@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ from typing import Iterable, Callable, Tuple
importtemplate.engine.api#we need direct access to the module to inject data in the provided structures. but we also need the functions directly. next line:
self.accidental.setPos(-1*self.accidental.boundingRect().width()-2,constantsAndConfigs.stafflineGap*noteExportObject["dotOnLine"]/2-self.accidental.boundingRect().height()/2)#-height is simply the svg offset
@ -296,11 +306,11 @@ class GuiNote(QtWidgets.QGraphicsItem):
d="m -2.8851159,0.00621828 c 0.575,0.575 1.45,0.7 2.27500001,0.7 0.1,0 0.2,0.1 0.2,0.2 l 0.225,2.22500002 c 0,0.1 -0.075,0.2 -0.175,0.2 h -0.025 l -2.22500001,-0.225 c -0.1,0 -0.2,-0.1 -0.2,-0.2 0,-0.825 -0.125,-1.7 -0.7,-2.27500002 -0.575,0.57500002 -0.7,1.45000002 -0.7,2.27500002 0,0.1 -0.1,0.2 -0.2,0.2 l -2.225,0.225 h -0.025 c -0.1,0 -0.175,-0.1 -0.175,-0.2 l 0.225,-2.22500002 c 0,-0.1 0.1,-0.2 0.2,-0.2 0.825,0 1.7,-0.125 2.275,-0.7 -0.575,-0.575 -1.45,-0.7 -2.275,-0.7 -0.1,0 -0.2,-0.1 -0.2,-0.2 l -0.225,-2.22499998 c 0,-0.1 0.075,-0.2 0.175,-0.2 h 0.025 l 2.225,0.225 c 0.1,0 0.2,0.1 0.2,0.2 0,0.825 0.125,1.7 0.7,2.27499998 0.575,-0.57499998 0.7,-1.44999998 0.7,-2.27499998 0,-0.1 0.1,-0.2 0.2,-0.2 l 2.22500001,-0.225 h 0.025 c 0.1,0 0.175,0.1 0.175,0.2 l -0.225,2.22499998 c 0,0.1 -0.1,0.2 -0.2,0.2 -0.82500001,0 -1.70000001,0.125 -2.27500001,0.7 z"
d="m 3.95,3.325 c 0.575,0.575 1.45,0.7 2.275,0.7 0.1,0 0.2,0.1 0.2,0.2 L 6.65,6.45 c 0,0.1 -0.075,0.2 -0.175,0.2 H 6.45 L 4.225,6.425 c -0.1,0 -0.2,-0.1 -0.2,-0.2 0,-0.825 -0.125,-1.7 -0.7,-2.275 -0.575,0.575 -0.7,1.45 -0.7,2.275 0,0.1 -0.1,0.2 -0.2,0.2 L 0.2,6.65 H 0.175 C 0.075,6.65 0,6.55 0,6.45 L 0.225,4.225 c 0,-0.1 0.1,-0.2 0.2,-0.2 0.825,0 1.7,-0.125 2.275,-0.7 -0.575,-0.575 -1.45,-0.7 -2.275,-0.7 -0.1,0 -0.2,-0.1 -0.2,-0.2 L 0,0.2 C 0,0.1 0.075,0 0.175,0 H 0.2 l 2.225,0.225 c 0.1,0 0.2,0.1 0.2,0.2 0,0.825 0.125,1.7 0.7,2.275 0.575,-0.575 0.7,-1.45 0.7,-2.275 0,-0.1 0.1,-0.2 0.2,-0.2 L 6.45,0 H 6.475 C 6.575,0 6.65,0.1 6.65,0.2 L 6.425,2.425 c 0,0.1 -0.1,0.2 -0.2,0.2 -0.825,0 -1.7,0.125 -2.275,0.7 z"
d="m -5.0561131,-8.8814055 c 0.175,-0.1 0.4,-0.15 0.6,-0.15 0.2,0 0.4,0.05 0.575,0.15 l -0.05,4.375 2.725,-0.425 c 0.025,0 0.05,-0.025 0.075,-0.025 0.22499998,0 0.42499998,0.2 0.42499998,0.425 l 0.15,14.4 c -0.175,0.1 -0.375,0.1500005 -0.57499998,0.1500005 -0.2,0 -0.4,-0.05 -0.575,-0.1500005 l 0.05,-4.375 -2.75,0.425 c -0.025,0 -0.025,0.025 -0.05,0.025 -0.225,0 -0.425,-0.2 -0.425,-0.425 z m 3.425,11.85 0.05,-5.325 -2.375,0.375 -0.075,5.325 z"
d="M 0,0.15 C 0.175,0.05 0.4,0 0.6,0 0.8,0 1,0.05 1.175,0.15 L 1.125,4.525 3.85,4.1 C 3.875,4.1 3.9,4.075 3.925,4.075 4.15,4.075 4.35,4.275 4.35,4.5 L 4.5,18.9 C 4.325,19 4.125,19.050001 3.925,19.050001 3.725,19.050001 3.525,19 3.35,18.9 L 3.4,14.525 0.65,14.95 c -0.025,0 -0.025,0.025 -0.05,0.025 -0.225,0 -0.425,-0.2 -0.425,-0.425 z M 3.425,12 3.475,6.675 1.1,7.05 1.025,12.375 Z"
d="m -3.1102814,7.8941649 c 0,0.225 -0.2,0.425 -0.425,0.425 -0.225,0 -0.425,-0.2 -0.425,-0.425 v -3.775 l -2.175,0.775 v 4.05 c 0,0.225 -0.2,0.425 -0.425,0.425 -0.225,0 -0.425,-0.2 -0.425,-0.425 v -3.75 l -0.975,0.325 c -0.25,0.1 -0.525,-0.1 -0.525,-0.375 v -1.6 c 0,-0.175 0.125,-0.325 0.275,-0.375 l 1.225,-0.45 v -4.1 l -0.975,0.35 c -0.25,0.1 -0.525,-0.1 -0.525,-0.375 v -1.625 c 0,-0.175 0.125,-0.325 0.275,-0.375 l 1.225,-0.425 v -4.075 c 0,-0.225 0.2,-0.425 0.425,-0.425 0.225,0 0.425,0.2 0.425,0.425 v 3.775 l 2.175,-0.775 v -4.05 c 0,-0.225 0.2,-0.425 0.425,-0.425 0.225,0 0.425,0.2 0.425,0.425 v 3.75 l 0.975,-0.325 c 0.25,-0.1 0.525,0.1 0.525,0.375 v 1.6 c 0,0.175 -0.125,0.325 -0.275,0.375 l -1.225,0.45 v 4.1 l 0.975,-0.35 c 0.25,-0.10000003 0.525,0.1 0.525,0.375 v 1.625 c 0,0.175 -0.125,0.325 -0.275,0.375 l -1.225,0.425 v 4.075 z m -0.85,-10.325 -2.175,0.75 v 4.1 l 2.175,-0.75 v -4.1 z"
d="M 5.375,17.275 C 5.375,17.5 5.175,17.7 4.95,17.7 4.725,17.7 4.525,17.5 4.525,17.275 V 13.5 L 2.35,14.275 v 4.05 C 2.35,18.55 2.15,18.75 1.925,18.75 1.7,18.75 1.5,18.55 1.5,18.325 v -3.75 L 0.525,14.9 C 0.275,15 0,14.8 0,14.525 v -1.6 C 0,12.75 0.125,12.6 0.275,12.55 L 1.5,12.1 V 8 L 0.525,8.35 C 0.275,8.45 0,8.25 0,7.975 V 6.35 C 0,6.175 0.125,6.025 0.275,5.975 L 1.5,5.55 V 1.475 C 1.5,1.25 1.7,1.05 1.925,1.05 2.15,1.05 2.35,1.25 2.35,1.475 V 5.25 L 4.525,4.475 V 0.425 C 4.525,0.2 4.725,0 4.95,0 5.175,0 5.375,0.2 5.375,0.425 v 3.75 L 6.35,3.85 c 0.25,-0.1 0.525,0.1 0.525,0.375 v 1.6 C 6.875,6 6.75,6.15 6.6,6.2 L 5.375,6.65 v 4.1 L 6.35,10.4 c 0.25,-0.1 0.525,0.1 0.525,0.375 V 12.4 c 0,0.175 -0.125,0.325 -0.275,0.375 L 5.375,13.2 Z M 4.525,6.95 2.35,7.7 v 4.1 l 2.175,-0.75 z"
style="font-size:40px;font-style:normal;font-variant:normal;font-weight:normal;font-stretch:normal;line-height:125%;letter-spacing:0px;word-spacing:0px;fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1;stroke:none;font-family:'8-bit Limit O BRK';-inkscape-font-specification:'8-bit Limit O BRK'"
style="font-style:normal;font-variant:normal;font-weight:normal;font-stretch:normal;font-size:40px;line-height:125%;font-family:'8-bit Limit O BRK';-inkscape-font-specification:'8-bit Limit O BRK';letter-spacing:0px;word-spacing:0px;fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1;stroke:none"
d="m 8.1,-6.25 -2.425,0 c -0.1,0 -0.175,0.1 -0.175,0.2 l 0,12.1 c 0,0.1 0.075,0.2 0.175,0.2 l 2.425,0 c 0.1,0 0.2,-0.1 0.2,-0.2 l 0,-12.1 c 0,-0.1 -0.1,-0.2 -0.2,-0.2 z m -5.5,0 -2.425,0 C 0.075,-6.25 0,-6.15 0,-6.05 l 0,12.1 c 0,0.1 0.075,0.2 0.175,0.2 l 2.425,0 c 0.1,0 0.2,-0.1 0.2,-0.2 l 0,-12.1 c 0,-0.1 -0.1,-0.2 -0.2,-0.2 z"
d="M 8.1,0 H 5.675 C 5.575,0 5.5,0.1 5.5,0.2 v 12.1 c 0,0.1 0.075,0.2 0.175,0.2 H 8.1 c 0.1,0 0.2,-0.1 0.2,-0.2 V 0.2 C 8.3,0.1 8.2,0 8.1,0 Z M 2.6,0 H 0.175 C 0.075,0 0,0.1 0,0.2 v 12.1 c 0,0.1 0.075,0.2 0.175,0.2 H 2.6 c 0.1,0 0.2,-0.1 0.2,-0.2 V 0.2 C 2.8,0.1 2.7,0 2.6,0 Z"
d="m 105.18422,6.4499998 c 1.40001,0 1.45001,-1.275 1.45001,-2.925 C 106.63423,1.875 106.58423,0.6 105.18422,0.6 c -1.45,0 -1.59999,1.25 -1.59999,2.9249998 0,1.675 0.15,2.925 1.59999,2.925 z m 1.45001,0.2 c -0.475,0.175 -0.95001,0.35 -1.45001,0.35 -2.47499,0 -4.15,-1.15 -4.15,-3.475 0,-2.3249998 1.675,-3.4499998 4.15,-3.4499998 2.77501,0 4.175,3.1249998 4.175,6.2499998 0,3.2 -1.75,6.2500002 -4.675,6.2500002 -1.72499,0 -3.375,-0.95 -3.375,-2.525 0,-0.9000002 0.725,-1.6250002 1.625,-1.6250002 0.90001,0 1.625,0.725 1.625,1.6250002 0,0.575 -0.97499,0.65 -0.97499,1.225 0,0.5 0.55,0.775 1.09999,0.775 1.75,0 1.95001,-1.775 1.95001,-3.7750002 z"
id="nine" />
d="m 4.4749996,-5.8977814 c -1.65,0 -1.75,2.5 -1.75,4.575 v 1.00000002 1 c 0,2.07499998 0.1,4.57499998 1.75,4.57499998 1.65,0 1.775,-2.5 1.775,-4.57499998 v -1 -1.00000002 c 0,-2.075 -0.125,-4.575 -1.775,-4.575 z m 0,-0.675 c 2.875,0 4.5,3.075 4.5,6.25000002 0,3.17499998 -1.625,6.24999998 -4.5,6.24999998 C 1.6,5.9272186 0,2.8522186 0,-0.32278138 0,-3.4977814 1.6,-6.5727814 4.4749996,-6.5727814 z"
d="m 4.4749996,0.91199 c -1.65,0 -1.75,2.5 -1.75,4.575 v 1 1 c 0,2.075 0.1,4.575 1.75,4.575 1.65,0 1.775,-2.5 1.775,-4.575 v -1 -1 c 0,-2.075 -0.125,-4.575 -1.775,-4.575 z m 0,-0.675 c 2.875,0 4.5,3.075 4.5,6.25 0,3.175 -1.625,6.25 -4.5,6.25 C 1.6,12.73699 0,9.66199 0,6.48699 c 0,-3.175 1.6,-6.25 4.4749996,-6.25 z"
d="M 10.00689,0 H 1.0318903 c -0.1,0 -0.19999997,-0.1 -0.19999997,-0.2 v -3.5 c 0,-0.1 0.1,-0.2 0.19999997,-0.2 H 10.00689 c 0.1,0 0.2,0.1 0.2,0.2 v 3.5 c 0,0.1 -0.1,0.2 -0.2,0.2 z"
d="M 9.175,3.9 H 0.2 C 0.1,3.9 0,3.8 0,3.7 V 0.2 C 0,0.1 0.1,0 0.2,0 h 8.975 c 0.1,0 0.2,0.1 0.2,0.2 v 3.5 c 0,0.1 -0.1,0.2 -0.2,0.2 z"
d="m 10.234322,3.9325324 h -8.975 c -0.1,0 -0.2,-0.1 -0.2,-0.2 V 0.23253243 c 0,-0.1 0.1,-0.2 0.2,-0.2 h 8.975 c 0.1,0 0.2,0.1 0.2,0.2 V 3.7325324 c 0,0.1 -0.1,0.2 -0.2,0.2 z"
d="M 9.1749997,7.9 H 0.19999997 C 0.09999997,7.9 0,7.8 0,7.7 V 4.2 C 0,4.1 0.1,4 0.19999997,4 H 9.1749997 c 0.1,0 0.2,0.1 0.2,0.2 v 3.5 c 0,0.1 -0.1,0.2 -0.2,0.2 z"