@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ class GuiScore(QtWidgets.QGraphicsScene):
self . duringTrackDragAndDrop = None #switched to a QGraphicsItem (e.g. GuiTrack) while a track is moved around by the mouse
self . duringBlockDragAndDrop = None #switched to a QGraphicsItem (e.g. GuiTrack) while a block is moved around by the mouse
self . mouseMoveEventBlocked = False #mouseMoveEvent and helper functions
self . conductor = Conductor ( parentView = self . parentView )
self . addItem ( self . conductor )
@ -325,7 +326,7 @@ class GuiScore(QtWidgets.QGraphicsScene):
self . updateSceneRect ( )
#Macro-Structure: Score / Track / Block Moving and Duplicating
#Hold the ALT Key to unlock the moving mode.super().keyPressEvent(event)
#Hold the shift Key to unlock the moving mode.super().keyPressEvent(event)
#No note-editing requires a mouse action, so the mouse is free for controlling other aspects.
#Like zooming or moving blocks around.
@ -395,27 +396,67 @@ class GuiScore(QtWidgets.QGraphicsScene):
super ( ) . mousePressEvent ( event )
def _mmE_ensureCursorVisible ( self , event ) :
""" Helper function for mouseMoveEvent.
centerOn and ensureVisible either crash or they recurse forever or they scroll exponentially
We must do it ourselves . Thanks , qt . """
if self . mouseMoveEventBlocked :
return #block the mouseMoveEvent recursion signal. If we scroll it sees the mouse as moving.
currentlyVisibleSceneRect = self . parentView . mapToScene ( self . parentView . viewport ( ) . geometry ( ) ) . boundingRect ( ) #x, y top left corner, width, height
leftEdge = int ( currentlyVisibleSceneRect . x ( ) )
rightEdge = int ( leftEdge + currentlyVisibleSceneRect . width ( ) )
topEdge = int ( currentlyVisibleSceneRect . y ( ) )
bottomEdge = int ( topEdge + currentlyVisibleSceneRect . height ( ) )
x = int ( event . scenePos ( ) . x ( ) )
y = int ( event . scenePos ( ) . y ( ) )
if x < leftEdge :
self . mouseMoveEventBlocked = True #block the mouseMoveEvent recursion signal. If we scroll it sees the mouse as moving.
self . parentView . horizontalScrollBar ( ) . setValue ( self . parentView . horizontalScrollBar ( ) . value ( ) - ( leftEdge - x ) )
elif x > rightEdge :
self . mouseMoveEventBlocked = True #block the mouseMoveEvent recursion signal. If we scroll it sees the mouse as moving.
self . parentView . horizontalScrollBar ( ) . setValue ( self . parentView . horizontalScrollBar ( ) . value ( ) + ( x - rightEdge ) )
if y < topEdge :
self . mouseMoveEventBlocked = True #block the mouseMoveEvent recursion signal. If we scroll it sees the mouse as moving.
self . parentView . verticalScrollBar ( ) . setValue ( self . parentView . verticalScrollBar ( ) . value ( ) - ( topEdge - y ) )
elif y > bottomEdge :
self . mouseMoveEventBlocked = True #block the mouseMoveEvent recursion signal. If we scroll it sees the mouse as moving.
self . parentView . verticalScrollBar ( ) . setValue ( self . parentView . verticalScrollBar ( ) . value ( ) + ( y - bottomEdge ) )
self . mouseMoveEventBlocked = False
def mouseMoveEvent ( self , event ) :
""" Catches certain mouse events for moving tracks and blocks.
Otherwise the event is propagated to the real QGraphicsItem .
Don ' t forget that an item needs to have the flag movable or selectable or else
it will not get mouseRelease or mouseMove events . MousePress always works .
Only active when mouse was pressed !
super ( ) . mouseMoveEvent ( event )
self . _mmE_ensureCursorVisible ( event ) #Works with all buttons. Good.
if self . duringTrackDragAndDrop :
#X is locked for tracks.
x = self . duringTrackDragAndDrop . staticExportItem [ " guiPosStart " ] . x ( )
y = event . scenePos ( ) . y ( )
self . duringTrackDragAndDrop . setPos ( x , y )
elif self . duringBlockDragAndDrop :
#GuiBlockHandles are children of a Track. Their Y position will be offset by the track when we move them around with the mouse.
#Which is the same the distance to the first track is on top. We need to substract that for a good look and feel.
#The actual later dropping of the block is handled with the mouse cursor coordinates, the moving colored block is just eyecandy.
#TODO: I want to scroll but this does not work because the item is wider than the viewport. It actually crashes qt
x = event . scenePos ( ) . x ( )
y = event . scenePos ( ) . y ( ) - self . duringBlockDragAndDrop . parentGuiTrack . y ( )
self . duringBlockDragAndDrop . setPos ( x , y )
else :
super ( ) . mouseMoveEvent ( event )
# #this happens EVERY mouse move. Just idle mouse movement over the window.
@ -428,7 +469,6 @@ class GuiScore(QtWidgets.QGraphicsScene):
#self.parentView.unsetCursor() #While moving stuff the mouse-cursor is hidden. Reset.
#self.cursor.show() #Our own position cursor #TODO: why was that in here? It shows the cursor after a mouseclick, even in CC mode (it should not)
tempBlockDragAndDrop = self . duringBlockDragAndDrop
tempTrackDragAndDrop = self . duringTrackDragAndDrop
self . duringBlockDragAndDrop = None