@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ Add information label with order of blocks to Track Editor.
Fix lilypond tempo export. Also add option to Lilypond Properties to not print metronome markings.
Optional text description for tempo items like "allegro"
Add Slurs to Lilypond output.
Add Staccato and Tenuto to Lilypond output.
Dynamic signatures and ramps are now output to Lilypond as well
Cleaner .ly export with more line breaks, comments and using more default ly instructions when available, instead of our custom generic-purpose scripts.
Settings menu to autoconnect metronome audio ports to system on startup. Default off.
#Ties in pseudo polyphone will not lead to a ly-error. It will simply produce no tie output.
lilydur=lilydur[:-1]#without ~ #TODO: not supported yet.
dur=lilydur+" * {}/{}".format(int(minimumTicksInChord),int(ticks))#lilypond requires the x/y syntax, even if it is 1/y #TODO: this is very ugly
logger.warning("We do not support ties in pseudo-polyphony. Lilypond will run, but not show the tie. Please use multiple tracks for such complex polyphony or let lilypond split and tie longer notes for you: "+"".join(pitches)+"".join(durations))
lilydur=lilydur[:-1]#without ~ and Duration Keywords. #TODO: not supported yet in mixed duration chords.
ifint(minimumTicksInChord)==int(ticks):#This is correct and nicer, because it removes <e'>4 * 53760/53760 .
dur=lilydur#the test for 'onlyOneDuration' above failed because we have mixed tenuto, staccato etc. and not because the actual durations were different.
dur=lilydur+" * {}/{}".format(int(minimumTicksInChord),int(ticks))#lilypond requires the x/y syntax, even if it is 1/y #TODO: this is very ugly