@ -83,13 +83,13 @@ class CombinedTickWidget(QtWidgets.QFrame):
self . valueChanged = self . upbeatSpinBox . valueChanged
def setMinimum ( self , value ) :
self . upbeatSpinBox . setMinimum ( value )
self . upbeatSpinBox . setMinimum ( int ( value ) )
def setMaximum ( self , value ) :
self . upbeatSpinBox . setMaximum ( value )
self . upbeatSpinBox . setMaximum ( int ( value ) )
def setValue ( self , value ) :
self . upbeatSpinBox . setValue ( value )
self . upbeatSpinBox . setValue ( int ( value ) )
def value ( self ) :
""" Make this widget behave like a spinbox signal """
@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ class CombinedTickWidget(QtWidgets.QFrame):
def callClickWidgetForUpbeat ( self ) :
dialog = TickWidget ( self , initValue = self . upbeatSpinBox . value ( ) )
self . upbeatSpinBox . setValue ( dialog . ui . ticks . value ( ) )
self . upbeatSpinBox . setValue ( int ( dialog . ui . ticks . value ( ) ) )
class TickWidget ( QtWidgets . QDialog ) :
def __init__ ( self , mainWindow , initValue = 0 ) :
@ -420,7 +420,7 @@ class TransposeMenu(Submenu):
class SecondaryProperties ( Submenu ) :
def __init__ ( self , mainWindow ) :
""" Directly edits the backend score meta data. There is no api and no callbacks """
super ( ) . __init__ ( mainWindow , translate ( " submenus " , " Meta Dat a" ) , hasOkCancelButtons = True )
super ( ) . __init__ ( mainWindow , translate ( " submenus " , " Lilypond Properties and Metad a" ) , hasOkCancelButtons = True )
dictionary = api . getMetadata ( ) #Do not confuse with template/config METADATA. This is Lilypond title, composer etc.
@ -442,6 +442,8 @@ class SecondaryProperties(Submenu):
if not key in importantKeys :
self . layout . addRow ( key . title ( ) , widget )
self . dynamicLabel . setText ( " <img src= ' :lilypond-metadata-preview.png ' > " )
self . __call__ ( )
def process ( self ) :