# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Copyright 2017 , Nils Hilbricht , Germany ( https : / / www . hilbricht . net )
This file is part of Laborejo ( https : / / www . laborejo . org )
Laborejo is free software : you can redistribute it and / or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation , either version 3 of the License , or
( at your option ) any later version .
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details .
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program . If not , see < http : / / www . gnu . org / licenses / > .
import logging ; logging . info ( " import {} " . format ( __file__ ) )
#Standard Library Modules
from collections import deque
from fractions import Fraction
from weakref import WeakSet , WeakValueDictionary
from warnings import warn
#Third Party Modules
from calfbox import cbox
#Template Modules
import template . engine . pitch as pitchmath
import template . engine . duration as duration
from template . engine . duration import DM , DB , DL , D1 , D2 , D4 , D8 , D16 , D32 , D64 , D128 , D256 , D512 , D1024 , D_DEFAULT , D_STACCATO , D_TENUTO , D_TIE
from template . helper import EndlessGenerator , flatList
## Part of other items ##
class Note ( object ) :
""" A note cannot be inserted in a track directly. It relies on a Chord structure.
A note is not the level of operation . All note operations go through the notes parent Chord
item . This is not only a design but is actually needed for undo . Only the Chord methods return
their reverse operation for the undo system to register .
for example note . octaveUp just sets self . pitch an octave up and returns None . """
allNotes = WeakValueDictionary ( ) #key is the noteId, value is the weak reference to the Note. AND NOT CHORDS
def __init__ ( self , parentChord , duration , pitch ) :
self . pitch = pitch #a value from constants.py with octave modifier
self . duration = duration #a Duration instance
self . dynamic = Dynamic ( )
self . _secondInit ( parentChord )
def _secondInit ( self , parentChord ) :
""" see Item._secondInit """
self . parentChord = parentChord
self . rememberNote ( )
def pitch ( self ) :
if self . _pitch < 20 :
warn ( " Pitch {} lower than the lowest note detected. Exported normalized non-destructively to lowest possible note. Please raise pitch again manually before further editing. " . format ( self . _pitch ) )
return 20
elif self . _pitch > 3140 :
warn ( " Pitch {} higher than the highest note detected. Exported normalized non-destructively to highest possible note. Please raise pitch again manually before further editing. " . format ( self . _pitch ) )
return 3140
else :
return self . _pitch
@pitch . setter
def pitch ( self , value ) :
self . _pitch = value
def instanceFromSerializedData ( cls , serializedObject , parentObject ) :
""" see Score.instanceFromSerializedData """
assert cls . __name__ == serializedObject [ " class " ]
self = cls . __new__ ( cls )
self . _pitch = int ( serializedObject [ " pitch " ] )
self . duration = Duration . instanceFromSerializedData ( serializedObject [ " duration " ] , parentObject = self )
self . dynamic = Dynamic . instanceFromSerializedData ( serializedObject [ " dynamic " ] , parentObject = self )
self . _secondInit ( parentChord = parentObject )
return self
def serialize ( self ) :
result = { }
result [ " class " ] = " Note "
result [ " duration " ] = self . duration . serialize ( )
result [ " pitch " ] = self . _pitch
result [ " dynamic " ] = self . dynamic . serialize ( )
return result
def rememberNote ( self ) :
oid = id ( self )
Note . allNotes [ oid ] = self
#weakref_finalize(self, print, "deleted note "+str(oid))
return oid
def copy ( self , newParentChord ) :
new = Note ( newParentChord , self . duration . copy ( ) , self . _pitch )
new . dynamic = self . dynamic . copy ( )
return new
def __lt__ ( self , other ) : # self < other
return self . pitch < other . pitch
def __le__ ( self , other ) : # self <= other
return self . pitch < = other . pitch
def __eq__ ( self , other ) : # self == other
return self . pitch == other . pitch
def __ne__ ( self , other ) : # self != other
return self . pitch != other . pitch
def __gt__ ( self , other ) : # self > other
return self . pitch > other . pitch
def __ge__ ( self , other ) : # self >= other
return self . pitch > = other . pitch
def asDotOnLine ( self , clef ) :
return pitchmath . distanceInDiatonicStepsFrom1720 [ self . pitch ] + clef . asDotOnLineOffset
def accidental ( self , keysig ) :
""" -20, -10, 0, +10, +20
and just 1 , which is Natural """
diff = pitchmath . diffToKey ( self . pitch , keysig )
#If there is a variation to the keysig. We need to find out if a white note has to get an accidental or an already altered noted (from the keysig) gets a natural sign.
if diff and self . pitch == pitchmath . toWhite [ self . pitch ] :
return 1 #natural
elif diff == 0 : #This just means it is the same as the keysig.
return diff
else : #it is different to the keysig. Traditionally the accidental shows the difference to white, not to the keysig. eis in C-minor is #e not Xe/##e
return self . pitch - pitchmath . toWhite [ self . pitch ]
#Inplace pitch modifications
def sharpen ( self ) :
self . pitch = pitchmath . sharpen ( self . pitch )
def flatten ( self ) :
self . pitch = pitchmath . flatten ( self . pitch )
def intervalAutomatic ( self , rootPitch , targetPitch ) :
""" Change the notepitch with the same interval that is between
rootPitch and targetPitch """
self . pitch = pitchmath . intervalAutomatic ( self . pitch , rootPitch , targetPitch )
def mirrorAroundCursor ( self , cursorPitch ) :
self . pitch = pitchmath . mirror ( self . pitch , axis = cursorPitch )
#def toWhite(self):
# self.pitch = pitch.toWhite[self.pitch]
#def mirror(self, keysig, axis):
# """Wants two pitches"""
# self.pitch = pitch.mirror(self.pitch, axis)
# self.toScale(keysig)
def octaveUp ( self ) :
self . pitch = self . pitch + 350
def octaveDown ( self ) :
self . pitch = self . pitch - 350
def toScale ( self , keysig ) :
self . pitch = pitchmath . toScale ( self . pitch , keysig )
def stepUpInScale ( self , keysig ) :
self . pitch + = 50
self . toScale ( keysig ) #adjust to keysig.
def stepDownInScale ( self , keysig ) :
self . pitch - = 50
self . toScale ( keysig ) #adjust to keysig.
def exportObject ( self , trackState ) :
dur = self . duration . completeDuration ( )
on , off = self . duration . noteOnAndOff ( trackState , dur )
result = {
" type " : " note " ,
" id " : id ( self ) ,
" accidental " : self . accidental ( trackState . keySignature ( ) ) ,
" dotOnLine " : self . asDotOnLine ( trackState . clef ( ) ) ,
" dots " : self . duration . dots ,
" tuplets " : self . duration . tuplets ,
" notehead " : self . duration . notehead ,
" completeDuration " : dur ,
#"leftModInTicks" : self.duration.startModInTicks(trackState), #only for gui. midi is in self.noteOnAndOff
" leftModInTicks " : on ,
#"rightModInTicks" : self.duration.endModInTicks(trackState), #only for gui. midi is in self.noteOnAndOff
" rightModInTicks " : off - dur ,
" tieDistanceInTicks " : dur , #because technically that is right. This note sounds until this value.
" tie " : " " , #empty, first, notFirst . notFirst is the end of a tie-sequence as well as a middle tie: c ~ [c] ~ c
" manualOverride " : bool ( self . duration . shiftStart or ( self . duration . shiftEnd and not self . duration . durationKeyword == D_TIE ) ) ,
" durationKeyword " : self . duration . durationKeyword , #an int. We internally use constants through module constants.D_KEYWORD
" velocity " : self . dynamic . velocity ( trackState ) , #int
" velocityManualOverride " : bool ( self . dynamic . velocityModification ) ,
" endTick " : trackState . tickindex , #for ties.
" dynamicKeyword " : self . dynamic . dynamicKeyword , #int/"enum", defined in constants. One-time Dynamic Signature for sfz, fp and accents.
#Handle tied notes.
if self . pitch in trackState . EXPORTtiedNoteExportObjectsWaitingForClosing :
result [ " tie " ] = " notFirst "
if not self . duration . durationKeyword == D_TIE : #this was the last tied note, not a middle.
trackState . EXPORTtiedNoteExportObjectsWaitingForClosing [ self . pitch ] [ " rightModInTicks " ] = trackState . tickindex - trackState . EXPORTtiedNoteExportObjectsWaitingForClosing [ self . pitch ] [ " endTick " ] + result [ " rightModInTicks " ]
trackState . EXPORTtiedNoteExportObjectsWaitingForClosing [ self . pitch ] [ " tieDistanceInTicks " ] = trackState . tickindex - dur - trackState . EXPORTtiedNoteExportObjectsWaitingForClosing [ self . pitch ] [ " endTick " ] + trackState . EXPORTtiedNoteExportObjectsWaitingForClosing [ self . pitch ] [ " completeDuration " ]
del trackState . EXPORTtiedNoteExportObjectsWaitingForClosing [ self . pitch ] #delete this pitch from the dict. Obviously this does not delete the exportObject.
elif self . duration . durationKeyword == D_TIE : #since we already made sure this pitch is not waiting for a closing/middle tie but we are a tie we can be sure to be the first in a sequence.
result [ " tie " ] = " first "
trackState . EXPORTtiedNoteExportObjectsWaitingForClosing [ self . pitch ] = result
self . _cachedExportObject = result
return result
def lilypond ( self ) :
""" Called by chord.lilypond(), See Item.lilypond for the general docstring.
Returns two strings , pitch and duration .
The duration is per - chord or needs special polyphony . """
return pitchmath . pitch2ly [ self . pitch ] , self . duration . lilypond ( )
class Dynamic ( object ) :
""" dynamic means velocity midi terms.
( but not volume and not expression ) .
Absolute velocity can never go over 128 or below 0. 0 means mute .
This is not a Dynamic Item which can be inserted into a track .
Only notes have a working dynamic attribute .
def __init__ ( self ) :
self . velocityModification = 0 #signed int which will simply get added to the current dynamic signatures value.
self . dynamicKeyword = 0 #TODO One-time Dynamic Signature for sfz, fp and accents.
def _secondInit ( self , parentNote ) :
""" see Item._secondInit """
def instanceFromSerializedData ( cls , serializedObject , parentObject ) :
""" see Score.instanceFromSerializedData """
assert cls . __name__ == serializedObject [ " class " ]
self = cls . __new__ ( cls )
self . velocityModification = int ( serializedObject [ " velocityModification " ] )
self . dynamicKeyword = int ( serializedObject [ " dynamicKeyword " ] )
self . _secondInit ( parentNote = parentObject )
return self
def serialize ( self ) :
result = { }
result [ " class " ] = " Dynamic "
result [ " velocityModification " ] = self . velocityModification
result [ " dynamicKeyword " ] = self . dynamicKeyword
return result
def copy ( self ) :
new = Dynamic ( )
new . velocityModification = self . velocityModification #int, needs no special copy
new . dynamicKeyword = self . dynamicKeyword #int, needs no special copy
return new
def velocity ( self , trackState ) :
#todo: if keyword. see init
base = trackState . dynamicSignature ( ) . baseVelocity ( trackState )
if trackState . dynamicRamp : #maybe override the baseVelocity.
vel = trackState . dynamicRamp . getVelocity ( trackState . tickindex - trackState . track . previousItem ( ) . logicalDuration ( ) ) #TODO: The tickindex is already ahead of the current item. Somehow in the whole program that doesn't matter except for DynamicRamps. this is really strange. I don't know if this is a design error or one of the few exceptions. Actually, a rather prominent "exception" is the exportObject for every item which is state.tickindex - item.logicalDuration() and even has a comment. So I guess it is alright.
if not vel is None : #0 is good. None means there is a DynamicRamp but not a target velocity. So we ignore it for now.
base = vel
value = int ( base + self . velocityModification )
if value < 0 :
return 0
elif value > 127 :
return 127
else :
return value
class Duration ( object ) :
""" Don ' t be confused by the amount of durations in the score.
Each item has a duration . A clef has a duration , including the default one in TrackState .
A chord has a null - duration itself , because it is an Item , and also each note in the chord
has its own duration . These are the real durations .
There are multiple concepts of " duration " in the program :
baseDuration : The note without dots , tuplets or other modifications . This is the basic note
on a sheet of paper .
completeDuration : baseDuration with dots and tuplets . But no shifting ( staccato , manual mod etc . )
noteOnAndOff : the final tick value for midi export . complete duration with all
expression modifications like staccato , slurs or tenuto and user fine control
logicalDuration : Value used to calculate the order and spacing of items . aka . determines how
many ticks the cursor advances when parsing the item or how many pixels space are needed in a
GUI before the next item . For normal chords this is the same as completeDuration .
But this also includes values for MultiMeasure Rests and other special cases .
Note that this is not the sounding duration from noteOnAndOff but the " original " duration
without any interpretation or expression based modifications .
The duration of a chord is called " durationGroup " , which is it ' s own class. Why the name
mismatch ? Because all the data that matters to the outside gets exported to a static dict .
For chords the logicalDuration is the shortest logical note . Example : A chord consists of
a half note with staccato and a quarter note which is extended by quite a bit through manual
shifting . The sounding quarter note is longer than the sounding half note .
noteOnAndOff ( half note ) < noteOnAndOff ( quarter ) .
But the logical duration is still the completeDuration where a half note is always longer than
a quarter note .
def __init__ ( self , baseDuration ) :
self . _baseDuration = baseDuration #base value. Without dots, tuplets/times , overrides etc. this is the duration for all representations
self . tuplets = [ ] # a list of tuplets [(numerator, denominator), (,)...]. normal triplet is (2,3). Numerator is the level of the notehead. 2^n Each is one level of tuplets, arbitrary nesting depth. [2,3] for triplet # Tuplet multiplication is used for all representations and gets auto-merged on lilypond output to tuplet groups (if its in a chord). This is a list and not tuple() because json load will make it a list anyway.
self . dots = 0 #number of dots.
self . durationKeyword = D_DEFAULT
#The offsets shift the start and ending to the left and right or rather: earlier and later. positive values mean later, negative values mean earlier.
self . shiftStart = 0 # in ticks
self . shiftEnd = 0 # in ticks
self . _secondInit ( parentItem = None ) #see Item._secondInit
def _secondInit ( self , parentItem ) :
""" see Score._secondInit """
#discard parentItem
self . genericNumber = self . calcGenericNumber ( )
self . notehead = self . calcNotehead ( ) #depends on self.genericNumber
#self.cachedCompleteDuration = None
def __setattr__ ( self , name , value ) :
#print ("change!", self, name, value)
super ( ) . __setattr__ ( name , value )
super ( ) . __setattr__ ( " cachedCompleteDuration " , None )
def createByGuessing ( cls , completeDuration ) : #class method. no self.
""" Return a new Duration. A constructor class method.
Take one absolute tick value and guess what is the best
duration combination ( base , tuplets , dots . . . ) for it .
createByGuessing exists to distinguish between dotted notes and fractions .
This means that the duration must be somehow musical precise and without fuzzyness .
You can ' t shove arbitrary live-recorded duration values in here. It is not a quantizer " " "
def _closest ( num , datalist ) :
""" only for positive numbers """
if num in datalist :
return num
else :
positions = len ( datalist )
tmplist = [ 0 ] + sorted ( datalist )
tmplist . reverse ( )
#Loop over all positions except the last 0.
for x in range ( positions ) :
if tmplist [ x + 1 ] < num < tmplist [ x ] :
return tmplist [ x ]
else : #the highest value in datalist was smaller
return None
durList = [ D1024 , D512 , D256 , D128 , D64 , D32 , D16 , D8 , D4 , D2 , D1 , DB , DL , DM ]
guessedBase = _closest ( completeDuration , durList )
if guessedBase :
if completeDuration in durList : #no need for guessing
new = cls ( completeDuration )
elif completeDuration / 1.5 in durList : #single dot
new = cls ( completeDuration / 1.5 )
new . dots = 1
elif completeDuration / 1.5 / 1.5 in durList : #double dots
new = cls ( completeDuration / 1.5 / 1.5 )
new . dots = 2
else : #tuplet. That means the value is below a standard "notehead" duration. We need to find how much much lower.
new = cls ( guessedBase )
#ratio = completeDuration / guessedBase #0.666~ for triplet
newRatio = Fraction ( completeDuration , guessedBase ) . limit_denominator ( 100000 ) #protects 6 or 7 decimal positions
new . tuplets = [ ( newRatio . numerator , newRatio . denominator ) ]
else :
#the base could not be guessed. In this case we just create a non-standard note.
warn ( " non-standard duration generated " )
new = cls ( int ( completeDuration ) ) #210, minimum base duration value.
return new
def instanceFromSerializedData ( cls , serializedObject , parentObject ) :
""" see Score.instanceFromSerializedData """
assert cls . __name__ == serializedObject [ " class " ]
self = cls . __new__ ( cls )
self . _baseDuration = int ( serializedObject [ " baseDuration " ] )
self . tuplets = serializedObject [ " tuplets " ] #TODO: make sure the types are correct?
self . dots = int ( serializedObject [ " dots " ] )
self . durationKeyword = int ( serializedObject [ " durationKeyword " ] )
self . shiftStart = int ( serializedObject [ " shiftStart " ] )
self . shiftEnd = int ( serializedObject [ " shiftEnd " ] )
self . _secondInit ( parentItem = parentObject )
return self
def serialize ( self ) :
result = { }
result [ " class " ] = " Duration "
result [ " baseDuration " ] = self . _baseDuration
result [ " tuplets " ] = self . tuplets
result [ " dots " ] = self . dots
result [ " shiftStart " ] = self . shiftStart
result [ " shiftEnd " ] = self . shiftEnd
result [ " durationKeyword " ] = self . durationKeyword
return result
def baseDuration ( self ) :
return self . _baseDuration
@baseDuration . setter
def baseDuration ( self , value ) :
""" implement limits """
if value < D1024 :
value = D1024
elif value > DM :
value = DM
self . _baseDuration = value
def copy ( self ) :
new = Duration ( self . baseDuration )
new . tuplets = self . tuplets . copy ( )
new . dots = self . dots
new . genericNumber = new . calcGenericNumber ( )
new . notehead = new . calcNotehead ( )
new . durationKeyword = self . durationKeyword
new . shiftStart = self . shiftStart
new . shiftEnd = self . shiftEnd
return new
def augment ( self ) :
self . baseDuration * = 2
self . genericNumber = self . calcGenericNumber ( )
self . notehead = self . calcNotehead ( )
def diminish ( self ) :
self . baseDuration / = 2
self . genericNumber = self . calcGenericNumber ( )
self . notehead = self . calcNotehead ( )
def calcGenericNumber ( self ) :
""" A number for humans and lilypond. 4 = quarter, 2 = half """
return duration . baseDurationToTraditionalNumber [ self . baseDuration ]
def calcNotehead ( self ) :
""" What classical notehead would be used
to express baseDuration """
if self . genericNumber > = 4 :
return 4
else :
return self . genericNumber
def completeDuration ( self ) :
""" Ticks with dots and tuplets. But not leftMod rightMod
x = basic note value , n = number of dots : 2 x - x / 2 ^ n
This function doesn ' t seem to be much. Why all the optimisation?
Because it is called very very often . many times or so for a single note .
if not self . baseDuration :
return 0
if self . cachedCompleteDuration :
return self . cachedCompleteDuration
else :
value = 2 * self . baseDuration - self . baseDuration / 2 * * self . dots
for numerator , denominator in self . tuplets :
value = value * numerator / denominator
if not value == int ( value ) :
raise ValueError ( " Only integers are allowed as durations. {} is not {} . " . format ( value , int ( value ) ) ) #TODO: leave this in until real world testing. We *could* live with floats for very complex tuplets, but let's see where this leads us.
value = int ( value )
super ( ) . __setattr__ ( " cachedCompleteDuration " , value )
return value
def noteOnAndOff ( self , trackState , completeDuration ) :
""" For GUI and Midi
return a tick value , the offset from an imaginary
starting point on the tick / time axis , which needs to be
added later . Think t = 0 during this function .
We do not export the actual duration since this function
is intended for midi which only needs start and end points
and calculates the duration itself . """
on = self . startModInTicks ( trackState ) ( completeDuration )
off = completeDuration + self . endModInTicks ( trackState ) ( completeDuration )
if on > off :
warn ( " Your calculation resulted in a note off before note on. Please change it manually. Forced to standard note on/off. \n {} \n {} " . format ( self . startModInTicks ( trackState ) , self . endModInTicks ( trackState ) ) )
return 0 , completeDuration
else :
return ( on , off )
def startModInTicks ( self , trackState ) :
""" Modifications have different priority. A user created mod
is always highest priority .
Contexts like slurs or other instructions are next .
Then follow individual duration keywords . There can only be one
keyword at a time . """
if self . shiftStart :
return lambda x : self . shiftStart
elif trackState . duringLegatoSlur :
return trackState . track . durationSettingsSignature . legatoOn
elif self . durationKeyword == D_DEFAULT or self . durationKeyword == D_TIE :
return trackState . track . durationSettingsSignature . defaultOn
elif self . durationKeyword == D_STACCATO :
return trackState . track . durationSettingsSignature . staccatoOn
elif self . durationKeyword == D_TENUTO :
return trackState . track . durationSettingsSignature . tenutoOn
else :
raise ValueError ( " Duration Keyword {} unknown " . format ( self . durationKeyword ) )
def endModInTicks ( self , trackState ) :
""" see Duration.startMod """
if self . shiftEnd :
return lambda x : self . shiftEnd
elif trackState . duringLegatoSlur :
if self . durationKeyword == D_STACCATO : #slur plus staccato cancels each other out
return trackState . track . durationSettingsSignature . defaultOff
else :
return trackState . track . durationSettingsSignature . legatoOff
elif self . durationKeyword == D_DEFAULT or self . durationKeyword == D_TIE :
return trackState . track . durationSettingsSignature . defaultOff
elif self . durationKeyword == D_STACCATO :
return trackState . track . durationSettingsSignature . staccatoOff
elif self . durationKeyword == D_TENUTO :
return trackState . track . durationSettingsSignature . tenutoOff
else :
raise ValueError ( " Duration Keyword {} unknown " . format ( self . durationKeyword ) )
def toggleDurationKeyword ( self , keywordConstant ) :
""" Activate a keyword for a note. If the note already has one,
overwrite it . Except it already has the same keyword , then
remove it """
if self . durationKeyword == keywordConstant :
self . durationKeyword = D_DEFAULT
else :
self . durationKeyword = keywordConstant
def toggleDot ( self ) :
if self . dots == 1 :
self . dots = 2
elif self . dots == 0 :
self . dots = 1
else :
self . dots = 0
def toggleTriplet ( self ) :
if self . tuplets == [ ( 2 , 3 ) ] :
self . tuplets = [ ]
else :
self . tuplets = [ ( 2 , 3 ) ]
def lilypond ( self ) :
""" Called by note.lilypond(), See Item.lilypond for the general docstring.
returns a number as string . """
if self . durationKeyword == D_TIE :
append = " ~ "
else :
append = " "
n = self . genericNumber
if n == 0 :
return " \\ breve " + append
elif n == - 1 :
return " \\ longa " + append
elif n == - 2 :
return " \\ maxima " + append
else :
return str ( n ) + self . dots * " . " + append
class DurationGroup ( object ) :
""" Holds several durations and returns values meant for chords.
Always up to date since notelist is a mutable data type .
Is compatible to Duration ( ) methods and parameters .
For the representation and calculation always the minimum
note duration counts for the whole chord . """
def __init__ ( self , chord ) :
self . chord = chord
self . group = True
self . minimumNote = None
self . cacheMinimumNote ( ) #the shortest note. set inplace.
def cacheMinimumNote ( self ) :
work = [ ]
for note in self . chord . notelist :
work . append ( ( note . duration . completeDuration ( ) , note ) )
self . minimumNote = min ( work ) [ 1 ] #a list of tuplets (duration, note). The minimum is the one with the lowest duration, [1] is the note
def templateDuration ( self ) :
""" for chord addNote we need some template """
return self . minimumNote . duration . copy ( )
def completeDuration ( self ) :
""" Complete Musical Duration of this item. """
return self . minimumNote . duration . completeDuration ( )
def hasTuplet ( self ) :
""" Return true if there is any tuplet in any note """
return any ( note . duration . tuplets for note in self . chord . notelist )
def baseDuration ( self ) :
return self . minimumNote . duration . baseDuration
def genericNumber ( self ) :
return duration . baseDurationToTraditionalNumber [ self . baseDuration ]
## Items ##
def createChordOrRest ( completeDuration , pitchlist , velocityModification ) :
""" Return a Chord or Rest instance.
The complete duration is the absolute duration after
dots , tuplets etc . e . g . generated by midi in .
Pitchlist can also be empty then it generates rests . But you
have to explicitely set it to empty .
This is used by the pattern generator which supports both
rests and chords and works by absolute durations .
durationObject = Duration . createByGuessing ( completeDuration )
dynamic = Dynamic ( )
dynamic . velocityModification = velocityModification
if pitchlist : #chord
new = Chord ( firstDuration = durationObject , firstPitch = pitchlist [ 0 ] )
for pitch in pitchlist [ 1 : ] :
new . addNote ( pitch )
for note in new . notelist :
note . dynamic = dynamic . copy ( )
else :
new = Rest ( durationObject )
return new
class Item ( object ) :
pseudoDuration = Duration ( 0 ) #any item has a duration. But we don't need a new pseudo duration instance for every clef and keysig.
def __init__ ( self ) :
self . duration = self . pseudoDuration
self . notelist = [ ]
self . parentBlocks = WeakSet ( ) #this is filled and manipulated by the Block Class through copy, split, contentLink etc. this takes also care of Item.copy(). Don't look in this file for anything parentBlocks related.
#self._secondInit(parentBlock = None) #Items don't know their parent object. They are in a mutable list which can be in several containers.
self . lilypondParameters = { # Only use basic data types! Not all lilypond parameters are used by every item. For clarity and editing we keep them all in one place.
" visible " : True ,
" override " : " " ,
" explicit " : False ,
def _secondInit ( self , parentBlock ) :
""" see Score._secondInit """
def deserializeDurationAndNotelistInPlace ( self , serializedObject ) :
""" Part of instanceFromSerializedData.
Any Item has a notelist and a duration , even if they are
empty or never read .
Needs a self , so
the instance needs to be created . Call after
self = cls . __new__ ( cls ) """
self . parentBlocks = WeakSet ( ) #inserted by the parent load method
self . duration = Duration . instanceFromSerializedData ( serializedObject [ " duration " ] , parentObject = self ) #needs to be implemented in every childclass because we do not call Item.instanceFromSerializedData
self . notelist = [ Note . instanceFromSerializedData ( note , parentObject = self ) for note in serializedObject [ " notelist " ] ]
self . lilypondParameters = serializedObject [ " lilypondParameters " ]
def instanceFromSerializedData ( cls , serializedObject , parentObject ) :
""" see Score.instanceFromSerializedData.
This does not get called by a child class so you need to
reimplement self . duration and other common parameters in
every child class ! """
assert cls . __name__ == serializedObject [ " class " ]
self = cls . __new__ ( cls )
self . deserializeDurationAndNotelistInPlace ( serializedObject ) #creates parentBlocks
self . _secondInit ( parentTrack = parentObject )
return self
def serialize ( self ) :
""" Return a serialized data from this instance. Used for save, load
and undo / redo .
Can be called in a chain by subclasses with super ( ) . serialize
The main difference between serialize and exportObject is that
serialize does not compute anything . I just saves the state
without calulating note on and off or stem directions ,
for example .
#result = super().serialize() #call this in child classes
result = { }
result [ " class " ] = self . __class__ . __name__
result [ " duration " ] = self . duration . serialize ( )
result [ " notelist " ] = [ note . serialize ( ) for note in self . notelist ]
result [ " lilypondParameters " ] = self . lilypondParameters
return result
def _exportObject ( self , trackState ) :
""" Implement this in every child class, return a dict.
Base class function to return a dict which is a good layout
export basis . For example for GUI frontends . They don ' t have to
parse and calculate their own values in slow pure Python then
midiBytes is a list with patternBlob / binary data generated by
cbox . Pattern . serialize_event ( position , midibyte1 ( noteon ) , midibyte2 ( pitch ) , midibyte3 ( velocity ) )
Items with duration , like chords , will most like need to create
at least two patternBlobs , one for the start ( e . g . note on ) and one
for the stop ( e . g . note off )
raise NotImplementedError ( " Implement _exportObject() for this item type! " )
#And for documentation and education here a template exportObject
duration = 0
return {
" type " : " " ,
" completeDuration " : duration ,
" tickindex " : trackState . tickindex - duration , #we parse the tickindex after we stepped over the item.
" midiBytes " : [ ] ,
" UIstring " : " " , #this is for a UI, possibly a text UI, maybe for simple items of a GUI. Make it as short and unambigious as possible.
def exportObject ( self , trackState ) :
exportDict = {
" id " : id ( self ) ,
" lilypondParameters " : self . lilypondParameters ,
exportDict . update ( self . _exportObject ( trackState ) )
return exportDict
def parentTracks ( self ) :
#return (block.parentTrack for block in self.parentBlocks[0])
return ( block . parentTrack for block in list ( self . parentBlocks ) [ 0 ] . linkedContentBlocksInScore ( ) )
def parentTrackIds ( self ) :
return ( id ( tr ) for tr in self . parentTracks )
def _copy ( self ) :
""" return an independent copy of self """
raise NotImplementedError ( " Implement _copy() for this item type! " )
def copy ( self ) :
new = self . _copy ( )
new . lilypondParameters = self . lilypondParameters . copy ( )
return new
def copyParentBlocks ( self , oldItem ) :
""" Move the oldItems parentBlocks to the new item """
#self.parentBlocks = oldItem.parentBlocks #TODO. We took that out when pasting after deleting a track and recreating failed. Why do we to copy the parentBlocks when a parentBlock is added during block.insert anyway? Wild guess: we don't.
def logicalDuration ( self ) :
return 0
def deserializeInplace ( self , serializedObject ) :
""" Change this instance values to the values in the
serialized object . Part of the undo / redo system """
#Empty methods that allow for apply to selection and other iterators to work with items that cannot respond to a command. e.g. stepUp on a rest.
#Api functions must react to these function returning None. For example Undo will not register anything when no undo-function is returned by an item-method.
#We don't use functions(self, *args) and then a bunch of function1 = function2 = function3 because this way it is easier to see what methods are available (and what arguments they need) when creating new classes from Item.
def sharpenNoteNearPitch ( self , pitch ) : pass
def flattenNoteNearPitch ( self , pitch ) : pass
def stepUpNoteNearPitch ( self , pitch , keysig ) : pass
def stepDownNoteNearPitch ( self , pitch , keysig ) : pass
def stepUpOctaveNoteNearPitch ( self , pitch ) : pass
def stepDownOctaveNoteNearPitch ( self , pitch ) : pass
def augmentNoteNearPitch ( self , pitch ) : pass
def diminishNoteNearPitch ( self , pitch ) : pass
def toggleDotNearPitch ( self , pitch ) : pass
def toggleTripletNearPitch ( self , pitch ) : pass
def setTupletNearPitch ( self , pitch , tupletListForDuration ) : pass
def toggleDurationKeywordNearPitch ( self , pitch , keywordConstant ) : pass
def moreVelocityNearPitch ( self , pitch ) : pass
def lessVelocityNearPitch ( self , pitch ) : pass
def moreDurationNearPitch ( self , pitch ) : pass
def lessDurationNearPitch ( self , pitch ) : pass
def resetVelocityAndDurationModsNearPitch ( self , pitch ) : pass
def sharpen ( self ) : pass
def flatten ( self ) : pass
def augment ( self ) : pass
def diminish ( self ) : pass
def toggleDot ( self ) : pass
def toggleTriplet ( self ) : pass
def setTuplet ( self , durationTupletListForEachNote ) : pass
def toggleDurationKeyword ( self , listOfKeywordConstants ) : pass
def stepUp ( self , keysigList ) : pass
def stepDown ( self , keysigList ) : pass
def stepUpOctave ( self ) : pass
def stepDownOctave ( self ) : pass
def intervalAutomatic ( self , rootPitch , targetPitch ) : pass
def split ( self , newparts ) : pass
def addNote ( self , pitch ) : pass
def deleteNote ( self , note ) : pass
def removeNoteNearPitch ( self , pitch ) : pass
def moreVelocity ( self ) : pass
def lessVelocity ( self ) : pass
def moreDuration ( self ) : pass
def lessDuration ( self ) : pass
def resetVelocityAndDurationMods ( self ) : pass
def toggleBeam ( self ) : pass
def removeBeam ( self ) : pass
def midiRelativeChannelPlus ( self ) : pass
def midiRelativeChannelMinus ( self ) : pass
def midiRelativeChannelReset ( self ) : pass
def mirrorAroundCursor ( self , cursorPitch ) : pass
def lilypond ( self ) :
if self . lilypondParameters [ " override " ] :
return self . lilypondParameters [ " override " ]
else :
return self . _lilypond ( )
def _lilypond ( self ) :
""" called by block.lilypond(), returns a string.
Don ' t create white-spaces yourself, this is done by the structures.
When in doubt prefer functionality and robustness over ' beautiful ' lilypond syntax . """
return " "
class TemplateItem ( Item ) :
""" Use this with copy and paste to create a new item class """
def __init__ ( self , itemData ) :
""" Either init gets called, by creation during runtime, or instanceFromSerializedData.
That means everything in init must be matched by a loading call in instanceFromSerializedData . """
super ( ) . __init__ ( )
raise NotImplementedError ( " Implement __init__() for this item type! " )
self . itemData = itemData #matches instanceFromSerializedData and serialize
self . _secondInit ( parentBlock = None ) #see Item._secondInit.
def _secondInit ( self , parentBlock ) :
""" After creating a new item during runtime or after loading from a file this gets called.
Put every calcuation that depends on values that could be changed by the user .
see Item . _secondInit """
super ( ) . _secondInit ( parentBlock ) #Item._secondInit
def instanceFromSerializedData ( cls , serializedObject , parentObject ) :
""" see Score.instanceFromSerializedData """
raise NotImplementedError ( " Implement instanceFromSerializedData() for this item type! " )
assert cls . __name__ == serializedObject [ " class " ]
self = cls . __new__ ( cls )
self . itemData = serializedObject [ " itemData " ]
self . deserializeDurationAndNotelistInPlace ( serializedObject )
self . _secondInit ( parentBlock = parentObject )
return self
def serialize ( self ) :
raise NotImplementedError ( " Implement serialize() for this item type! " )
result = super ( ) . serialize ( ) #call this in child classes
result [ " itemData " ] = self . itemData
return result
def _copy ( self ) :
""" return an independent copy of self """
raise NotImplementedError ( " Implement _copy() for this item type! " )
new = TemplateItem ( self . itemData )
return new
def _exportObject ( self , trackState ) :
""" Implement this in every child class, return a dict.
Base class function to return a dict which is a good layout
export basis . For example for GUI frontends . They don ' t have to
parse and calculate their own values in slow pure Python then
midiBytes is a list with patternBlob / binary data generated by
cbox . Pattern . serialize_event ( position , midibyte1 ( noteon ) , midibyte2 ( pitch ) , midibyte3 ( velocity ) )
Items with duration , like chords , will most like need to create
at least two patternBlobs , one for the start ( e . g . note on ) and one
for the stop ( e . g . note off )
raise NotImplementedError ( " Implement _exportObject() for this item type! " )
#And for documentation and education here a template exportObject
duration = 0
return {
" type " : " " ,
" completeDuration " : duration ,
" tickindex " : trackState . tickindex - duration , #we parse the tickindex after we stepped over the item.
" midiBytes " : [ ] ,
" UIstring " : " " , #this is for a UI, possibly a text UI, maybe for simple items of a GUI. Make it as short and unambigious as possible.
def _lilypond ( self ) :
""" called by block.lilypond(), returns a string.
Don ' t create white-spaces yourself, this is done by the structures.
When in doubt prefer functionality and robustness over ' beautiful ' lilypond syntax . """
return " "
class Chord ( Item ) :
""" Duration and firstPitch are for the first note.
You must only modify the notelist through Chord methods . The chord methods keep
the list sorted and also keep track what is the shortest and longest note , and other meta - data .
Replacing . notelist or using list methods like . append directly will break the whole program .
Especially the lowest and shortest notes are used multiple times on every item export !
def __init__ ( self , firstDuration , firstPitch ) :
super ( ) . __init__ ( )
firstNote = Note ( self , firstDuration , firstPitch )
self . notelist = [ firstNote ]
self . _beamGroup = False # Works a bit like legato slurs, only this is a property of a note, not an item. self.beamGroup is a @property that self-corrects against errors.
self . _secondInit ( parentBlock = None ) #see Item._secondInit.
self . midiChannelOffset = 0 #from -15 to 15. In reality much less. Expected values are -3 to +3
def _secondInit ( self , parentBlock ) :
""" see Item._secondInit """
super ( ) . _secondInit ( parentBlock ) #Item._secondInit
self . durationGroup = DurationGroup ( self ) #durationGroup is a dynamic data type and therefore does not need serialize. The serialized durations are in the notelist.
self . _cachedClefForLedgerLines = None
def instanceFromSerializedData ( cls , serializedObject , parentObject ) :
""" see Score.instanceFromSerializedData """
assert cls . __name__ == serializedObject [ " class " ]
self = cls . __new__ ( cls )
self . deserializeDurationAndNotelistInPlace ( serializedObject )
self . _beamGroup = bool ( serializedObject [ " beamGroup " ] )
self . midiChannelOffset = serializedObject [ " midiChannelOffset " ]
self . _secondInit ( parentBlock = parentObject )
return self
def serialize ( self ) :
result = super ( ) . serialize ( ) #call this in child classes
result [ " beamGroup " ] = self . _beamGroup
result [ " midiChannelOffset " ] = self . midiChannelOffset
#durationGroup is a dynamic data type and gets its values from its parent chord: self.
return result
def logicalDuration ( self ) :
""" Return the logical duration that is used to calculate
the space and subsequent position of items . """
#TODO: this gets called pretty often. 6 times per note insert on a previously empty track. Why?!
return self . durationGroup . completeDuration ( )
def _copy ( self ) :
new = Chord ( Duration ( 0 ) , 0 )
new . copyParentBlocks ( self )
new . _beamGroup = self . _beamGroup
new . notelist = [ ]
for note in self . notelist :
new . notelist . append ( note . copy ( new ) )
new . durationGroup . cacheMinimumNote ( )
return new
def pitchlist ( self ) :
return [ note . pitch for note in self . notelist ] #needs to be subscriptable
def whitePitchlist ( self ) :
result = [ ]
for note in self . notelist :
result . append ( pitchmath . toWhite [ note . pitch ] )
return result
def _setNotelist ( self , notelist ) :
oldNotelist = self . notelist . copy ( )
self . notelist = notelist
self . durationGroup . cacheMinimumNote ( )
return lambda : self . _setNotelist ( oldNotelist )
def addNote ( self , pitch ) :
""" The notelist gets sorted after insert.
Each white note is only allowed once in each chord .
That means gis and ges are not allowed in the same chord .
And not two times the same note .
We use the template duration from the group . That means the new
note has the same main - properties as the existing notes .
note = Note ( self , self . durationGroup . templateDuration ( ) , pitch )
if pitchmath . toWhite [ pitch ] in self . whitePitchlist ( ) :
return False #only one of each base note in a chord. no cis, ces and c in the same chord.
else :
oldNotelist = self . notelist . copy ( ) #only copies the order, not the items itself. Which is what we need.
self . notelist . append ( note )
self . notelist . sort ( )
self . durationGroup . cacheMinimumNote ( )
return lambda : self . _setNotelist ( oldNotelist )
def deleteNote ( self , note ) :
""" Delete the exact note, an instance.
No search for the pitch or crap like " highest first " .
Notelist remains sorted after delete . """
if len ( self . notelist ) > 1 :
oldNotelist = self . notelist . copy ( )
self . notelist . remove ( note )
self . durationGroup . cacheMinimumNote ( )
#No need for sorting.
return lambda : self . _setNotelist ( oldNotelist )
def removeNoteNearPitch ( self , pitch ) :
note = self . getNearestNote ( pitch )
return self . deleteNote ( note )
def getNearestNote ( self , pitch ) :
""" Return the note which is nearest.
The behaviour if two notes of the same pitch are in this chord
is undefined . Whatever cython / python finds first will get
returned . It really shouldn ' t matter. " " "
listOfTuples = [ ]
for note in self . notelist :
listOfTuples . append ( ( abs ( pitch - note . pitch ) , note ) )
note = min ( listOfTuples ) [ 1 ] #[1] of the tuple (pitch,noteinstance)
return note
#def Note getHighestNote(self):
#def Note getLowestNotes(self):
#Direct functions. Do not need a context, don't need a state.
#Meant for undo.
def _setNotePitch ( self , note , targetPitch ) :
""" A direct setter for an exact note,
not just near a pitch .
Mostly for undo """
oldValueForUndo = note . pitch
note . pitch = targetPitch
self . _cachedClefForLedgerLines = None
return lambda : self . _setNotePitch ( note , oldValueForUndo )
def _setNoteDuration ( self , note , durationInstance ) :
""" see setNotePitch. """
assert not note . duration is durationInstance
oldValueForUndo = note . duration . copy ( )
note . duration = durationInstance
self . durationGroup . cacheMinimumNote ( )
return lambda : self . _setNoteDuration ( note , oldValueForUndo )
def _setNoteDynamic ( self , note , dynamicInstance ) :
""" see _setNoteDuration. """
assert not note . dynamic is dynamicInstance
oldValueForUndo = note . dynamic . copy ( )
note . dynamic = dynamicInstance
return lambda : self . _setNoteDynamic ( note , oldValueForUndo )
def _setNoteDynamicAndDuration ( self , note , durationInstance , dynamicInstance ) :
assert not note . duration is durationInstance
oldDurationValueForUndo = note . duration . copy ( )
note . duration = durationInstance
self . _cachedClefForLedgerLines = None
assert not note . dynamic is dynamicInstance
oldDynamicValueForUndo = note . dynamic . copy ( )
note . dynamic = dynamicInstance
return lambda : self . _setNoteDynamicAndDuration ( note , oldDurationValueForUndo , oldDynamicValueForUndo )
#Nearest Note:
#Pitch modifications
def sharpenNoteNearPitch ( self , pitch ) :
note = self . getNearestNote ( pitch )
oldValueForUndo = note . pitch
self . notelist . sort ( )
note . sharpen ( )
return lambda : self . _setNotePitch ( note , oldValueForUndo )
def flattenNoteNearPitch ( self , pitch ) :
note = self . getNearestNote ( pitch )
oldValueForUndo = note . pitch
self . notelist . sort ( )
note . flatten ( )
return lambda : self . _setNotePitch ( note , oldValueForUndo )
def stepUpNoteNearPitch ( self , pitch , keysig ) :
note = self . getNearestNote ( pitch )
oldValueForUndo = note . pitch
note . stepUpInScale ( keysig )