictExportItem["duration"] + dictExportItem["position"]) / constantsAndConfigs.ticksToPixelRatio
def blockById(self, backendId):
for guiblock in ConductorTransparentBlock.instances:
if guiblock.staticExportItem["id"] == backendId:
return guiblock
# raise ValueError(f"{backendId} not found")
def updateStaffLine(self, x):
assert not self.staffLine.line().isNull()
line = self.staffLine.line()
def createGraphicItemsFromData(self, staticRepresentationList):
6 years ago
self.staticPoints = staticRepresentationList
y = -35 #The Y Value adjusts for the offset the text-item creates
for point in staticRepresentationList:
if not point["type"] == "interpolated": #a real user point or lastInBlock or lastInTrack
x = point["position"] / constantsAndConfigs.ticksToPixelRatio
p = TempoPoint(self, point, self.blockById(point["blockId"]))
p.setPos(x, y)
def stretchXCoordinates(self, factor):
"""Reposition the items on the X axis.
Call goes through all parents/children, starting from ScoreView._stretchXCoordinates.
Docstring there."""
positionalItems = (TempoPoint.instances + ConductorTransparentBlock.instances)
for tempoPoint in positionalItems:
tempoPoint.setX(tempoPoint.pos().x() * factor)
for block in ConductorTransparentBlock.instances:
stretchLine(self.staffLine, factor)
def mousePressEvent(self, event):
"""It is possible that this has coordinates outside of the Conductor instance. When the
mousePressEvent is inside and the mouse moves outside for the release event it still counts
as event of this instance"""
if event.button() == 1 and 0 <= event.scenePos().x() < self.staffLine.line().x2(): #within the conductor line: # QtCore.Qt.MouseButton.LeftButton
self.add(event.scenePos()) #create a new tempo point by telling the api a position and then reacting to "delete all, recreate" from the callback.
super().mousePressEvent(event) #call default implementation from QGraphicsRectItem
def add(self, scenePos):
"""Use a scenePos (from self.mousePressEvent) to instruct the backend
6 years ago
to create a new tempo point.
Uses the values from the item left of it
6 years ago
sp = scenePos.x() * constantsAndConfigs.ticksToPixelRatio
if constantsAndConfigs.snapToGrid:
sp = round(sp / constantsAndConfigs.gridRhythm) * constantsAndConfigs.gridRhythm
6 years ago
unitsPerMinute, referenceTicks = api.tempoAtTickPosition(sp)
6 years ago
api.insertTempoItemAtAbsolutePosition(sp, unitsPerMinute, referenceTicks, graphType = "standalone")
class ConductorTransparentBlock(QtWidgets.QGraphicsRectItem):
"""A simplified version of a Block. Since we don't use blocks in the GUI, only in the backend
we still need them sometimes as macro strutures, where we don't care about the content.
The block handle is at the END of a block. """
class ConductorBlockName(QtWidgets.QGraphicsSimpleTextItem):
instances = []
def __init__(self, parent, positionInSeconds):
m, s = divmod(positionInSeconds, 60)
text = "{}:{} min".format(str(int(m)).zfill(2), str(int(s)).zfill(2))
marker = QtWidgets.QGraphicsLineItem(0, 0, 0, -10) #vertical marker to connect to the conductor line
instances = []
def __init__(self, parent, staticExportItem, x, y, w, h):
super().__init__(x, y, w, h)
self.setFlags(QtWidgets.QGraphicsItem.ItemDoesntPropagateOpacityToChildren|QtWidgets.QGraphicsItem.ItemIsMovable) #no mouseReleaseEvent without selection or movable.
6 years ago
self.parent = parent #Conductor instance
self.color = stringToColor(staticExportItem["name"])
self.trans = QtGui.QColor("transparent")
self.setOpacity(0.2) #mimic background behaviour
6 years ago
self.staticExportItem = staticExportItem
self.posBeforeMove = None
self.cursorPosOnMoveStart = None
#Display Block ID
#self.idText = QtWidgets.QGraphicsSimpleTextItem(str(self.staticExportItem["id"]))
#self.idText.setPos(0, -30)
if self.staticExportItem["duration"] >= 8*api.D1: #cosmetics
self.startLabel = QtWidgets.QGraphicsSimpleTextItem(self.staticExportItem["name"] + " start")
self.startLabel.setPos(15, -2*constantsAndConfigs.stafflineGap)
self.endLabel = QtWidgets.QGraphicsSimpleTextItem(self.staticExportItem["name"] + " end ")
self.endLabel.setPos(self.rect().width() - self.endLabel.boundingRect().width(), -2*constantsAndConfigs.stafflineGap)
self.startLabel = QtWidgets.QGraphicsSimpleTextItem("")
self.endLabel = QtWidgets.QGraphicsSimpleTextItem("")
#Add Resizing Handle at the end
6 years ago
self.marker = ConductorBlockHandle(parent = self)
self.marker.setPos(staticExportItem["duration"] / constantsAndConfigs.ticksToPixelRatio, -1/2* self.rect().height()+2)
#self.setZValue(_zValuesRelativeToConductor["handle"]) #includes the handle
6 years ago
#def paint(self, *args):
# """Prevent the selection rectangle when clicking the item"""
#!! This also prevents the rectangle to show up. Very bad decision.
# pass
def stretchXCoordinates(self, factor):
"""Reposition the items on the X axis.
Call goes through all parents/children, starting from ScoreView._stretchXCoordinates.
Docstring there."""
stretchRect(self, factor)
self.marker.setX(self.marker.pos().x() * factor)
def mouseMoveEvent(self, event):
"""Don't use the qt system. we move ourselves"""
6 years ago
def mousePressEvent(self, event):
def mouseMoveEventCustom(self, event):
Move the whole block, change the tempoTrack form.
Custom gets called by the scene mouse press event directly only when the right keys
are hold down"""
# All the positions below don't work. They work fine when dragging Tracks around but not this Item. I can't be bothered to figure out why.
#scenePos() results ins an item position that is translated down and right. The higher the x/y value the more the offset
#Instead we calculate our delta ourselves.
#self.setPos(self.mapToItem(self, event.scenePos()))
#posGlobal = QtGui.QCursor.pos()
#posView = self.parent.parentScore.parentView.mapFromGlobal(posGlobal) #a widget
#posScene = self.parent.parentScore.parentView.mapToScene(posView)
#print (posGlobal, posView, posScene, event.scenePos())
6 years ago
if self.cursorPosOnMoveStart:
self.setPos(event.scenePos().x(), self.posBeforeMove.y())
#does not work with zooming
if self.cursorPosOnMoveStart:
delta = QtGui.QCursor.pos() - self.cursorPosOnMoveStart
new = self.posBeforeMove + delta
if new.x() < 0:
self.setPos(0, self.posBeforeMove.y())
self.setPos(new.x(), self.posBeforeMove.y())
#event.ignore() #this blocks the qt movable object since we already move the object on our own.
def mousePressEventCustom(self, event):
"""Custom gets called by the scene mouse press event directly only when the right keys
are hold down"""
self.posBeforeMove = self.pos()
self.cursorPosOnMoveStart = QtGui.QCursor.pos()
def mouseReleaseEventCustom(self, event):
"""Custom gets called by the scene mouse press event directly only when the right keys
are hold down"""
self.setPos(self.posBeforeMove) #In case the block was moved to a position where no track is (below the tracks) we just reset the graphics. If the moving was correct then the new position will be set by redrawing the whole Conductor.
self.posBeforeMove = None
self.cursorPosOnMoveStart = None
def splitHere(self, event):
posRelativeToBlockStart = event.scenePos().x() * constantsAndConfigs.ticksToPixelRatio - self.x() * constantsAndConfigs.ticksToPixelRatio
if constantsAndConfigs.snapToGrid:
posRelativeToBlockStart = round(posRelativeToBlockStart / constantsAndConfigs.gridRhythm) * constantsAndConfigs.gridRhythm
if posRelativeToBlockStart > 0:
api.splitTempoBlock(self.staticExportItem["id"], int(posRelativeToBlockStart))
def contextMenuEvent(self, event):
listOfLabelsAndFunctions = [
("edit properties", lambda: TempoBlockPropertiesEdit(self.scene().parentView.mainWindow, staticExportItem = self.staticExportItem)),
("separator", None),
("split here", lambda: self.splitHere(event)),
("duplicate", lambda: api.duplicateTempoBlock(self.staticExportItem["id"])),
("create content link", lambda: api.duplicateContentLinkTempoBlock(self.staticExportItem["id"])),
("unlink", lambda: api.unlinkTempoBlock(self.staticExportItem["id"])),
("separator", None),
("join with next block", lambda: api.mergeWithNextTempoBlock(self.staticExportItem["id"])),
("delete block", lambda: api.deleteTempoBlock(self.staticExportItem["id"])),
("separator", None),
("append block at the end", api.appendTempoBlock),
class ConductorBlockHandle(QtWidgets.QGraphicsRectItem):
6 years ago
"""Provides user interaction so the temp block can be resized by moving this handle with the
mouse left and right.
When user interaction happens this handle acts upon its parent transparent block to resize it
and finally sends a message to the backend, to ask for a data change."""
def __init__(self, parent):
self.parentTransparentBlock = parent
#Line item super().__init__(0,-1, 0, parent.rect().height()-4) #x1, y1, x2, y2
super().__init__(-3, -2, 3, parent.rect().height()) #x, y, w, h
self.setFlags(QtWidgets.QGraphicsItem.ItemIsMovable|QtWidgets.QGraphicsItem.ItemSendsGeometryChanges|QtWidgets.QGraphicsItem.ItemIsFocusable|QtWidgets.QGraphicsItem.ItemIgnoresParentOpacity) #QtWidgets.QGraphicsItem.ItemClipsToShape puts the item behind the parent rect and only receives event inside its own shape.
6 years ago
self.setZValue(_zValuesRelativeToConductor["handle"]) #The handle does not compete with the transparent block but with its contents! Therefore the startItem is set to have a custom lower priority than the handle
self.minimalSize = api.D1 / constantsAndConfigs.ticksToPixelRatio
6 years ago
pen = QtGui.QPen() # creates a default pen
#if not self.parentTransparentBlock.staticExportItem["exportsAllItems"]:
# pen.setStyle(QtCore.Qt.DotLine)
6 years ago
self.inactivePen = pen
self.activePen = QtGui.QPen(pen)
6 years ago
def shape(self):
"""Return a more accurate shape for this item so that
mouse hovering is more accurate"""
path = QtGui.QPainterPath()
path.addRect(QtCore.QRectF(-2, -2, 5, self.parentTransparentBlock.rect().height()+2 )) #this is directly related to inits parameter x, y, w, h
return path
def hoverEnterEvent(self, event):
6 years ago
6 years ago
def hoverLeaveEvent(self, event):
6 years ago
6 years ago
def mousePressEvent(self, event):
self.posBeforeMove = self.pos()
self.cursorPosOnMoveStart = QtGui.QCursor.pos()
def mouseMoveEvent(self, event):
if not self.cursorPosOnMoveStart:
return None
delta = QtGui.QCursor.pos() - self.cursorPosOnMoveStart
new = self.posBeforeMove + delta
if not new.x() < self.minimalSize:
self.setPos(new.x(), self.posBeforeMove.y())
pRect = self.parentTransparentBlock.rect()
event.accept() #this blocks the qt movable object since we already move the object on our own.
#Don't call the super mouseMoveEvent!
def mouseReleaseEvent(self, event):
if self.cursorPosOnMoveStart:
endingRelativeToBlockStart = self.x() * constantsAndConfigs.ticksToPixelRatio - self.parentTransparentBlock.x()
if constantsAndConfigs.snapToGrid:
endingRelativeToBlockStart = round(endingRelativeToBlockStart / constantsAndConfigs.gridRhythm) * constantsAndConfigs.gridRhythm
assert endingRelativeToBlockStart > 0
self.setPos(self.posBeforeMove) #In case the handle was moved to a position where it wasn't allowed no backend action will happen. Just in case we reset the graphics for a smoother user experience.
self.posBeforeMove = None
self.cursorPosOnMoveStart = None
api.changeTempoBlockDuration(self.parentTransparentBlock.staticExportItem["id"], endingRelativeToBlockStart)
class TempoPoint(QtWidgets.QGraphicsItem):
"""A point where the values can be edited by the user.
The first TempoPoint cannot be hovered. It is instead attached to a block handle.
instances = []
def __init__(self, parentTempoTrack, staticExportItem, parentBlock):
self.staticExportItem = staticExportItem
self.parentTempoTrack = parentTempoTrack
self.parentBlock = parentBlock
if not self.staticExportItem["positionInBlock"] == 0:
#Too irritating. And confuses with handle movement. self.setCursor(QtCore.Qt.SizeHorCursor) #this sets the cursor while the mouse is over the item. It is independent of AcceptHoverEvents
self.setZValue(0) #avoid hovering conflict with block handle
self.ungrabMouse = api.nothing #to surpress a warning from the context menu
6 years ago
self.note = QtWidgets.QGraphicsTextItem("")
self.note.setHtml("<font size='6'>{}</font>".format(constantsAndConfigs.realNoteDisplay[staticExportItem["referenceTicks"]]))
self.note.setPos(-6,0) #adjust items font x offsset.
self.number = QtWidgets.QGraphicsTextItem("")
#self.number.setHtml("<font color='black' size='2'>{}</font>".format(str(int(staticExportItem["unitsPerMinute"]))))
self.number.setHtml("<font size='2'>{}</font>".format(str(int(staticExportItem["unitsPerMinute"]))))
self.number.setPos(-6,0) #adjust items font x offsset.
if not self.staticExportItem["graphType"] == "standalone":
self.arrow = QtWidgets.QGraphicsTextItem("") #unicode long arrow right #
self.arrow = None
for n in (self.note, self.number, self.arrow):
if n: n.setDefaultTextColor(QtGui.QColor("black"))
self.wheelEventChangedValue = 0 #resetted in hoverEnterEvent. But we still need it for new items that appear directly under the mouse cursor
def paint(self, painter, options, widget=None):
#painter.drawRect(self.boundingRect()) #uncomment to show the bounding rect
def boundingRect(self):
return QtCore.QRectF(0,0,25,50) #x, y, w, h
def mouseMoveEvent(self, event):
if self.staticExportItem["positionInBlock"] == 0:
#First in block can't be moved
#toTheRight = True if event.scenePos().x() - event.lastScenePos().x()) > 0 else False
delta = event.scenePos().x() - event.lastScenePos().x()
newPos = self.x() + delta
if 0 <= newPos < self.parentTempoTrack.staffLine.line().x2(): #within the conductor line
def mousePressEvent(self, event):
"""Override the mousePressEvent to deactivate it.
Otherwise the event will be sent to the parent block and create a new TempoItem
at this point even if there is already one. Effectively replacing a custom item with
default value"""
#if self.staticExportItem["positionInBlock"] == 0:
# print ("no")
# #super().mousePressEvent(event)
event.accept() #
def mouseReleaseEvent(self, event):
if self.staticExportItem["positionInBlock"] == 0:
#First in block can't be moved
tickPositionAbsolute = self.scenePos().x() * constantsAndConfigs.ticksToPixelRatio
if constantsAndConfigs.snapToGrid:
tickPositionAbsolute = round(tickPositionAbsolute / constantsAndConfigs.gridRhythm) * constantsAndConfigs.gridRhythm
api.moveTempoItem(self.staticExportItem["id"], tickPositionAbsolute)
def hoverEnterEvent(self, event):
self.parentTempoTrack.parentView.mainWindow.ui.actionDelete.setEnabled(False) #Delete key collides with our hover-delete.
self.wheelEventChangedValue = 0
for n in (self.note, self.number, self.arrow):
if n: n.setDefaultTextColor(QtGui.QColor("cyan"))
def hoverLeaveEvent(self, event):
self.parentTempoTrack.parentView.mainWindow.ui.actionDelete.setEnabled(True) #Delete key collides with our hover-delete.
for n in (self.note, self.number, self.arrow):
if n: n.setDefaultTextColor(QtGui.QColor("black"))
if self.wheelEventChangedValue:
api.insertTempoItemAtAbsolutePosition(self.staticExportItem["position"], self.staticExportItem["unitsPerMinute"] + self.wheelEventChangedValue, self.staticExportItem["referenceTicks"], self.staticExportItem["graphType"])
def wheelEvent(self, event):
"""This buffers until hoverLeaveEvent and then the new value is sent in self.hoverLeaveEvent"""
print ("w")
6 years ago
if > 0:
self.wheelEventChangedValue += 1
self.wheelEventChangedValue -= 1
self.number.setHtml("<font size='2'>{}</font>".format(str(int(self.staticExportItem["unitsPerMinute"] + self.wheelEventChangedValue))))
def keyPressEvent(self, event):
"""Handle the delete item key.
Needs grabKeyboard, but NOT setFocus
The event will not be sent if it is blocked by a global shortcut.
key = event.key()
if key == 16777223:
#after delete the item and tempo tracks gets recreated so we need to reactivate the shortcut now. It will work without these two lines, but that is only implicit behaviour.
self.parentTempoTrack.parentView.mainWindow.ui.actionDelete.setEnabled(True) #Delete key collides with our hover-delete.
return super().keyPressEvent(event)
def contextMenuEvent(self, event):
listOfLabelsAndFunctions = [
("edit properties", lambda: SecondaryTempoChangeMenu(self.scene().parentView.mainWindow, staticExportTempoItem = self.staticExportItem)),
if not self.staticExportItem["positionInBlock"] == 0:
listOfLabelsAndFunctions.append(("delete", lambda: api.removeTempoItem(self.staticExportItem["id"])))
class TimeLine(QtWidgets.QGraphicsItem):
"""Displays the real time."""
class TimePoint(QtWidgets.QGraphicsSimpleTextItem):
instances = []
def __init__(self, parent, positionInSeconds):
m, s = divmod(positionInSeconds, 60)
text = "{}:{} min".format(str(int(m)).zfill(2), str(int(s)).zfill(2))
marker = QtWidgets.QGraphicsLineItem(0, 0, 0, -10) #vertical marker to connect to the conductor line
def __init__(self, parent):
self.parent = parent
self.gridInSeconds = 10
#no redraw on init. self.parent.staticPoints is not set yet.
def paint(self, *args):
def boundingRect(self, *args):
return oneRectToReturnThemAll
def redraw(self, staticRepresentationList):
if not self.parent.staticPoints:
return None
sliceStartInSeconds = 0 #counted, not calculated
gridCounter = 0 # int("how often was a gridMarker generated")
result = []
for nowPoint, nextPoint in pairwise(self.parent.staticPoints):
"""Values we can't calculate:
sliceEndInTicks / ticksPerSecond . sliceEndInTicks is an absolute position.
but ticksPerSecond changes with every slice. Therefore you would discard all
ticksPerSecond value except the last and calculate a wrong value.
Instead we need to calculate the seconds always in the slice and then count
the overall length.
tempoForThisSlice = abs(nowPoint["value"])
sliceDurationInTicks = nextPoint["position"] - nowPoint["position"]
ticksPerSecondForThisSlice = tempoForThisSlice * api.D4 / 60 # ["value"] is normalized beatsPerMinute(!) for quarter notes. calculated from "units" and "referenceTicks"
sliceDurationInSeconds = sliceDurationInTicks / ticksPerSecondForThisSlice
sliceEndInSeconds = sliceStartInSeconds + sliceDurationInSeconds
while sliceStartInSeconds < (gridCounter+1) * self.gridInSeconds <= sliceEndInSeconds: #is the next grid marker(+1) in the current slice?
gridCounter += 1
secondsSinceLastTempoChange = gridCounter * self.gridInSeconds - sliceStartInSeconds
posInTicks = nowPoint["position"] + secondsSinceLastTempoChange * ticksPerSecondForThisSlice
assert nowPoint["position"] <= posInTicks <= nextPoint["position"]
result.append((posInTicks, gridCounter * self.gridInSeconds))
sliceStartInSeconds = sliceEndInSeconds
#After the loop both sliceStartInSeconds and sliceEndInSeconds are equal to the overall length of the track in seconds
#Add an end marker to the results and create the qGraphicItems to display the time markers.
if nextPoint["position"] > 0:
result.append((nextPoint["position"], sliceEndInSeconds))
for tickPos, secPos in result:
timePoint = self.TimePoint(self, secPos)
timePoint.setPos(tickPos / constantsAndConfigs.ticksToPixelRatio, 10)
def stretchXCoordinates(self, factor):
"""Does NOT just reposition the existing items but displays a different
time grid"""
for timePoint in self.TimePoint.instances:
timePoint.setX(timePoint.pos().x() * factor)