@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
# Form implementation generated from reading ui file 'customKeySignature.ui'
# Created by: PyQt5 UI code generator 5.15.6
# Created by: PyQt5 UI code generator 5.15.7
# WARNING: Any manual changes made to this file will be lost when pyuic5 is
# run again. Do not edit this file unless you know what you are doing.
@ -322,7 +322,7 @@ class Ui_customKeySignature(object):
def retranslateUi ( self , customKeySignature ) :
_translate = QtCore . QCoreApplication . translate
customKeySignature . setWindowTitle ( _translate ( " customKeySignature " , " Custom Key Signature " ) )
self . keysig_instruction_label . setText ( _translate ( " customKeySignature " , " Design your own scale. The key signature will be calculated. Choose a root note and how each step deviates from it \' s major scale. E.g. leaving all switches on \" natural \" will result in the major scale. Setting step III to flat will result in \" melodic minor \" . " ) )
self . keysig_instruction_label . setText ( _translate ( " customKeySignature " , " Design your own scale. The key signature will be calculated. Choose a root note and how each step deviates from it \' s major scale. E.g. leaving all switches on = will result in the major scale. Setting step III to ↓ will result in \" melodic minor \" . " ) )
self . group_root . setTitle ( _translate ( " customKeySignature " , " Root Note " ) )
self . root_dis . setText ( _translate ( " customKeySignature " , " D♯ " ) )
self . root_des . setText ( _translate ( " customKeySignature " , " D♭ " ) )
@ -347,51 +347,51 @@ class Ui_customKeySignature(object):
self . root_bis . setText ( _translate ( " customKeySignature " , " B♯ / H♯ " ) )
self . group_accidentals . setTitle ( _translate ( " customKeySignature " , " Scale - Deviation from the Major Scale " ) )
self . group_c . setTitle ( _translate ( " customKeySignature " , " Ⅰ " ) )
self . isis_c . setText ( _translate ( " customKeySignature " , " 𝄪 " ) )
self . is_c . setText ( _translate ( " customKeySignature " , " ♯ " ) )
self . nat_c . setText ( _translate ( " customKeySignature " , " ♮ " ) )
self . es_c . setText ( _translate ( " customKeySignature " , " ♭ " ) )
self . eses_c . setText ( _translate ( " customKeySignature " , " 𝄫 " ) )
self . isis_c . setText ( _translate ( " customKeySignature " , " ⇈ " ) )
self . is_c . setText ( _translate ( " customKeySignature " , " ↑ " ) )
self . nat_c . setText ( _translate ( " customKeySignature " , " = " ) )
self . es_c . setText ( _translate ( " customKeySignature " , " ↓ " ) )
self . eses_c . setText ( _translate ( " customKeySignature " , " ⇊ " ) )
self . label_result_c . setText ( _translate ( " customKeySignature " , " c " ) )
self . groupd_d . setTitle ( _translate ( " customKeySignature " , " Ⅱ " ) )
self . isis_d . setText ( _translate ( " customKeySignature " , " 𝄪 " ) )
self . is_d . setText ( _translate ( " customKeySignature " , " ♯ " ) )
self . nat_d . setText ( _translate ( " customKeySignature " , " ♮ " ) )
self . es_d . setText ( _translate ( " customKeySignature " , " ♭ " ) )
self . eses_d . setText ( _translate ( " customKeySignature " , " 𝄫 " ) )
self . isis_d . setText ( _translate ( " customKeySignature " , " ⇈ " ) )
self . is_d . setText ( _translate ( " customKeySignature " , " ↑ " ) )
self . nat_d . setText ( _translate ( " customKeySignature " , " = " ) )
self . es_d . setText ( _translate ( " customKeySignature " , " ↓ " ) )
self . eses_d . setText ( _translate ( " customKeySignature " , " ⇊ " ) )
self . label_result_d . setText ( _translate ( " customKeySignature " , " d " ) )
self . group_e . setTitle ( _translate ( " customKeySignature " , " Ⅲ " ) )
self . isis_e . setText ( _translate ( " customKeySignature " , " 𝄪 " ) )
self . is_e . setText ( _translate ( " customKeySignature " , " ♯ " ) )
self . nat_e . setText ( _translate ( " customKeySignature " , " ♮ " ) )
self . es_e . setText ( _translate ( " customKeySignature " , " ♭ " ) )
self . eses_e . setText ( _translate ( " customKeySignature " , " 𝄫 " ) )
self . isis_e . setText ( _translate ( " customKeySignature " , " ⇈ " ) )
self . is_e . setText ( _translate ( " customKeySignature " , " ↑ " ) )
self . nat_e . setText ( _translate ( " customKeySignature " , " = " ) )
self . es_e . setText ( _translate ( " customKeySignature " , " ↓ " ) )
self . eses_e . setText ( _translate ( " customKeySignature " , " ⇊ " ) )
self . label_result_e . setText ( _translate ( " customKeySignature " , " e " ) )
self . group_f . setTitle ( _translate ( " customKeySignature " , " Ⅳ " ) )
self . isis_f . setText ( _translate ( " customKeySignature " , " 𝄪 " ) )
self . is_f . setText ( _translate ( " customKeySignature " , " ♯ " ) )
self . nat_f . setText ( _translate ( " customKeySignature " , " ♮ " ) )
self . es_f . setText ( _translate ( " customKeySignature " , " ♭ " ) )
self . eses_f . setText ( _translate ( " customKeySignature " , " 𝄫 " ) )
self . isis_f . setText ( _translate ( " customKeySignature " , " ⇈ " ) )
self . is_f . setText ( _translate ( " customKeySignature " , " ↑ " ) )
self . nat_f . setText ( _translate ( " customKeySignature " , " = " ) )
self . es_f . setText ( _translate ( " customKeySignature " , " ↓ " ) )
self . eses_f . setText ( _translate ( " customKeySignature " , " ⇊ " ) )
self . label_result_f . setText ( _translate ( " customKeySignature " , " f " ) )
self . group_g . setTitle ( _translate ( " customKeySignature " , " Ⅴ " ) )
self . isis_g . setText ( _translate ( " customKeySignature " , " 𝄪 " ) )
self . is_g . setText ( _translate ( " customKeySignature " , " ♯ " ) )
self . nat_g . setText ( _translate ( " customKeySignature " , " ♮ " ) )
self . es_g . setText ( _translate ( " customKeySignature " , " ♭ " ) )
self . eses_g . setText ( _translate ( " customKeySignature " , " 𝄫 " ) )
self . isis_g . setText ( _translate ( " customKeySignature " , " ⇈ " ) )
self . is_g . setText ( _translate ( " customKeySignature " , " ↑ " ) )
self . nat_g . setText ( _translate ( " customKeySignature " , " = " ) )
self . es_g . setText ( _translate ( " customKeySignature " , " ↓ " ) )
self . eses_g . setText ( _translate ( " customKeySignature " , " ⇊ " ) )
self . label_result_g . setText ( _translate ( " customKeySignature " , " g " ) )
self . group_a . setTitle ( _translate ( " customKeySignature " , " Ⅵ " ) )
self . isis_a . setText ( _translate ( " customKeySignature " , " 𝄪 " ) )
self . is_a . setText ( _translate ( " customKeySignature " , " ♯ " ) )
self . nat_a . setText ( _translate ( " customKeySignature " , " ♮ " ) )
self . es_a . setText ( _translate ( " customKeySignature " , " ♭ " ) )
self . eses_a . setText ( _translate ( " customKeySignature " , " 𝄫 " ) )
self . isis_a . setText ( _translate ( " customKeySignature " , " ⇈ " ) )
self . is_a . setText ( _translate ( " customKeySignature " , " ↑ " ) )
self . nat_a . setText ( _translate ( " customKeySignature " , " = " ) )
self . es_a . setText ( _translate ( " customKeySignature " , " ↓ " ) )
self . eses_a . setText ( _translate ( " customKeySignature " , " ⇊ " ) )
self . label_result_a . setText ( _translate ( " customKeySignature " , " a " ) )
self . group_b . setTitle ( _translate ( " customKeySignature " , " Ⅶ " ) )
self . isis_b . setText ( _translate ( " customKeySignature " , " 𝄪 " ) )
self . is_b . setText ( _translate ( " customKeySignature " , " ♯ " ) )
self . nat_b . setText ( _translate ( " customKeySignature " , " ♮ " ) )
self . es_b . setText ( _translate ( " customKeySignature " , " ♭ " ) )
self . eses_b . setText ( _translate ( " customKeySignature " , " 𝄫 " ) )
self . isis_b . setText ( _translate ( " customKeySignature " , " ⇈ " ) )
self . is_b . setText ( _translate ( " customKeySignature " , " ↑ " ) )
self . nat_b . setText ( _translate ( " customKeySignature " , " = " ) )
self . es_b . setText ( _translate ( " customKeySignature " , " ↓ " ) )
self . eses_b . setText ( _translate ( " customKeySignature " , " ⇊ " ) )
self . label_result_b . setText ( _translate ( " customKeySignature " , " b " ) )