self.keysig_instruction_label.setText(_translate("customKeySignature","<html><head/><body><p>Design your own scale. The key signature will be calculated. Choose a root note and how each step deviates from it\'s major scale. E.g. leaving all switches on "natural" will result in the major scale. Setting step III to flat will result in "melodic minor".</p><p>Not all combinations are possible: e.g. root G with step VII double sharp. <br/>G-Major\'s "natural" VII is already f-sharp, thus choosing a normal sharp already results in a key signature with a double sharp "cross". Switching VII to double sharp would result in a "triple sharp" key signature.<br/></p></body></html>"))
self.keysig_instruction_label.setText(_translate("customKeySignature","Design your own scale. The key signature will be calculated. Choose a root note and how each step deviates from it\'s major scale. E.g. leaving all switches on \"natural\" will result in the major scale. Setting step III to flat will result in \"melodic minor\"."))
<string><html><head/><body><p>Design your own scale. The key signature will be calculated. Choose a root note and how each step deviates from it's major scale. E.g. leaving all switches on &quot;natural&quot; will result in the major scale. Setting step III to flat will result in &quot;melodic minor&quot;.</p><p>Not all combinations are possible: e.g. root G with step VII double sharp. <br/>G-Major's &quot;natural&quot; VII is already f-sharp, thus choosing a normal sharp already results in a key signature with a double sharp &quot;cross&quot;. Switching VII to double sharp would result in a &quot;triple sharp&quot; key signature.<br/></p></body></html></string>
<string>Design your own scale. The key signature will be calculated. Choose a root note and how each step deviates from it's major scale. E.g. leaving all switches on "natural" will result in the major scale. Setting step III to flat will result in "melodic minor".</string>