#! /usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Copyright 2021, Nils Hilbricht, Germany ( https://www.hilbricht.net )
This file is part of the Laborejo Software Suite ( https://www.laborejo.org ),
Laborejo2 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see .
import logging; logger = logging.getLogger(__name__); logger.info("import")
#Python Standard Library
import sys
import random
from typing import Iterable, Callable, Tuple
#Third Party Modules
from calfbox import cbox
#Template Modules
import template.engine.api #we need direct access to the module to inject data in the provided structures. but we also need the functions directly. next line:
from template.engine.api import *
from template.engine.duration import DB, DL, D1, D2, D4, D8, D16, D32, D64, D128, D256, D512, D1024, D_DEFAULT, D_STACCATO, D_TENUTO, D_TIE
import template.engine.pitch as pitchmath
from template.helper import flatList, EndlessGenerator
#Our Modules
from . import items
from . import lilypond
from .tempotrack import TempoItem, TempoTrack
from .ccsubtrack import GraphItem, GraphTrackCC
from .track import Track
apiModuleSelfReference = sys.modules[__name__]
#New callbacks
class ClientCallbacks(Callbacks): #inherits from the templates api callbacks
def __init__(self):
self.setCursor = []
self.setSelection = []
self.tracksChanged = []
self.tracksChangedIncludingHidden = []
self.updateTrack = []
self.updateBlockTrack = []
#self.playbackStart = []
#self.playbackStop = []
self._cachedTickIndex = -1
self.updateGraphTrackCC = []
self.graphCCTracksChanged = []
self.updateGraphBlockTrack = []
self.updateTempoTrack = []
self.updateTempoTrackBlocks = []
self.updateTempoTrackMeta = []
self.tempoScalingChanged = []
self.prevailingBaseDurationChanged = []
#self.recordingStreamNoteOn = []
#self.recordingStreamNoteOff = []
#self.recordingStreamClear = []
def _dataChanged(self):
"""Only called from within the callbacks.
This is about data the user cares about. In other words this is the indicator if you need
to save again.
The data changed when notes are inserted, track names are changed, a CC value is added etc.
but not when the cursor moves, the metronome is generated or the playback tick advances.
def _setCursor(self, destroySelection = True):
"""set a new cursor position.
Only do destroySelection = False if you really modify the
selection. If in doubt: destroy it. """
if destroySelection or session.history.doNotRegisterRightNow or session.history.duringRedo:
session.data.cursorWhenSelectionStarted = None
if self.setCursor:
ex = session.data.cursorExport()
for func in self.setCursor:
"""Exports a tuple of cursors. This is to indicate a GUI to
draw a selection rectangle or so. Not for processing. Because:
The exported top left item is included in the selection.
The exported bottom right item is NOT in the selection.
But for a GUI it looks like the rectangle goes to the current
cursor position, which appears to be left of the current item."""
ex = session.data.selectionExport()
for func in self.setSelection:
def _updateChangedTracks(self):
"""Determines which tracks have changed in the step before
this callback and calls an update for those"""
changedTracks, currentItem = session.data.currentContentLinkAndItsBlocksInAllTracks()
for track in changedTracks:
if session.data.currentMetronomeTrack is track:
setMetronome(track.asMetronomeData, label=track.name) #template api
def _updateTrack(self, trId):
"""The most important function. Create a static representation of the music data which
can be used by a GUI to draw notes.
track.staticRepresentation also creates the internal midi representation for cbox. """
if self.updateTrack:
ex = session.data.trackById(trId).staticRepresentation()
for func in self.updateTrack:
func(trId, ex)
def _updateBlockTrack(self, trId):
if self.updateBlockTrack:
ex = session.data.trackById(trId).staticBlocksRepresentation()
for func in self.updateBlockTrack:
func(trId, ex)
self._updateTempoTrack() #The last Tempo Block reacts to changing score sizes.
def _updateGraphTrackCC(self, trId, cc):
"""No cursor, so it always needs a graphTrack Id.
Also handles a GraphBlock overview callback,
for extra block view or background colors."""
track = session.data.trackById(trId)
if cc in track.ccGraphTracks:
graphTracksThatNeedUpdate = track.ccGraphTracks[cc].otherTracksWithOurLinkedContent()
for gTr in graphTracksThatNeedUpdate:
trId = id(gTr.parentTrack)
ex = gTr.staticRepresentation()
for func in self.updateGraphTrackCC:
func(trId, cc, ex)
ex = gTr.staticGraphBlocksRepresentation()
for func in self.updateGraphBlockTrack:
func(trId, cc, ex)
def _updateSingleTrackAllCC(self, trId):
"""Used on CC-Channels change. No own callback list."""
for cc, graphTrackCC in session.data.trackById(trId).ccGraphTracks.items():
ex = graphTrackCC.staticRepresentation()
for func in self.updateGraphTrackCC:
func(trId, cc, ex)
def _graphCCTracksChanged(self, trId):
"""CC graphs of a track deleted or added.
Does not need to react to block or item changes, even (not) block duration changes
which change the tracks overall duration!"""
#TODO: moved?
if self.graphCCTracksChanged:
ex = list(session.data.trackById(trId).ccGraphTracks.keys()) # list of ints from 0 to 127
for func in self.graphCCTracksChanged:
func(trId, ex)
def _tracksChanged(self):
"""Track deleted, added or moved. Or toggled double/non-double, visible, eudible etc.
This callback is relatively cheap because it does not generate
any item data."""
#TODO: does NOT call template.api._numberOfTracksChanged
ex = session.data.listOfStaticTrackRepresentations()
if self.tracksChanged:
for func in self.tracksChanged:
if self.tracksChangedIncludingHidden:
exHidden = session.data.listOfStaticHiddenTrackRepresentations()
for func in reversed(self.tracksChangedIncludingHidden):
func(ex + exHidden)
session.data.metronome.label = session.data.currentMetronomeTrack.name #not the expensive redundant data generation
self._metronomeChanged() #because the track name is sent here.
def _updateTempoTrack(self):
"""Sends the block update as well.
staticRepresentations also updates midi.
Of course the order is: track meta, then blocks first, then items.
This must not change! The GUI depends on it."""
if self.updateTempoTrackMeta:
ex = session.data.tempoTrack.staticTrackRepresentation() #only track metadata, no block information. parses all items.
for func in self.updateTempoTrackMeta:
if self.updateTempoTrackBlocks:
ex = session.data.tempoTrack.staticGraphBlocksRepresentation() #block boundaries and meta data. Does not parse items therefore cheap to call.
for func in self.updateTempoTrackBlocks:
if self.updateTempoTrack:
ex = session.data.tempoTrack.staticRepresentation() #export all items. performance-expensive.
for func in self.updateTempoTrack:
#TODO: We need blocks before items, but also blocks after items. This is a cheap call though.
if self.updateTempoTrackBlocks:
ex = session.data.tempoTrack.staticGraphBlocksRepresentation() #yes, we need to regenerate that. That is the problem. #TODO.
for func in self.updateTempoTrackBlocks:
#since the exported cursor also has a tempo entry it needs updating as well
#TODO: but this also leads to centerOn cursor in the gui after every mouse click in the conductor.
#self._setCursor(destroySelection = False)
def _tempoScalingChanged(self, newValue):
for func in self.tempoScalingChanged:
def _playbackStart(self):
for func in self.playbackStart:
def _playbackStop(self):
for func in self.playbackStop:
def _prevailingBaseDurationChanged(self, newPrevailingBaseDuration):
for func in self.prevailingBaseDurationChanged:
def _historyChanged(self):
"""sends two lists of strings.
the first is the undoHistory, the last added item is [-1]. We can show that to a user to
indicate what the next undo will do.
the second is redoHistory, same as undo: [-1] shows the next redo action."""
undoHistory, redoHistory = session.history.asList()
for func in self.historyChanged:
func(undoHistory, redoHistory)
def _recordingStreamNoteOn(self, liveChord):
"""One dict at a time"""
trId = id(session.data.currentTrack())
for func in self.recordingStreamNoteOn:
func(trId, liveChord)
def _recordingStreamNoteOff(self, liveChord):
"""One dict at a time"""
trId = id(session.data.currentTrack())
for func in self.recordingStreamNoteOff:
func(trId, liveChord)
def _recordingStreamClear(self):
for func in self.recordingStreamClear:
#Inject our derived Callbacks into the parent module
template.engine.api.callbacks = ClientCallbacks()
from template.engine.api import callbacks
_templateStartEngine = startEngine
def startEngine(nsmClient):
#Send initial Data etc.
session.data.tempoMap.isTransportMaster = True #always true for Laborejo.
callbacks._tracksChanged() # This creates the frontend/GUI tracks with access through track ids. From now on we can send the GUI a trId and it knows which track needs change.
for track in session.data.hiddenTracks: #After loading a file some tracks could be hidden. We want midi for them as well.
track.staticRepresentation() #that generates the calfbox data as a side effect. discard the other data.
#because we do a simplicifaction in _updateGraphTrackCC that calls all tracks for one CC (for content links) we need to build the structure first, only during file load.
for trId in session.data.listOfTrackIds():
callbacks._graphCCTracksChanged(trId) #create structure: all CC graphs, accessed by CC number (0-127)
for trId in session.data.listOfTrackIds():
callbacks._updateTrack(trId) #create content: music items
callbacks._updateTempoTrack() # does everything at once
#done above. Special situation at file load. callbacks._graphCCTracksChanged(trId) #create structure: all CC graphs, accessed by CC number (0-127)
for cc in session.data.trackById(trId).listOfCCsInThisTrack():
callbacks._updateGraphTrackCC(trId, cc) #create content: CC points. user points and interpolated points.
if session.data.currentMetronomeTrack.asMetronomeData:
setMetronome(session.data.currentMetronomeTrack.asMetronomeData, label=session.data.currentMetronomeTrack.name) #track.asMetronomeData is generated in staticRepresentation #template api. has callbacks
global laborejoEngineStarted #makes for a convenient check. stepMidiInput uses it, which needs to know that the gui already started the api.
laborejoEngineStarted = True
#General and abstract Commands
def getMetadata():
return session.data.metaData
def setMetadata(data):
session.data.metaData = data
def playFromCursor():
def playFromBlockStart():
tr = session.data.currentTrack()
ticks = 0
for idx, bl in enumerate(tr.blocks):
if idx == tr.state.blockindex:
ticks += bl.duration()
raise RuntimeError("reached end of blocks without matchin current block index")
topLevelFunction = None
def simpleCommand(function, autoStepLeft = True, forceReturnToItem = None):
simpleCommand demands that the cursor is on the item you want to
change. That means for scripting and working with selections
that you can't simply iterate over block.data, which is a list.
Well you can, but then you don't get the context data which is in
Recursive commands are not allowed"""
global topLevelFunction #todo: replace with a python-context
if not topLevelFunction:
topLevelFunction = function
if autoStepLeft and session.data.currentTrack().state.isAppending():
function() #<-------- The action
function() #<-------- The action
if forceReturnToItem:
curBlock, curItem = forceReturnToItem
session.data.currentTrack().toItemInBlock(curItem, curBlock) #even works with appending positions (None)
if function == topLevelFunction:
callbacks._updateChangedTracks() #works with the current item @ cursor.
topLevelFunction = None
def insertItem(item):
orderBeforeInsert = session.data.getBlockAndItemOrder()
moveFunction = _createLambdaMoveToForCurrentPosition()
if session.data.currentTrack().insert(item):
def registeredUndoFunction():
session.history.register(registeredUndoFunction, descriptionString=f"Insert {item}")
simpleCommand(nothing, autoStepLeft = False) #for callbacks
def insertItemAtTickindex(item, tickindex):
Das ist eine conversion in der session. keine api befehle benutzen.
hier weiter machen. Der Cursor muss in Ruhe gelassen werden. Oder aber ich resette ohne callback? das erscheint mir erstmal simpler.
Ich brauch aber eine Funktion goToTickindex im Track die Pausen erstellt wenn man da nicht hinkommt. Jetzt wünsch ich mir ich hätte die Noten nicht in ner liste sondern in einem dict mit tickindex. welp...
vielleicht brauch ich eine komplette parallelwelt. das midi modul sollte auf jeden fall nicht die keysig suchen müssen. kontext wird in der api hergestellt, nicht im midi
def _createLambdaMoveToForCurrentPosition():
"""for undo only"""
def moveTo(trackIndex, blockIndex, localCursorIndexInBlock, pitchindex):
session.data.goTo(trackIndex, blockIndex, localCursorIndexInBlock)
session.data.cursor.pitchindex = pitchindex
except: #the worst that can happen is wrong movement.
trackIndex, blockIndex, localCursorIndexInBlock = session.data.where()
moveFunction = lambda trIdx=trackIndex, blIdx=blockIndex, curIdx=localCursorIndexInBlock, pitchIdx=session.data.cursor.pitchindex: moveTo(trIdx, blIdx, curIdx, pitchIdx)
return moveFunction
def _createLambdaRecreateSelection():
"""Not for undo.
Call it when you still have a selection, right after you do the
This is to keep a selection that changed the item positions but you want to support a new
call to the function immediately. For example the reorder notes by shuffling function.
The user will most likely hit that several times in a row to find something nice.
A valid selection implies that the cursor is on one end
of the selection. It doesn't matter which one but for the
sake of consistency and convenience we make sure that we end up with
the cursor on the bottomRight position.
It is entirely possible that the selection changed
the duration and the dimensions. The bottom right item might not
be on the same tickindex nor does it need to exist anymore.
Only the topLeft position is guaranteed to exist and have the same
tickindex. The item on that position however may not be there
def recreateSelection(moveToFunction, topLeftCursor, bottomRightCursor):
session.data.cursorWhenSelectionStarted = None #take care of the current selection
session.data.goTo(topLeftCursor["trackIndex"], topLeftCursor["blockindex"], topLeftCursor["localCursorIndex"])
session.data.goTo(bottomRightCursor["trackIndex"], bottomRightCursor["blockindex"], bottomRightCursor["localCursorIndex"])
assert session.data.cursorWhenSelectionStarted #only call this when you still have a selection
createSelectionFunction = lambda moveTo=_createLambdaMoveToForCurrentPosition(), tL=session.data.cursor.exportObject(session.data.currentTrack().state), bR=session.data.cursorWhenSelectionStarted, : recreateSelection(moveTo, tL, bR)
return createSelectionFunction #When this function gets called we are back in the position that the newly generated data is selected, ready to to the complementary processing.
def _updateCallbackForListOfTrackIDs(listOfChangedTrackIds):
for trackId in listOfChangedTrackIds:
def _updateCallbackAllTracks():
updateCallbackAllTracks = _updateCallbackAllTracks
def _changeBlockAndItemOrder(dictWithTrackIDsAndDataLists):
"""A helper function for deleteSelection, paste and other...
This makes it possible to undo/redo properly. It registers
itself with complementary data as undo/redo."""
orderBeforeInsert = session.data.getBlockAndItemOrder() #save the current version as old version. as long as we keep this data around, e.g. in the undo stack, the items will not be truly deleted
moveFunction = _createLambdaMoveToForCurrentPosition() #the goTo function for the cursor is not exactly in the right place. It may end up on the "other" side of a selection. Which is close enough.
def registeredUndoFunction():
session.history.register(registeredUndoFunction, descriptionString="change order")
#Replace old data with new parameter-data.
listOfTrackIDs = session.data.putBlockAndItemOrder(dictWithTrackIDsAndDataLists)
#Make changes visible in the GUI
def cutObjects():
def _deleteSelection(backspaceParamForCompatibilityIgnoreThis = None): #this is so special it gets its own command and is not part of the single delete() command.
orderBeforeDelete = session.data.getBlockAndItemOrder()
moveFunction = _createLambdaMoveToForCurrentPosition()
listOfChangedTrackIDs = session.data.deleteSelection()
if listOfChangedTrackIDs: #delete succeeded.
def registeredUndoFunction():
session.history.register(registeredUndoFunction, descriptionString="delete selection")
#Make changes visible in the GUI and midi
for trackId in listOfChangedTrackIDs:
def copyObjects(): #ctrl+c
#The score doesn't change at all. No callback.
#no undo.
def pasteObjects(customBuffer = None, updateCursor = True, overwriteSelection = True): #ctrl+v
"""api.duplicate overrides default paste behaviour by providing its own copyBuffer
and not destroying the selection/keep the cursor at its origin position
dataBefore = session.data.getBlockAndItemOrder()
moveFunction = _createLambdaMoveToForCurrentPosition()
listOfChangedTrackIDs = session.data.pasteObjects(customBuffer, overwriteSelection)
if listOfChangedTrackIDs: #paste succeeded.
def registeredUndoFunction():
session.history.register(registeredUndoFunction, descriptionString="paste")
#Make changes visible in the GUI
for trackId in listOfChangedTrackIDs:
if updateCursor:
def duplicate(): #ctrl+d
"""Duplicate a single object and put it right of the original. The cursor moves with it
to enable follow up insertion.
Duplicate the entire selection and put the copy right of the last selected note.
The cursor moves to selection start. deal with it.
Basically a special case of copy and paste that does not touch the clipboard."""
if session.data.cursorWhenSelectionStarted:
customBuffer = session.data.copyObjects(writeInSessionBuffer = False)
if customBuffer: #success
pos = session.data.where() #where even keeps the local position if a content linked block inserts items before our position
pasteObjects(customBuffer = customBuffer, updateCursor = False, overwriteSelection = False) #handles undo
item = session.data.currentItem()
if item:
def transposeScore(rootPitch, targetPitch):
"""Based on automatic transpose. The interval is caculated from two pitches.
There is also tranpose. But no transposeTrack, this is just select track and transpose."""
session.data.transposeScore(rootPitch, targetPitch)
session.history.register(lambda r=rootPitch,t=targetPitch: transposeScore(t,r), descriptionString="transpose score")
def useCurrentTrackAsMetronome():
"""This is called once after loading/creating a session in startEngine"""
session.data.currentMetronomeTrack = session.data.currentTrack()
setMetronome(session.data.currentMetronomeTrack.asMetronomeData, label=session.data.currentMetronomeTrack.name) #template api. has callbacks
def insertTrack(atIndex, trackObject):
moveFunction = _createLambdaMoveToForCurrentPosition()
newTrackId = id(trackObject)
session.data.insertTrack(atIndex, trackObject) #side-effect: changes the active track to the new track which can be used in the next step:
def registeredUndoFunction():
session.history.register(registeredUndoFunction, descriptionString = "insert track")
def newEmptyTrack():
"""Append an empty track and switch to the new track"""
newIndex = len(session.data.tracks)
newTrack = Track(session.data)
insertTrack(newIndex, newTrack) #handles callbacks and undo
return (id(newTrack))
def deleteTrack(trId):
"""Can not delete hidden tracks because these don't implement undo.
A hidden track is already considered "deleted" by the program.
Therefore you can only delete visible tracks."""
trackObject = session.data.trackById(trId)
assert trackObject not in session.data.hiddenTracks #enforce docstring.
trackIndex = session.data.tracks.index(trackObject)
didDelete = session.data.deleteTrack(trackObject) #may or may not change the trackindex. In any case, logically the cursor is now in a different track.
if didDelete: #score.deleteTrack does not delete the last remaining track
def registeredUndoFunction():
insertTrack(trackIndex, trackObject)
session.history.register(registeredUndoFunction, descriptionString = "delete track")
if trackObject is session.data.currentMetronomeTrack:
useCurrentTrackAsMetronome() #we already have a new current one
def deleteCurrentTrack():
def hideTrack(trId):
"""For the callbacks this looks like a delete. But there is no undo.
The track still emits playback.
hide and unhide track register in the history. deleteItem depends on the item to be in a visible
track so it may possible to insert an item, hide the track and then undo which would try to
delete an item in a hidden track. Therefore hide and unhide register.
trackObject = session.data.trackById(trId)
result = session.data.hideTrack(trackObject)
if result: #not the only track
session.history.register(lambda trId=trId: unhideTrack(trId), descriptionString = "hide track")
callbacks._tracksChanged() #even if there is no change the GUI needs to be notified to redraw its checkboxes that may have been enabled GUI-side.
def unhideTrack(trId):
trackObject = session.data.trackById(trId)
session.data.unhideTrack(trackObject) #always succeeds, or throws error.
session.history.register(lambda trId=trId: hideTrack(trId), descriptionString = "unhide track")
#the cursor is uneffected
def trackAudible(trId, state:bool):
Send midi notes or not. CCs and instrument changes are unaffected.
Not managed by undo/redo.
Does not need updateTrack. There is no new midi data to generate. cbox handles mute on its own"""
trackObject = session.data.trackById(trId)
callbacks._tracksChanged() #even if there is no change the GUI needs to be notified to redraw its checkboxes that may have been enabled GUI-side.
def listOfTrackIds():
return session.data.listOfTrackIds()
def listOfHiddenTrackIds():
return [id(track) for track in session.data.hiddenTracks.keys()]
def rearrangeTracks(listOfTrackIds):
if len(session.data.tracks) <= 1:
session.history.register(lambda l=session.data.asListOfTrackIds(): rearrangeTracks(l), descriptionString = "rearrange tracks")
def setTrackName(trId, nameString, initialInstrumentName, initialShortInstrumentName):
trackObject = session.data.trackById(trId)
session.history.register(lambda i=trId, n=trackObject.name, lyN=trackObject.initialInstrumentName, lySN=trackObject.initialShortInstrumentName: setTrackName(i, n, lyN, lySN), descriptionString = "change track name")
trackObject.name = nameString # this is a setter. It changes calfbox as well.
trackObject.initialInstrumentName = initialInstrumentName
trackObject.initialShortInstrumentName = initialShortInstrumentName
def setTrackUpbeat(trId, upbeatInTicks):
trackObject = session.data.trackById(trId)
session.history.register(lambda i=trId, u=trackObject.upbeatInTicks: setTrackUpbeat(i, u), descriptionString = "change track upbeat")
trackObject.upbeatInTicks = upbeatInTicks
def setDoubleTrack(trId, statusBool):
"""It does not touch any important data because it is more or less
a savefile-persistent visual convenience feature.
So we don't need undo/redo"""
trackObject = session.data.trackById(trId)
trackObject.double = statusBool
def setTrackSettings(trId, dictionary):
"""We need to create a new playback of the track to update the midi data."""
trackObject = session.data.trackById(trId)
previousSettings = trackObject.staticTrackRepresentation()
clean = True
for key, value in dictionary.items():
#this assumes keys are the same as track export. Will give a key error at least if not.
if not previousSettings[key] == value:
clean = False
if not clean:
trackObject.initialMidiChannel = dictionary["initialMidiChannel"]
trackObject.initialMidiBankMsb = dictionary["initialMidiBankMsb"]
trackObject.initialMidiBankLsb = dictionary["initialMidiBankLsb"]
trackObject.initialMidiProgram = dictionary["initialMidiProgram"]
trackObject.ccChannels = dictionary["ccChannels"]
trackObject.midiTranspose = dictionary["midiTranspose"]
trackObject.durationSettingsSignature.defaultOn = dictionary["duration.defaultOn"]
trackObject.durationSettingsSignature.defaultOff = dictionary["duration.defaultOff"]
trackObject.durationSettingsSignature.staccatoOn = dictionary["duration.staccatoOn"]
trackObject.durationSettingsSignature.staccatoOff = dictionary["duration.staccatoOff"]
trackObject.durationSettingsSignature.tenutoOn = dictionary["duration.tenutoOn"]
trackObject.durationSettingsSignature.tenutoOff = dictionary["duration.tenutoOff"]
trackObject.durationSettingsSignature.legatoOn = dictionary["duration.legatoOn"]
trackObject.durationSettingsSignature.legatoOff = dictionary["duration.legatoOff"]
trackObject.dynamicSettingsSignature.dynamics["ppppp"] = dictionary["dynamics.ppppp"]
trackObject.dynamicSettingsSignature.dynamics["pppp"] = dictionary["dynamics.pppp"]
trackObject.dynamicSettingsSignature.dynamics["ppp"] = dictionary["dynamics.ppp"]
trackObject.dynamicSettingsSignature.dynamics["pp"] = dictionary["dynamics.pp"]
trackObject.dynamicSettingsSignature.dynamics["p"] = dictionary["dynamics.p"]
trackObject.dynamicSettingsSignature.dynamics["mp"] = dictionary["dynamics.mp"]
trackObject.dynamicSettingsSignature.dynamics["mf"] = dictionary["dynamics.mf"]
trackObject.dynamicSettingsSignature.dynamics["f"] = dictionary["dynamics.f"]
trackObject.dynamicSettingsSignature.dynamics["ff"] = dictionary["dynamics.ff"]
trackObject.dynamicSettingsSignature.dynamics["fff"] = dictionary["dynamics.fff"]
trackObject.dynamicSettingsSignature.dynamics["ffff"] = dictionary["dynamics.ffff"]
trackObject.dynamicSettingsSignature.dynamics["custom"] = dictionary["dynamics.custom"]
trackObject.dynamicSettingsSignature.dynamics["tacet"] = dictionary["dynamics.tacet"]
trackObject.dynamicSettingsSignature.dynamics["fp"] = dictionary["dynamics.fp"]
trackObject.dynamicSettingsSignature.dynamics["sp"] = dictionary["dynamics.sp"]
trackObject.dynamicSettingsSignature.dynamics["spp"] = dictionary["dynamics.spp"]
trackObject.dynamicSettingsSignature.dynamics["sfz"] = dictionary["dynamics.sfz"]
trackObject.dynamicSettingsSignature.dynamics["sf"] = dictionary["dynamics.sf"]
trackObject.dynamicSettingsSignature.dynamics["sff"] = dictionary["dynamics.sff"]
session.history.register(lambda trId=trId, previousSettings=previousSettings: setTrackSettings(trId, previousSettings), descriptionString = "change track settings")
callbacks._setCursor() #for midi channel RT thru
def resetDynamicSettingsSignature(trId):
trackObject = session.data.trackById(trId)
previousSettings = trackObject.staticTrackRepresentation()
session.history.register(lambda trId=trId, previousSettings=previousSettings: setTrackSettings(trId, previousSettings), descriptionString = "reset track dynamic settings")
#We only need this for midi changes. callbacks._updateSingleTrackAllCC(trId)
def resetDuationSettingsSignature(trId):
trackObject = session.data.trackById(trId)
previousSettings = trackObject.staticTrackRepresentation()
session.history.register(lambda trId=trId, previousSettings=previousSettings: setTrackSettings(trId, previousSettings), descriptionString = "reset track duration settings")
#We only need this for midi changes. callbacks._updateSingleTrackAllCC(trId)
def appendBlock(trackid = None):
Has dynamic behaviour:
If we are at the end of track appending a Block switches into
that new block.
On any other position it just appends a block and the cursor
stays where it is. This gives a better typing from left-to-right
if trackid:
tr = session.data.trackById(trackid)
tr = session.data.currentTrack()
block = tr.appendBlock()
if tr.state.isAppending() and len(tr.blocks)-2 == tr.state.blockindex: #end of track?
moveFunction = _createLambdaMoveToForCurrentPosition()
def registeredUndoFunction():
session.history.register(registeredUndoFunction, descriptionString = "append block")
session.history.register(lambda blId = id(block): deleteBlock(blId), descriptionString = "append block")
def splitBlock():
tr = session.data.currentTrack()
if tr.state.isAppending() and len(tr.blocks)-1 == tr.state.blockindex: #end of track? Yes len-1 here and len-2 in append() is correct. I don't know why :(
else: #a real split
dictOfTrackIdsWithListOfBlockIds = session.data.splitCurrentBlockAndAllContentLinks() #do the split. We get the current state as return value for undo
if dictOfTrackIdsWithListOfBlockIds:
rearrangeBlocksInMultipleTracks(dictOfTrackIdsWithListOfBlockIds) #handles undo and callbacks for redrawing
callbacks._setCursor() #cursor is still on the same item. But the item might be further to the right now when additional block boundaries have been introduced to the left through contentLinks
right() # continue typing on the right side. This was added in 2020 to create a "split is an item" feeling
def joinBlockWithNext(blockId):
"""written for the GUI which can join blocks with the mouse"""
track, block = session.data.blockById(blockId)
session.data.goTo(session.data.tracks.index(track), track.blocks.index(block), 0)
def joinBlock():
"""Opposite of splitBlock (but not undo)
Take the current block and join it with the one after it.
Does the same automatically for all content linked blocks.
If there is no next block this will do nothing.
It only works on content linked blocks if ALL content linked blocks have a different
content linked block after them. So a block A needs always to be followed by block B.
Joining those will result in one big new content linked block in the whole track.
It is exactly the same as splitting a content linked block which will result in two new
content links."""
where = session.data.where() #just for the user experience.
dictOfTrackIdsWithListOfBlockIds = session.data.joinCurrentBlockAndAllContentLinks()
if dictOfTrackIdsWithListOfBlockIds:
rearrangeBlocksInMultipleTracks(dictOfTrackIdsWithListOfBlockIds) #handles undo and callbacks for redrawing
session.data.goTo(*where) #just for the user experience.
def deleteBlock(blockId):
track, block = session.data.blockById(blockId)
oldBlockArrangement = track.asListOfBlockIds()
result = track.deleteBlock(block)
if result: #not the last block
parentTrack, deletedBlock = result
#Blocks are never truly deleted but a stored in the Block.allBlocks dict. This keeps the reference to this deleted block alive and it can be added through rearrange, which gets its blocks from this dict.
session.history.register(lambda i=id(track), l=oldBlockArrangement: rearrangeBlocks(i, l), descriptionString = "delete block")
return True
return False
def deleteCurrentBlock():
currentBlockId = id(session.data.currentTrack().currentBlock())
deleteBlock(currentBlockId) #handles callbacks and undo
def deleteEmptyBlocks():
"""whole score"""
dictOfTrackIdsWithListOfBlockIds = session.data.removeEmptyBlocks()
#We keep everything in dictOfTrackIdsWithListOfBlockIds. Empty blocks have been removed from this data.
if dictOfTrackIdsWithListOfBlockIds and all(l for l in dictOfTrackIdsWithListOfBlockIds.values()):
rearrangeBlocksInMultipleTracks(dictOfTrackIdsWithListOfBlockIds) #handles undo and callbacks for redrawing
def duplicateCurrentBlock():
currentBlockId = id(session.data.currentTrack().currentBlock())
duplicateBlock(currentBlockId, 1) #handles callbacks and undo
def duplicateContentLinkCurrentBlock():
currentBlockId = id(session.data.currentTrack().currentBlock())
duplicateContentLinkBlock(currentBlockId, 1) #handles callbacks and undo
def duplicateBlock(blockId, times = 1):
track, block = session.data.blockById(blockId)
session.history.register(lambda i=id(track), l=track.asListOfBlockIds(): rearrangeBlocks(i, l), descriptionString = "duplicate block")
for i in range(times):
def duplicateContentLinkBlock(blockId, times = 1):
track, block = session.data.blockById(blockId)
session.history.register(lambda i=id(track), l=track.asListOfBlockIds(): rearrangeBlocks(i, l), descriptionString = "content link block")
for i in range(times):
def moveBlockToOtherTrack(blockId, newTrackId, listOfBlockIdsForNewTrack):
"""First move the block to the new track and then
rearrange both tracks
It is by design only possible that a block will be copied/linked
in the same track, next to the original block.
If you want the dual action of "copy this block to a new track" you need to do it in two steps.
First copy. It can be moved later by this api function."""
oldTrack, block = session.data.blockById(blockId)
assert oldTrack
assert block
if len(oldTrack.blocks) == 1:
return False #it is not possible to move the last block.
session.history.register(lambda blId=blockId, trId=id(oldTrack), l=oldTrack.asListOfBlockIds(): moveBlockToOtherTrack(blId, trId, l), descriptionString = "move block to other track")
newTrack = session.data.trackById(newTrackId)
#We don't need to check if deleting succeeded because we already checked if there are more than 1 blocks in the track above.
oldTrack.deleteBlock(block) #Check for last block is above. It is important that we delete the block at exactly this point in time, not ealier. Otherwise the reference for undo will go away.
block.parentTrack = newTrack
def rearrangeBlocks(trackid, listOfBlockIds):
track = session.data.trackById(trackid)
oldBlockOrder = track.asListOfBlockIds()
moveFunction = _createLambdaMoveToForCurrentPosition()
def registeredUndoFunction():
rearrangeBlocks(trackid, oldBlockOrder)
session.history.register(registeredUndoFunction, descriptionString = "rearrange blocks")
def rearrangeBlocksInMultipleTracks(dictOfTrackIdsWithListOfBlockIds):
"""dictOfTrackIdsWithListOfBlockIds is [trackId] = [listOfBlockIds]"""
forUndo = {}
for trackId, listOfBlockIds in dictOfTrackIdsWithListOfBlockIds.items():
track = session.data.trackById(trackId)
oldBlockOrder = track.asListOfBlockIds()
forUndo[trackId] = oldBlockOrder
moveFunction = _createLambdaMoveToForCurrentPosition()
def registeredUndoFunction():
session.history.register(registeredUndoFunction, descriptionString = "multi-track rearrange block")
for trackId in dictOfTrackIdsWithListOfBlockIds.keys():
def changeBlock(blockId, newParametersDict):
"""for example "name" or "minimumInTicks" """
track, block = session.data.blockById(blockId)
moveFunction = _createLambdaMoveToForCurrentPosition()
oldData = block.getDataAsDict()
def registeredUndoFunction():
changeBlock(blockId, oldData)
session.history.register(registeredUndoFunction, descriptionString = "change block")
def unlinkCurrentBlock():
currentBlockId = id(session.data.currentTrack().currentBlock())
def unlinkBlock(blockId):
track, block = session.data.blockById(blockId)
#if len(block.linkedContentBlocks) == 1: return #This will not work because block is still the old one. unlink replaces with a standalone copy but we keep the original for undo.
with session.history.sequence("unlink block"):
deleteBlock(blockId) #original one
#Does not work properly:
#newData = block.getUnlinkedData()
#assert newData
#_setBlockData(block, newData) #handles undo and callbacks
def _setBlockData(block, newData):
"""DEPRECATED. This did not work. The linked blocks were not reduced.
At point of the bug reports, instead of fixing this, we used
duplicate block and delete which already provides all functionality"""
session.history.register(lambda bl=block, old=block.data: _setBlockData(bl, old), descriptionString = "set block data")
block.data = newData
#no callbacks needed.
def left():
"""move the currently active tracks cursor one position to the left.
Can be directly used by a user interface"""
def right():
"""move the currently active tracks cursor one position to the right.
Can be directly used by a user interface"""
def selectLeft():
session.data.setSelectionBeginning() #or not, if there is already one.
callbacks._setCursor(destroySelection = False)
def selectRight():
callbacks._setCursor(destroySelection = False)
def measureLeft():
"""Goes a few steps left when not in metrical context"""
def measureRight():
"""Goes a few right left when not in metrical context"""
def selectMeasureLeft():
callbacks._setCursor(destroySelection = False)
def selectMeasureRight():
callbacks._setCursor(destroySelection = False)
def measureStart():
callbacks._setCursor(destroySelection = True)
def selectMeasureStart():
callbacks._setCursor(destroySelection = False)
def blockLeft():
if session.data.currentTrack().currentBlock().localCursorIndex == 0:
def blockRight():
if session.data.currentTrack().currentBlock().isAppending():
def selectBlockLeft():
if session.data.currentTrack().currentBlock().localCursorIndex == 0:
callbacks._setCursor(destroySelection = False)
def selectBlockRight():
if session.data.currentTrack().currentBlock().isAppending():
callbacks._setCursor(destroySelection = False)
def head():
def tail():
def selectHead():
callbacks._setCursor(destroySelection = False)
def selectTail():
callbacks._setCursor(destroySelection = False)
def trackUp():
def trackDown():
def trackFirst():
def trackLast():
def selectTrackUp():
callbacks._setCursor(destroySelection = False)
def selectTrackDown():
callbacks._setCursor(destroySelection = False)
def selectTrackFirst():
callbacks._setCursor(destroySelection = False)
def selectTrackLast():
callbacks._setCursor(destroySelection = False)
def selectAllTracks():
shortestTrack = sorted(session.data.tracks, key = lambda track: track.duration())[0]
trackIndex = session.data.tracks.index(shortestTrack)
session.data.goTo(trackIndex, 0, 0) #the position in the track doesn't matter. we just want into the track.
tickindexShortestTrack = session.data.currentTrack().state.tickindex
#assert session.data.currentTrack().state.tickindex == tickindexShortestTrack == shortestTrack.duration(), (session.data.currentTrack().state.tickindex, tickindexShortestTrack, shortestTrack.duration())
#Create Selection
callbacks._setCursor(destroySelection = False)
def selectTrack():
def selectMeasureColumn():
def toTickindex(trackid, tickindex, destroySelection = True):
"""Was implemented for mouse clicking in a GUI Score"""
if tickindex < 0:
tickindex = 0
trackObject = session.data.trackById(trackid)
session.data.trackIndex = session.data.tracks.index(trackObject)
def selectToTickindex(trackid, tickindex):
toTickindex(trackid, tickindex, destroySelection = False)
def up():
callbacks._setCursor(destroySelection = False)
#this does not create a selection if there was none.
#You need to call setSelectionBeginning() to start a selection.
#However, this does modify an existing selection since the cursor value changes
def down():
callbacks._setCursor(destroySelection = False)
def upOctave():
callbacks._setCursor(destroySelection = False)
def downOctave():
callbacks._setCursor(destroySelection = False)
def _delete(backspace = False):
def undoDelete(deletedItemCopy):
"""We need to go back one position after insert"""
left() #sets the cursor
if backspace: #this is not in backspace() itself because it disturbs _deleteSelection() when we go left before deleting.
session.data.currentTrack().left() #does not trigger a callback.
moveFunction = _createLambdaMoveToForCurrentPosition()
deletedItemCopy = session.data.currentTrack().delete() #this is obviously _not_ track-delete but item delete
if deletedItemCopy: #and not None / appending position
if backspace:
def registeredUndoFunction():
session.history.register(registeredUndoFunction, descriptionString = "delete item")
def registeredUndoFunction():
session.history.register(registeredUndoFunction, descriptionString = "delete item")
def backspace():
"""Callback and Undo are done via delete"""
delete(backspaceForSingleItemDelete = True)
def delete(backspaceForSingleItemDelete = None):
"""Choose wether to delete a single item or a selection.
Delete selections is tricky thats why this is done not
in the usual apply-function-to-selection way"""
if session.data.cursorWhenSelectionStarted:
#Chose prevailing durations
def prevailingLonga():
pass #TODO
def prevailingBrevis():
pass #TODO
def prevailing1():
session.data.cursor.prevailingBaseDuration = D1
def prevailing2():
session.data.cursor.prevailingBaseDuration = D2
def prevailing4():
session.data.cursor.prevailingBaseDuration = D4
def prevailing8():
session.data.cursor.prevailingBaseDuration = D8
def prevailing16():
session.data.cursor.prevailingBaseDuration = D16
def prevailing32():
session.data.cursor.prevailingBaseDuration = D32
##Chords and duration modification
def insertChord(baseDuration, pitchToInsert):
duration = items.Duration(baseDuration)
#duration.dots = session.data.cursor.getPrevailingDot()
duration.dots = 0
#audio Feedback as callback? #TODO
chord = items.Chord(duration, pitchToInsert)
def insertCursorChord(baseDuration):
"""Insert a new chord with one note to the track.
The intial note gets its pitch from the cursor position, to scale"""
keysig = session.data.currentTrack().state.keySignature()
pitchToInsert = pitchmath.toScale(session.data.cursor.pitchindex, keysig)
insertChord(baseDuration, pitchToInsert)
def addNoteToChord(pitchToInsert):
"""Utilized by midi-in"""
#TODO: in the past this was possible with prevailing duration as well. But it got too complex with undo. Just pitch for now.
_applyToItem("addNote", parameters = [pitchToInsert])
def addCursorNoteToChord():
if session.data.cursorWhenSelectionStarted:
return False
keysig = session.data.currentTrack().state.keySignature()
pitchToInsert = pitchmath.toScale(session.data.cursor.pitchindex, keysig)
_applyToItem("addNote", parameters = [pitchToInsert])
def deleteCursorNoteFromChord():
if session.data.cursorWhenSelectionStarted:
return False
_applyToItem("removeNoteNearPitch", parameters = [session.data.cursor.pitchindex])
def insertBrevis():
pass #TODO
def insertLonga():
pass #TODO
def insert1():
def insert2():
def insert4():
def insert8():
def insert16():
def insert32():
def insert64():
def insert128():
#and so on
functionType = type(lambda: print()) #not a built-in function or method, just
def _applyToItem(functionAsString, parameters = []):
see history.py / undo docstring
This is the entry point. Further undo and redo are done by
Internal functions that do something but do not return an undoFunction
are considered broken. Not returning an undo function is assumed
as "nothing happened, nothing changed".
#TODO: If getattr with string turns out to be a performance problem we must change that to a lambda function as only parameter and the api function has to get the item itself. Then we can use _applyToItemCircularUndoRedo directly (and rename it)
def do():
i = session.data.currentItem()
if not i: return None #Appending Position or otherwise no item.
undoFunction = getattr(i, functionAsString)(*parameters) #Get the real function, execute it and take the return as undo function. Each function returns an undo function (if it supports undo. see below)
if undoFunction: #the command was supported by the item. e.g. rests don't support shiftUp.
assert type(undoFunction) is functionType
moveFunction = _createLambdaMoveToForCurrentPosition()
def registeredUndoFunction():
session.history.register(registeredUndoFunction, descriptionString = functionAsString)
def _applyToItemCircularUndoRedo(function):
"""called by _applyToItem and by itself.
Function must be a command that can precisely undo itself:
see history / undo docstring
Toggles (e.g. bools) are not suitable undo functions.
For example beamGroups. They are just True and False, so at first glance you could think that
"do" is toggle so undo is toggle as well. But "do" can also be "removeBeams" in a selection.
A precise function is a function that stores or restores the exact old state as lambda parameter
or similar.
def do():
undoFunction = function()
moveFunction = _createLambdaMoveToForCurrentPosition()
def registeredUndoFunction():
session.history.register(registeredUndoFunction, descriptionString = function.__name__ )
def _applyToSelection(itemFunctionAsString, parameterListForEachSelectedItem = []):
Apply a function to a selection and undo.
The function must not rely on track.state, especially not on
the current keysignature etc.
Even if the functions add or remove the content (like api.split does) it will work.
There is an optional parameter which is a list of parameter-iterables.
The top level list must have exactly the len() as items in selection.
It was written for undo because you know the number of items
exactly here. This function itself creates this list for undo/redo.
Format of parameterListForEachSelectedItem. In this example we already know
that we apply to a selection with 3 items.:
Our function expects two parameters, float and bool.
parameterSet_One = [parameterValue=3.1415, parameterVerbose=True]
parameterSet_Two = [parameterValue=42.42, parameterVerbose=False]
parameterSet_Three = [parameterValue=100.001, parameterVerbose=False]
parameterListForEachSelectedItem = [parameterSet_One, parameterSet_Two, parameterSet_Three]
_applyToSelection("doFunction", parameterListForEachSelectedItem)
You also can use a len of one for the parameterListForEachSelectedItem. It will be
applied to all items in the selection.
onlyParameterSet = [parameterValue=42.0, parameterVerbose=True]
parameterListForAllSelectedItem = [onlyParameterSet]
_applyToSelection("doFunction", parameterListForAllSelectedItem)
Or, a typical case, just one parameter, the same, for each item in
the selection. The parameter itself can be a list itself as well.
The Following example is outdated. Tuplets are no longer a list but just a single tuple, no nesting. We leave this here as example only!
For example a duration.tuplets, which is list of tuples(!)
theParameter = [[(2,3)]] #This is a tuplet with only one fraction, triplet. It is for a notelist with only one note.
#theParameter = [ [(2,3), (4,5)], [(4,5), (1,2), (3,4)] ] #notelist of 2 with a double-nested tuplet for the first and a triple nested tuplet for the second note.
onlyParameterSet = [theParameter]
parameterListForAllSelectedItem = [onlyParameterSet]
_applyToSelection("setTuplet", parameterListForAllSelectedItem)
Now look how that would look written out, especially since there is only one parameter.
It is crazy, but neccessary.
_applyToSelection("setTuplet", [[[[(2,3)]]]])
def _replaceMagicStringParameters(listOfParameters, cachedTrackState):
Replaces the magic strings in our parameterlist
with the actual values saved for this moment by
listOfParameters is a list with parameters for the
called function. This function is sometimes another list.
For example a parameter for each note in a chord.
result = []
for param in listOfParameters:
if type(param) is list:
result.append(_replaceMagicStringParameters(param, cachedTrackState))
if param in cachedTrackState:
return result
withMagicString = any(type(elem) is str for elem in flatList(parameterListForEachSelectedItem))
validSelection, topLeftCursor, bottomRightCursor, listOfChangedTrackIds, *selectedTracksAndItems = session.data.listOfSelectedItems(removeContentLinkedData = True)
if validSelection:
if len(parameterListForEachSelectedItem) == 1: #only one value. Use it for all function calls. This is expected most of the time when we get a value from the user directly. Like "make all notes quintuplets!".
parameterGenerator = EndlessGenerator(parameterListForEachSelectedItem[0])
parameterGenerator = (iterable for iterable in parameterListForEachSelectedItem) #we make a generator because that works across tracks in the nested for loop. zip() does not.
cursorWasAtSelectionStart = session.data.goToSelectionEnd() #Moves the cursor to the bottom right end of the selection. This alone will make the selection correct at the end of processing if the duration was changed. But it is still not enough for functions that change the number of items in the selection, e.g. split
#We may be in a different track now.
trackIndex, blockIndex, localCursorIndexInBlock = session.data.where() #localCursorIndexInBlock is unreliable...
itemRightOfTheSelection = session.data.currentTrack().currentItem() #so we replace it with an item. Since the selection ends left of the current item (current one not included) it cannot be affected by the process below. it is safe to remember as marker.
undoFunctions = []
for track in selectedTracksAndItems:
for item, cachedTrackState in track: #cachedTrackState is a selected set of cached track.state values, specifically designed to assist apply to selection
listOfParameters = next(parameterGenerator) if parameterListForEachSelectedItem else ()
assert listOfParameters.__iter__ #will not throw an assert but an AttributeError. But who cares.
if withMagicString:
listOfParameters = _replaceMagicStringParameters(listOfParameters, cachedTrackState)
undoFunction = getattr(item, itemFunctionAsString)(*listOfParameters) #ACTION!
if undoFunction: #the command was supported by the item. e.g. rests don't support shiftUp.
assert type(undoFunction) is functionType
moveFunction = _createLambdaMoveToForCurrentPosition()
def registeredUndoFunction():
_applyToSelectionCircularRedoUndo(undoFunctions, listOfChangedTrackIds)
session.history.register(registeredUndoFunction, descriptionString = "selection: {}".format(itemFunctionAsString))
#Go to the end of the selection + all new items and durations.
#The selection now has the right boundaries. Now we return the cursor where it was for the user.
if cursorWasAtSelectionStart: #we were at the selection start before processing. returning...
session.data.goToSelectionStart() #keeps the selection as it is, just switches the cursor position from one end of the S. to the other.
callbacks._setCursor(destroySelection = False)
def _applyToSelectionCircularRedoUndo(functions, listOfChangedTrackIds):
Functions are a list of functions which don't need any parameters.
They are defined as lambdas with preset parameters.
We don't need a selection for actually making applyToSelection undo.
All affected tracks, items, methods and values are already known.
Functions must not be be apply-to-selection functions. To avoid
callback confusion best practice is to use no api function at all
in the functions list.
When this was written there were only score/track/item functions
possible at all. Keep it that way.
session.data.cursorWhenSelectionStarted = None #better safe than sorry. It will be destroyed by setCursor below anyway.
undoFunctions = [f() for f in functions] #side effect: make undo happen.
moveFunction = _createLambdaMoveToForCurrentPosition()
def registeredUndoFunction():
_applyToSelectionCircularRedoUndo(undoFunctions, listOfChangedTrackIds)
session.history.register(registeredUndoFunction, descriptionString = "selection stuff")
def augment():
if session.data.cursorWhenSelectionStarted:
_applyToItem("augmentNoteNearPitch", parameters = [session.data.cursor.pitchindex])
def diminish():
if session.data.cursorWhenSelectionStarted:
_applyToItem("diminishNoteNearPitch", parameters = [session.data.cursor.pitchindex])
def dot():
if session.data.cursorWhenSelectionStarted:
_applyToItem("toggleDotNearPitch", parameters = [session.data.cursor.pitchindex])
def triplet():
From anything (empty, other tuplet) to triplet
and back to empty"""
if session.data.cursorWhenSelectionStarted:
_applyToItem("toggleTripletNearPitch", parameters = [session.data.cursor.pitchindex])
def quintuplet():
Make it a quintuplet, no toggle
!setTuplet has a different parameter format than setTupletNearPitch!
if session.data.cursorWhenSelectionStarted:
tupletListForDuration = [[[[(4,5)]]]] #see docstring for _applyToSelection
_applyToSelection("setTuplet", parameterListForEachSelectedItem = tupletListForDuration)
tupletListForSingleNoteDuration = [(4,5)]
_applyToItem("setTupletNearPitch", parameters = [session.data.cursor.pitchindex, tupletListForSingleNoteDuration])
def tie():
if session.data.cursorWhenSelectionStarted:
_applyToSelection("toggleDurationKeyword", parameterListForEachSelectedItem = [[[D_TIE]]])
_applyToItem("toggleDurationKeywordNearPitch", parameters = [session.data.cursor.pitchindex, D_TIE])
def tenuto():
if session.data.cursorWhenSelectionStarted:
_applyToSelection("toggleDurationKeyword", parameterListForEachSelectedItem = [[[D_TENUTO]]])
_applyToItem("toggleDurationKeywordNearPitch", parameters = [session.data.cursor.pitchindex, D_TENUTO])
def staccato():
if session.data.cursorWhenSelectionStarted:
_applyToSelection("toggleDurationKeyword", parameterListForEachSelectedItem = [[[D_STACCATO]]])
_applyToItem("toggleDurationKeywordNearPitch", parameters = [session.data.cursor.pitchindex, D_STACCATO])
def split(newparts):
Split a chord into two or more.
This is only for chords.
Technically this works with rests as well.
However, there is little musical meaning in splitted rests.
And it does not make sense for further editing.
#TODO: Test this for the whole selection before doing something. And as always: test first, not during performing the changes.
#if currentItem.durationGroup.hasTuplet() and not newparts in (2,4,8):
#return False #no further splitting
if session.data.cursorWhenSelectionStarted:
_applyToSelection("split", parameterListForEachSelectedItem = [[newparts]],) #chord.split does not expect a list as parameter. just one parameter.
#Split introduces more items. The selection needs extension.
_applyToItem("split", parameters = [newparts])
for i in range(newparts):
#Pitch modifications
def sharpenNote():
if session.data.cursorWhenSelectionStarted:
_applyToItem("sharpenNoteNearPitch", parameters = [session.data.cursor.pitchindex])
def flattenNote():
if session.data.cursorWhenSelectionStarted:
_applyToItem("flattenNoteNearPitch", parameters = [session.data.cursor.pitchindex])
def stepUp():
if session.data.cursorWhenSelectionStarted:
_applyToSelection("stepUp", parameterListForEachSelectedItem = [[["keySignature"]]])
_applyToItem("stepUpNoteNearPitch", parameters = [session.data.cursor.pitchindex, session.data.currentTrack().state.keySignature()])
def stepDown():
if session.data.cursorWhenSelectionStarted:
_applyToSelection("stepDown", parameterListForEachSelectedItem = [[["keySignature"]]])
_applyToItem("stepDownNoteNearPitch", parameters = [session.data.cursor.pitchindex, session.data.currentTrack().state.keySignature()])
def stepUpOctave():
if session.data.cursorWhenSelectionStarted:
_applyToItem("stepUpOctaveNoteNearPitch", parameters = [session.data.cursor.pitchindex])
def stepDownOctave():
if session.data.cursorWhenSelectionStarted:
_applyToItem("stepDownOctaveNoteNearPitch", parameters = [session.data.cursor.pitchindex])
def transpose(rootPitch, targetPitch):
"""For the cursor position. Based on automatic transpose. The interval is caculated from
two pitches.
There is also tranposeScore. But no transposeTrack, this is just select track and transpose."""
if session.data.cursorWhenSelectionStarted:
_applyToSelection("intervalAutomatic", parameterListForEachSelectedItem = [[rootPitch, targetPitch]])
_applyToItem("intervalAutomatic", parameters = [rootPitch, targetPitch])
#no cursor movement.
def toggleBeam():
"""Place a beam at each end of the selection if all durations are <= D8"""
if session.data.cursorWhenSelectionStarted:
validSelection, topLeftCursor, bottomRightCursor, listOfChangedTrackIds, *selectedTracksAndItems = session.data.listOfSelectedItems(removeContentLinkedData = True)
if validSelection and len(listOfChangedTrackIds) == 1 :
#a valid selection has >=2 items.
filteredList = [item for item, props in selectedTracksAndItems[0] if type(item) in (items.Chord, items.Rest)] #only music items of the only track, which are themselves tuples (item, propertiesLikeKeysigs)
#oneDur = filteredList[0].durationGroup.baseDuration
#correctDurations = oneDur <= D8 and all(item.durationGroup.baseDuration == oneDur for item in filteredList)
correctDurations = all(item.durationGroup.baseDuration <= D8 for item in filteredList)
if correctDurations:
first = filteredList[0]
last = filteredList[-1]
if type(first) is items.Chord and type(last) is items.Chord:
removeBeam() #clean up before setting a new boundary
return True
return False #all branches except the only True one end here.
def removeBeam():
"""Get rid of all beams in the selection. This is meant as clean-up tool for the user
but also utilized in toggleBeam"""
if session.data.cursorWhenSelectionStarted:
def insertRest(baseDuration):
duration = items.Duration(baseDuration)
#duration.dots = session.data.cursor.getPrevailingDot()
duration.dots = 0
#audio Feedback?
rest = items.Rest(duration)
def insertRest1():
def insertRest2():
def insertRest4():
def insertRest8():
def insertRest16():
def insertRest32():
def insertRest64():
def insertRest128():
def insertMultiMeasureRest(numberOfMeasures):
"""MultiMeasureRests get calculated on export"""
assert int(numberOfMeasures) == numberOfMeasures and numberOfMeasures > 0
if session.data.currentTrack().state.metricalInstruction().oneMeasureInTicks > 0:
def insertClef(clefString):
clef = items.Clef(clefString)
def insertLegatoSlur():
"""no open and close. The context and order determines what
type of slur we insert, even export. Dynamically adjusts"""
slur = items.LegatoSlur()
#Key Signatures
def insertKeySignature(root, scheme):
keysig = items.KeySignature(pitchmath.plain(root), scheme)
def commonKeySignaturesAsList():
"""For the GUIs convenience so they can populate their
drop down lists.
Yes, we could use the dict from insertCommonKeySignature but
we want a special order which is not the same as the alphabetical.
So a bit of redundancy is ok."""
return [
def insertCommonKeySignature(root, scheme):
insertCommonKeySignature(P_C, "Major")
schemes = {
"Major": [0,0,0,0,0,0,0],
"Minor": [0,0,-10,0,0,-10,-10],
"Dorian": [0,0,-10,0,0,0,-10],
"Phrygian": [0,-10,-10,0,0,-10,-10],
"Lydian": [0,0,0,+10,0,0,0],
"Mixolydian": [0,0,0,0,0,0,-10],
"Locrian": [0,-10,-10,0,-10,-10,-10],
"Hollywood": [0,0,0,0,0,-10,-10], #The "Hollywood"-Scale. Stargate, Lord of the Rings etc.
insertKeySignature(root, schemes[scheme])
def insertCursorCommonKeySignature(scheme):
"""Root note is generated from the cursor pitch position and takes the previous keysig
into account."""
root = pitchmath.plain(session.data.cursor.pitchindex)
keysig = session.data.currentTrack().state.keySignature()
pitchToInsert = pitchmath.toScale(session.data.cursor.pitchindex, keysig)
insertCommonKeySignature(pitchToInsert, scheme)
#def insertTimeSignature(demoniator, nominator): #upper/lower.
# """example:
# insertTimeSignature(4, 210*2**8) #4/4
# """
# insertItem(items.TimeSignature(demoniator, nominator))
#Metrical Instructions
def insertMetricalInstruction(treeOfInstructions, lilypondOverride = None):
item = items.MetricalInstruction(treeOfInstructions)
if lilypondOverride:
item.lilypondParameters["override"] = lilypondOverride
def commonMetricalInstructionsAsList():
"""for musical reasons 5/4 and 7/8 and other a-symetrical
metrical instructions cannot be in here since it is unknown which
internal version the user wants."""
return [
def insertCommonMetricalInstrucions(scheme):
"""A metrical instruction requires a lilypond override. You can use them without of course but
they will not work when exported."""
schemes = {
"off" : (),
"2/4" : (D4, D4),
"3/4" : (D4, D4, D4),
"4/4" : ((D4, D4), (D4, D4)),
"6/8" : (int(D4*1.5),int(D4*1.5)), #aka 2/4 with triplet sub-level
"12/8" : ((D8, D8, D8), (D8, D8, D8), (D8, D8, D8), (D8, D8, D8)), #aka 4/4 with triplet sub-level
"6/4" : ((D4, D4, D4),(D4, D4, D4)),
"3/8" : (D8, D8, D8),
"1/1" : (D1,),
lilypond = {
"off" : "\\mark \"X\" \\cadenzaOn ",
"2/4" : "\\cadenzaOff \\time 2/4",
"3/4" : "\\cadenzaOff \\time 3/4",
"4/4" : "\\cadenzaOff \\time 4/4",
"6/8" : "\\cadenzaOff \\time 6/8",
"12/8" : "\\cadenzaOff \\time 12/8",
"6/4" : "\\cadenzaOff \\time 6/4",
"3/8" : "\\cadenzaOff \\time 3/8",
"1/1" : "\\cadenzaOff \\time 1/1",
insertMetricalInstruction(schemes[scheme], lilypondOverride = lilypond[scheme])
#Velocity and Dynamic Signatures
def insertDynamicSignature(keyword):
dynSig = items.DynamicSignature(keyword)
def insertDynamicPiano():
def insertDynamicForte():
def insertDynamicTacet():
def insertDynamicRamp():
"""Crescendo or Decrescendo. Determined automatically"""
dynRamp = items.DynamicRamp()
def setNoteDynamic(noteId, value):
listOfTracks, note = session.data.noteById(noteId)
session.history.register(lambda nId=noteId, v=note.dynamic.velocityModification: setNoteDynamic(nId, v), descriptionString = "set note dynamic")
#todo: better undo?
note.dynamic.velocityModification = value
for track in listOfTracks:
def clearNoteDynamic(noteId):
listOfTracks, note = session.data.noteById(noteId)
session.history.register(lambda nId=noteId, v=note.dynamic.velocityModification: setNoteDynamic(nId, v), descriptionString = "clear note dynamic")
#todo: better undo?
note.dynamic.velocityModification = 0
for track in listOfTracks:
def setNoteMods(noteId, valueOn, valueOff):
value is a float that is added as percentage of the original value
(without mods)
Is used for a specific note, not the cursor position.
listOfTracks, note = session.data.noteById(noteId)
session.history.register(lambda nId=noteId, on=note.duration.shiftStart, off=note.duration.shiftEnd: setNoteMods(nId, on, off), descriptionString = "fine tune note duration")
#todo: better undo?
note.duration.shiftStart = valueOn
note.duration.shiftEnd = valueOff
#we can't use callbacks._updateChangedTracks() here because that depends on the cursor position and checks for linked content for the currentBlock. the note can be anywhere
for track in listOfTracks:
def clearNoteMod(noteId):
"""see setNoteMods"""
listOfTracks, note = session.data.noteById(noteId)
session.history.register(lambda nId=noteId, on=note.duration.shiftStart, off=note.duration.shiftEnd: setNoteMods(nId, on, off), descriptionString = "clear note duration fine tuning")
#todo: better undo?
note.duration.shiftStart = 0
note.duration.shiftEnd = 0
for track in listOfTracks:
#Cursor Variants of the above
def moreVelocity():
"""Increase the relative velocity modficator for the note
nearest to the cursor. With selection/single support."""
if session.data.cursorWhenSelectionStarted:
_applyToItem("moreVelocityNearPitch", parameters = [session.data.cursor.pitchindex])
def lessVelocity():
"""Opposite of moreVelocity"""
if session.data.cursorWhenSelectionStarted:
_applyToItem("lessVelocityNearPitch", parameters = [session.data.cursor.pitchindex])
def moreDuration():
"""Increase the duration modficator for the note
nearest to the cursor. With selection/single support.
For simplicity reasons this only shifts the right end, the ending,
of the note. The beginning needs the full command setNoteMods"""
if session.data.cursorWhenSelectionStarted:
_applyToItem("moreDurationNearPitch", parameters = [session.data.cursor.pitchindex])
def lessDuration():
"""Opposite of moreDuration. But still for the ending of the note,
not the beginning"""
if session.data.cursorWhenSelectionStarted:
_applyToItem("lessDurationNearPitch", parameters = [session.data.cursor.pitchindex])
def resetDurationVelocity():
if session.data.cursorWhenSelectionStarted:
_applyToItem("resetVelocityAndDurationModsNearPitch", parameters = [session.data.cursor.pitchindex])
#Graphs. Tempo and CC
def getListOfGraphInterpolationTypesAsStrings():
return ["linear", "standalone"]
#Control Change Subtracks
def _lazyCCUndoRedo(trId:int, cc:int, data, description:str): #For items and blocks, not for tracks.
Lazy Undo for CCs deals with one CC in one Track at a time. No blocks are involved.
The CC tracks are not full of data. We can afford it to use the save/load system to
store complete states instead of incremental changes.
track = session.data.trackById(trId)
oldData = track.ccGraphTracks[cc].serialize()
track.ccGraphTracks[cc] = GraphTrackCC.instanceFromSerializedData(data, parentTrack=track)
session.history.register(lambda: _lazyCCUndoRedo(trId, cc, oldData, description), descriptionString=description)
callbacks._updateGraphTrackCC(trId, cc)
def _CCUndoCreater(trId:int, cc:int, description:str=""): #For items and blocks, not for tracks.
"""Can be used whenever saving the old state and actually registering undo does not depend
on the success of a function. In other words: if you could write all undo related lines
in a row, use this instead."""
track = session.data.trackById(trId)
oldData = track.ccGraphTracks[cc].serialize()
session.history.register(lambda: _lazyCCUndoRedo(trId, cc, oldData, description), descriptionString=description)
##CC Tracks
def newGraphTrackCC(trId, cc):
"""add a new CC Path for CC to the given Track.
Do nothing if already existent."""
track = session.data.trackById(trId)
callbacks._graphCCTracksChanged(trId) #create structure: all CC graphs, accessed by CC number (0-127)
callbacks._updateGraphTrackCC(trId, cc)
def _addExistingGraphTrackCC(trId, cc, graphTrackObject):
"""For undo deleteGraphTrackCC"""
track = session.data.trackById(trId)
track.addExistingGraphTrackCC(cc, graphTrackObject)
callbacks._graphCCTracksChanged(trId) #create structure: all CC graphs, accessed by CC number (0-127)
callbacks._updateGraphTrackCC(trId, cc)
def deleteGraphTrackCC(trId, cc):
track = session.data.trackById(trId)
deletedGraphTrackObject = track.deleteGraphTrackCC(cc)
callbacks._graphCCTracksChanged(trId) #this should delete any GUI cc track
## CC Blocks
def changeGraphBlockDuration(graphBlockId, newDurationInTicks):
trId, cc, graphBlock = session.data.graphBlockById(graphBlockId)
_CCUndoCreater(trId, cc, "CC Block Duration")
graphBlock.duration = newDurationInTicks
callbacks._updateGraphTrackCC(trId, cc)
def appendGraphBlock(trId, cc):
"""Append a small duration block to the current cc track"""
ccTrack = session.data.trackById(trId).ccGraphTracks[cc]
_CCUndoCreater(trId, cc, "Append CC Block")
newBlock = ccTrack.appendGraphBlock()
callbacks._updateGraphTrackCC(trId, cc)
def rearrangeCCBlocks(trId, cc, listOfBlockIds):
ccTrack = session.data.trackById(trId).ccGraphTracks[cc]
_CCUndoCreater(trId, cc, "Move CC Block")
callbacks._updateGraphTrackCC(trId, cc)
def moveCCBlockToOtherTrack(graphBlockId, newTrackId, listOfBlockIdsForNewTrack):
"""Modified copy of api.moveBlockToOtherTrack.
This only moves to the same CC value. not from volume to modwheel."""
trId, cc, graphBlock = session.data.graphBlockById(graphBlockId)
oldccTrack = session.data.trackById(trId).ccGraphTracks[cc]
newGraphTrack = session.data.trackById(newTrackId).ccGraphTracks[cc] #we assume this track has this CC already activated.
if len(oldccTrack.blocks) == 1:
return False #it is not possible to move the only block.
with session.history.sequence("Move CC to other track"):
_CCUndoCreater(trId, cc, "MoveToOther Old")
_CCUndoCreater(newTrackId, cc, "MoveToOther New")
oldccTrack.deleteBlock(graphBlock) #Check for last block is above. It is important that we delete the block at exactly this point in time, not earlier. Otherwise the reference for undo will go away.
graphBlock.parentGraphTrack = newGraphTrack
callbacks._updateGraphTrackCC(trId, cc)
callbacks._updateGraphTrackCC(newTrackId, cc) #in case of a linked block this is redundant, but for a normal move it is not redundant.
def changeCCBlock(graphBlockId, newParametersDict):
"""Mostly Duration changes. But includes the name as well"""
trId, cc, graphBlock = session.data.graphBlockById(graphBlockId)
_CCUndoCreater(trId, cc, "Change CC Block")
callbacks._updateGraphTrackCC(trId, cc)
def duplicateCCBlock(graphBlockId, times = 1):
trId, cc, graphBlock = session.data.graphBlockById(graphBlockId)
ccTrack = session.data.trackById(trId).ccGraphTracks[cc]
_CCUndoCreater(trId, cc, "Duplicate CC Block")
for i in range(times):
callbacks._updateGraphTrackCC(trId, cc)
def duplicateContentLinkCCBlock(graphBlockId, times = 1):
trId, cc, graphBlock = session.data.graphBlockById(graphBlockId)
ccTrack = session.data.trackById(trId).ccGraphTracks[cc]
_CCUndoCreater(trId, cc, "Content Link CC Block")
for i in range(times):
callbacks._updateGraphTrackCC(trId, cc)
def unlinkCCBlock(graphBlockId):
trId, cc, graphBlock = session.data.graphBlockById(graphBlockId)
_CCUndoCreater(trId, cc, "Unlink CC Block")
newData, newLinkedContentBlocks, newDuration = graphBlock.getUnlinkedData()
assert newData, newData
assert newDuration, newDuration
graphBlock.data = newData
graphBlock.linkedContentBlocks = newLinkedContentBlocks
graphBlock._duration = newDuration
def deleteCCBlock(graphBlockId):
trId, cc, graphBlock = session.data.graphBlockById(graphBlockId)
ccTrack = session.data.trackById(trId).ccGraphTracks[cc]
oldData = ccTrack.serialize()
deletedBlock = ccTrack.deleteBlock(graphBlock)
if deletedBlock: #not the last block
#Blocks are never truly deleted but stored in the GraphBlock.allBlocks dict. This keeps the reference to this deleted block alive and it can be added through rearrange, which gets its blocks from this dict.
description = "Delete CC Block"
session.history.register(lambda: _lazyCCUndoRedo(trId, cc, oldData, description), descriptionString=description)
callbacks._updateGraphTrackCC(trId, cc)
def extendLastCCBlockToTrackLength(trId, cc):
ccTrack = session.data.trackById(trId).ccGraphTracks[cc]
lastCCBlock = ccTrack.blocks[-1]
_CCUndoCreater(trId, cc, "Extend last CC Block to Track length")
callbacks._updateGraphTrackCC(trId, cc)
def splitCCBlock(graphBlockId, positionInTicksRelativeToBlock):
"""tick position is relative to block start"""
trId, cc, graphBlock = session.data.graphBlockById(graphBlockId)
ccTrack = session.data.trackById(trId).ccGraphTracks[cc]
oldData = ccTrack.serialize()
success = ccTrack.splitGraphBlock(graphBlock, positionInTicksRelativeToBlock)
if success:
description = "Split CC Block"
session.history.register(lambda: _lazyCCUndoRedo(trId, cc, oldData, description), descriptionString=description)
callbacks._updateGraphTrackCC(trId, cc)
def mergeWithNextGraphBlock(graphBlockId):
trId, cc, graphBlock = session.data.graphBlockById(graphBlockId)
ccTrack = session.data.trackById(trId).ccGraphTracks[cc]
oldData = ccTrack.serialize()
positionForSplit = ccTrack.mergeWithNextGraphBlock(graphBlock)
if positionForSplit:
description = "Split CC Block"
session.history.register(lambda: _lazyCCUndoRedo(trId, cc, oldData, description), descriptionString=description)
callbacks._updateGraphTrackCC(trId, cc)
##CC Blocks and User Points
def addGraphItem(blockId, positionInTicksRelativeToBlock, newCCValue):
"""blockId includes the track as well as the CC"""
trId, cc, graphBlock = session.data.graphBlockById(blockId)
graphItem = GraphItem(newCCValue)
_addExistingGraphItem(blockId, positionInTicksRelativeToBlock, graphItem)
def _addExistingGraphItem(blockId, positionInTicksRelativeToBlock, graphItem):
"""blockId includes the track as well as the CC"""
trId, cc, graphBlock = session.data.graphBlockById(blockId)
_CCUndoCreater(trId, cc, "Add CC Point")
graphBlock.insert(graphItem, positionInTicksRelativeToBlock)
callbacks._updateGraphTrackCC(trId, cc)
def removeGraphItem(graphItemId):
trId, cc, graphBlock, graphItem = session.data.graphItemById(graphItemId)
_CCUndoCreater(trId, cc, "Remove CC Point")
tickPositionRelativeToBlockStart = graphBlock.find(graphItem)
callbacks._updateGraphTrackCC(trId, cc)
def changeGraphItem(graphItemId, moveInTicks, newCCValue):
trId, cc, graphBlock, graphItem = session.data.graphItemById(graphItemId)
_CCUndoCreater(trId, cc, "Change CC Point")
currentTickPositionRelativeToBlock = graphBlock.find(graphItem)
graphBlock.move(currentTickPositionRelativeToBlock, currentTickPositionRelativeToBlock + moveInTicks)
graphItem.ccStart = newCCValue
callbacks._updateGraphTrackCC(trId, cc)
def changeGraphItemInterpolation(graphItemId, graphType):
"""graphType is "linear" or "standalone" """
trId, cc, graphBlock, graphItem = session.data.graphItemById(graphItemId)
_CCUndoCreater(trId, cc, "CC Point Interpolation")
graphItem.graphType = graphType
callbacks._updateGraphTrackCC(trId, cc)
#Tempo Track
def _lazyTempoTrackUndoRedo(new, description:str):
"""The tempo track is not full of data. We can afford it to use the save/load system to
store complete states instead of incremental changes."""
old = session.data.tempoTrack.serialize()
session.data.tempoTrack = TempoTrack.instanceFromSerializedData(new, parentData=session.data)
session.history.register(lambda d=old: _lazyTempoTrackUndoRedo(d, description), descriptionString=description)
def _tempoTrackUndoCreater(description:str):
"""Can be used whenever saving the old state and actually registering undo does not depend
on the success of a function. In other words: if you could write all undo related lines
in a row, use this instead."""
old = session.data.tempoTrack.serialize()
session.history.register(lambda d=old: _lazyTempoTrackUndoRedo(d, description), descriptionString=description)
def addTempoItem(blockId, positionInTicksRelativeToBlock, unitsPerMinute, referenceTicks, graphType = "standalone"):
"""blockId includes the track as well as the CC"""
tempoItem = TempoItem(unitsPerMinute, referenceTicks)
tempoItem.graphType = graphType
_addExistingTempoItem(blockId, positionInTicksRelativeToBlock, tempoItem) #handles undo and callbacks
return tempoItem
def _addExistingTempoItem(blockId, positionInTicksRelativeToBlock, tempoItem):
_tempoTrackUndoCreater("Add Tempo Change")
tempoBlock = session.data.tempoTrack.tempoBlockById(blockId)
tempoBlock.insert(tempoItem, positionInTicksRelativeToBlock)
def removeTempoItem(tempoItemId):
_tempoTrackUndoCreater("Delete Tempo Change")
tempoBlock, tempoItem = session.data.tempoTrack.tempoItemById(tempoItemId)
tickPositionRelativeToBlockStart = tempoBlock.find(tempoItem)
def moveTempoItem(tempoItemId, tickPositionAbsolute):
"""Figures out the target block automatically"""
blockId, blockPosition = session.data.tempoTrack.tempoBlocKByAbsolutePosition(tickPositionAbsolute)
new_positionInTicksRelativeToBlock = tickPositionAbsolute - blockPosition
tempoBlock, tempoItem = session.data.tempoTrack.tempoItemById(tempoItemId)
_addExistingTempoItem(blockId, new_positionInTicksRelativeToBlock, tempoItem)
def removeCurrentTempoItem():
"""remove the tempo item which is at the tickindex of the cursor or left of it"""
tempoItem = session.data.tempoTrack.tempoAtTickPosition(session.data.currentTrack().state.tickindex) #This returns the leftmost item of the tick position
removeTempoItem(id(tempoItem)) #undo and callback
def changeTempoBlockDuration(tempoBlockId, newDurationInTicks):
_tempoTrackUndoCreater("Tempo Block Duration")
tempoBlock = session.data.tempoTrack.tempoBlockById(tempoBlockId)
tempoBlock.duration = newDurationInTicks
def rearrangeTempoBlocks(listOfBlockIds):
_tempoTrackUndoCreater("Move Tempo Block")
def appendTempoBlock():
_tempoTrackUndoCreater("Append Tempo Block")
newBlock = session.data.tempoTrack.appendTempoBlock()
def duplicateTempoBlock(tempoBlockId, times = 1):
_tempoTrackUndoCreater("Duplicate Tempo Block")
tempoBlock = session.data.tempoTrack.tempoBlockById(tempoBlockId)
for i in range(times):
def duplicateContentLinkTempoBlock(tempoBlockId, times = 1):
"""This is also create content link"""
_tempoTrackUndoCreater("Content Link Tempo Block")
tempoBlock = session.data.tempoTrack.tempoBlockById(tempoBlockId)
for i in range(times):
def changeTempoBlock(tempoBlockId, newParametersDict):
_tempoTrackUndoCreater("Change Tempo Block")
tempoBlock = session.data.tempoTrack.tempoBlockById(tempoBlockId)
def unlinkTempoBlock(tempoBlockId):
tempoBlock = session.data.tempoTrack.tempoBlockById(tempoBlockId)
if len(tempoBlock.linkedContentBlocks) == 1:
return #This is not a content link block
_tempoTrackUndoCreater("Unlink Tempo Block")
newData, newLinkedContentBlocks, newDuration = tempoBlock.getUnlinkedData() #does not set itself, just returns
tempoBlock.data = newData
tempoBlock.linkedContentBlocks.remove(tempoBlock) #the block still exists, so WeakRef will not remove it.
tempoBlock.linkedContentBlocks = newLinkedContentBlocks
tempoBlock._duration = newDuration #mutable list of length 1
def splitTempoBlock(tempoBlockId, positionInTicksRelativeToBlock:int):
"""tick position is relative to block start"""
old = session.data.tempoTrack.serialize()
success = session.data.tempoTrack.splitTempoBlock(tempoBlockId, positionInTicksRelativeToBlock)
if success:
session.history.register(lambda d=old, desc="Split Tempo Block": _lazyTempoTrackUndoRedo(d, desc), descriptionString="Split Tempo Block")
def mergeWithNextTempoBlock(tempoBlockId):
old = session.data.tempoTrack.serialize()
positionForSplit = session.data.tempoTrack.mergeWithNextTempoBlock(tempoBlockId)
if positionForSplit:
session.history.register(lambda d=old, desc="Join Tempo Block": _lazyTempoTrackUndoRedo(d, desc), descriptionString="Join Tempo Block")
def deleteTempoBlock(tempoBlockId):
old = session.data.tempoTrack.serialize()
tempoBlock = session.data.tempoTrack.tempoBlockById(tempoBlockId)
deletedBlock = session.data.tempoTrack.deleteBlock(tempoBlock)
if deletedBlock:
session.history.register(lambda d=old, desc="Delete Tempo Block": _lazyTempoTrackUndoRedo(d, desc), descriptionString="Delete Tempo Block")
def insertTempoItemAtAbsolutePosition(tickPositionAbsolute, unitsPerMinute, referenceTicks, graphType):
blockId, blockPosition = session.data.tempoTrack.tempoBlocKByAbsolutePosition(tickPositionAbsolute)
positionInTicksRelativeToBlock = tickPositionAbsolute - blockPosition
addTempoItem(blockId, positionInTicksRelativeToBlock, unitsPerMinute, referenceTicks, graphType)
def tempoAtTickPosition(tick):
tempoItem = session.data.tempoTrack.tempoAtTickPosition(tick)
return tempoItem.unitsPerMinute, tempoItem.referenceTicks
def insertTempoChangeDuringDuration(percentageUnitsPerMinuteAsFloat):
"""Instead of a fermata this sets a tempo change which start- and end-point are derived
from the current items duration
To enable the user to compare the tempo values we keep the original referenceTicks.
The new units per minute value is given as percentage parameter. The reasoning behind that is
that the user should think 'I want that duration to be double as long as normal = half tempo = 0.5' """
if percentageUnitsPerMinuteAsFloat <= 0:
raise ValueError("Give a float value bigger than zero. 1.0 is no modification. 0.5 is half tempo, 2.0 is double tempo")
curItem = session.data.currentItem()
if curItem: # not appending(None)
dur = curItem.logicalDuration()
if not dur: #not a clef
return None
startTick = session.data.currentTrack().state.tickindex
endTick = startTick + dur #we don't need to worry about the next note starting on that value or not. midi tempo changes can happen between note on and note off.
tempoItem = session.data.tempoTrack.tempoAtTickPosition(startTick)
#originalUnitsPerMinute, originalReferenceTicks = session.data.tempoTrack.tempoAtTickPosition(startTick)
newUnitsPerMinute = tempoItem.unitsPerMinute * percentageUnitsPerMinuteAsFloat
insertTempoItemAtAbsolutePosition(startTick, newUnitsPerMinute, tempoItem.referenceTicks, graphType = "standalone")
insertTempoItemAtAbsolutePosition(endTick, tempoItem.unitsPerMinute, tempoItem.referenceTicks, graphType = "standalone")
def currentTempoScalingFactor():
return session.data.tempoTrack.factor
def changeTempoScaling(factor:float):
"""The factor is always a factor from x1, not from the previous
#High Level commands
def pedalNotes(pedalDuration):
"""Split the chord so that it consists of all *pedalDuration*s and use the cursor as a pitch
for all but the first, which keeps its original notelist.
Since the cursor note is in the current keysig only it will be used even if applied to multiple
tracks. E.g. treble clef middle line in Track 1 has F-Major and will input a Bes but if Track 2
is in C-Major it will still use Bes as the pedal note, and not B.
This is a musically unlikely corner case so we accept the inaccuracy.
#TODO: To iron out the corner case in the docstring we would have to look at each notes cached keysig.
def replaceWithPedalNotes(self):
if not type(self) == items.Chord:
return False
newParts = int(self.durationGroup.baseDuration / pedalDuration)
if newParts < 2:
return False
originalPitches = self.notelist #keep the actual list, not only the contents
keysig = session.data.currentTrack().state.keySignature()
pitchToInsert = pitchmath.toScale(session.data.cursor.pitchindex, keysig)
pedalNote = self.notelist[0].copy(self)
pedalNote.pitch = pitchToInsert
self.notelist = [pedalNote]
undoSplit = self.split(newParts) #split uses the temporary note
targetDuration = self.durationGroup.minimumNote.duration.copy()
#Restore the first note to original pitch, but keep the new duration, at least in the mininumNote
self.notelist = originalPitches
#self.notelist[self.notelist.index(self.durationGroup.minimumNote)] =
self.durationGroup.minimumNote.duration = targetDuration
return undoSplit
items.Item._replaceWithPedalNotes = replaceWithPedalNotes #this happens each time api.pedalNotes gets called, which is good because the "duration" parameter changes each time.
if session.data.cursorWhenSelectionStarted:
def mirrorAroundCursor():
if session.data.cursorWhenSelectionStarted:
_applyToSelection("mirrorAroundCursor", parameterListForEachSelectedItem = [[session.data.cursor.pitchindex]])
_applyToItem("mirrorAroundCursor", parameters = [session.data.cursor.pitchindex])
#All the random inserts work on prevailing duration.
def _randomPitch(lowest, highest, mode = "inScale"):
returns a pitch integer
Does depend on the track state and cursor. This is a function that is supposed to be called (indirectly)
by the user and not suited for a script where the cursor stays at the beginning.
lowest is a pitch value like 1420
-1 = full spectrum, reserved for microintervals
0 = enharmonic spectrum.
1 = without double-b and x
2 = in Scale, default"""
note = random.randrange(lowest, highest, 10) #step-size 10
keysig = session.data.currentTrack().state.keySignature()
if mode == "inScale":
return pitchmath.toScale(note, keysig)
elif mode == "chromatic":
#A conversion to midi is just an abstract frequency and back to the current keysig
return pitchmath.fromMidi(pitchmath.toMidi[note], keysig)
elif mode == "enharmonic":
return note
elif mode == "microintervals":
raise NotImplementedError
raise ValueError("Mode unknown: {}".format(mode))
def insertRandomChromaticInClefRange():
clef = session.data.currentTrack().state.clef()
insertChord(session.data.cursor.prevailingBaseDuration, _randomPitch(clef.rangeLowest, clef.rangeHighest, mode="chromatic"))
def insertRandomFromScaleInClefRange():
clef = session.data.currentTrack().state.clef()
insertChord(session.data.cursor.prevailingBaseDuration, _randomPitch(clef.rangeLowest, clef.rangeHighest))
def insertRandomFromScaleAuthenticModeCursor():
insertChord(session.data.cursor.prevailingBaseDuration, _randomPitch(session.data.cursor.pitchindex, session.data.cursor.pitchindex + 350, mode = "inScale"))
def insertRandomFromScaleHypoModeCursor():
insertChord(session.data.cursor.prevailingBaseDuration, _randomPitch(session.data.cursor.pitchindex - 3*50, session.data.cursor.pitchindex + 4*50, mode = "inScale"))
def insertRandomFromClipboard():
"""Only the pitch, not the duration"""
#TODO: After real world testing decide if this works with the clipboard or if we need a separate buffer
#TODO currently the pool is created each time a note is requested. This could easily moved into the copy function.
if session.data.copyObjectsBuffer:
pool = set(flatList(session.data.copyObjectsBuffer)) #set to remove content links
pool = [i for i in pool if type(i) is items.Chord]
if pool: #all chords
pitchlist = random.choice(pool).copy().pitchlist()
velocityModification = 0 #signed int which will simply get added to the current dynamic signatures value.
item = items.createChordOrRest(completeDuration, pitchlist, velocityModification)
def _listOChordsFromSelection():
"""Returns (None, None) or a tuple(listOfChangedTrackIds, list of notelists (per track))"""
if session.data.cursorWhenSelectionStarted:
validSelection, topLeftCursor, bottomRightCursor, listOfChangedTrackIds, *selectedTracksAndItems = session.data.listOfSelectedItems(removeContentLinkedData=True)
if not validSelection:
return None, None
chordlists = []
for track in selectedTracksAndItems:
#[(object, {"keySignature": keysigobject}), (object, {"keySignature": keysigobject}), (object, {"keySignature": keysigobject}), ...], #track 1
#[(object, {"keySignature": keysigobject}), (object, {"keySignature": keysigobject}), ...], #track 2
if len(track) >= 2:
for item, keysig in track:
if type(item) is items.Chord:
if not tuple(flatList(chordlists)):
return None, None
return listOfChangedTrackIds, chordlists
return None, None
def _reorderChords(functionToGenerateChordOrder, descriptionString):
"""Works track by track.
It is assumed that each chord is only once in generatorOfChords and also exists in the score
listOfChangedTrackIds, chordlists = _listOChordsFromSelection()
if not listOfChangedTrackIds:
orderBeforeInsert = session.data.getBlockAndItemOrder()
moveFunction = _createLambdaMoveToForCurrentPosition()
def registeredUndoFunction():
session.history.register(registeredUndoFunction, descriptionString)
seentest = set()
recreateSelection = _createLambdaRecreateSelection()
for track in chordlists: #read-only
generatorOfChords = functionToGenerateChordOrder(track)
#We need to gather the indices of the original items all at once.
#Otherwise, if we replace step by step, we will find items multiple times leading to little or no shuffling.
originalOrder = [] #tuples. we delete from the original track so the indices will be all wrong in the end, except the first! and after we insert a new item at that first position the second index will be correct again. and so on...
for chord in track: #iterate over the original order
#Replace each chord with a random one by removing the original chord from block data. This keeps the chord objects unchanged, ready for undo by simply reordering.
assert not chord in seentest #shared between all tracks.
data = next(bl for bl in chord.parentBlocks).data #just take any block. data is shared between all of them. Content linked data was removed from the selection
index = data.index(chord)
originalOrder.append((data, index, chord))
for chord in track:
data = next(bl for bl in chord.parentBlocks).data #just take any block. data is shared between all of them. Content linked data was removed from the selection
for data, index, chord in originalOrder:
new = next(generatorOfChords)
data.insert(index, new)
recreateSelection() #the bottom right position is now at a different position but we want the selection to stay the same to call reorder again
callbacks._setCursor(destroySelection = False)
def reorderShuffle():
"""Only for valid selections.
Works track by track"""
def functionToGenerateChordOrder(track):
shuffledTrack = random.sample(track, len(track))
shuffledTrack = (chrd for chrd in shuffledTrack) #make generator so we can use next()
return shuffledTrack
_reorderChords(functionToGenerateChordOrder, descriptionString="Shuffle Notes") #handles undo and callbacks
def reorderReverse():
"""Only for valid selections.
Works track by track"""
def functionToGenerateChordOrder(track):
return reversed(track) #already a generator
_reorderChords(functionToGenerateChordOrder, descriptionString="Reverse Notes") #handles undo and callbacks
def reorderAscending():
"""Only for valid selections.
Works track by track"""
def functionToGenerateChordOrder(track):
asc = sorted(track, key=lambda item: item.notelist[0].pitch) #notelist[0] is the lowest pitch in a chord
return (chrd for chrd in asc) #make generator
_reorderChords(functionToGenerateChordOrder, descriptionString="Shuffle Notes") #handles undo and callbacks
def reoderdDescending():
"""Only for valid selections.
Works track by track"""
def functionToGenerateChordOrder(track):
asc = sorted(track, key=lambda item: item.notelist[0].pitch) #notelist[0] is the lowest pitch in a chord
return reversed(asc) #already a generator
_reorderChords(functionToGenerateChordOrder, descriptionString="Shuffle Notes") #handles undo and callbacks
#Midi only
def instrumentChange(program, msb, lsb, shortInstrumentName):
change = items.InstrumentChange(program, msb, lsb, shortInstrumentName)
def channelChange(value, text):
change = items.ChannelChange(value, text)
def midiRelativeChannelPlus():
if session.data.cursorWhenSelectionStarted:
def midiRelativeChannelMinus():
if session.data.cursorWhenSelectionStarted:
def midiRelativeChannelReset():
if session.data.cursorWhenSelectionStarted:
def lilypondText(text):
except Exception as err:
def exportLilypond(absoluteFilePath):
lilypond.saveAsLilypond(session.data, absoluteFilePath)
# lilypond.saveAsLilypond(session.data, absoluteFilePath)
#except Exception as err:
# logger.error(err)
def showPDF():
lilypond.saveAsLilypondPDF(session.data, openPDF = True)
except Exception as err:
def getLilypondBarlineList()->Iterable[Tuple[str, Callable]]:
"""Return a list of very similar functions for a convenience menu in a GUI.
They are trivial so we don't need to create seperate api function for them individually.
the qt gui submenus ChooseOne uses this format."""
return [
#("Bold", lambda: lilypondText('\\bar "."')),
("Double", lambda: lilypondText('\\bar "||"')),
#("Bold Double", lambda: lilypondText('\\bar ".."')),
("Open", lambda: lilypondText('\\bar ".|"')),
("End/Open", lambda: lilypondText('\\bar "|.|"')),
("End", lambda: lilypondText('\\bar "|."')),
def getLilypondRepeatList()->Iterable[Tuple[str, Callable]]:
return [
("Open", lambda: lilypondText('\\bar ".|:"')),
("Close/Open", lambda: lilypondText('\\bar ":|.|:"')),
("Close", lambda: lilypondText('\\bar ":|."')),
#This and That
def connectModMidiMerger():
"""Connect our global step midi in to mod-midi-merger, if present"""
jackClientName = cbox.JackIO.status().client_name
cbox.JackIO.port_connect("mod-midi-merger:out", jackClientName + ":in")
def printPitches():
track = session.data.currentTrack()
for block in track.blocks:
for chord in block.data:
print ([note.pitch for note in chord.notelist])
def highStaccatoLowTenuto():
How to apply to selection without changing the item in the code?
An example command. Normally this would be in an extra-package
because of its high level nature and non-standard purpose.
First we add new methods to the Chord class.
At least during the current session this will allow undo and redo.
The inserted note however does not need these methods anymore.
Even if we remove this function forever the data will remain.
This function is noteworthy because undo and redo get a notelist
with different duration values which need to be remembered
def _stacAndTen(self):
if len(self.notelist) == 2:
oldValues = []
for note in self.notelist:
oldValues.append(note.duration.copy()) #see _setDurationlist
self.notelist[0].duration.toggleDurationKeyword(D_TENUTO) #lower note
self.notelist[1].duration.toggleDurationKeyword(D_STACCATO) #higher note
return lambda: self._setDurationlist(oldValues)
items.Chord._stacAndTen = _stacAndTen
if session.data.cursorWhenSelectionStarted:
_applyToSelection("_stacAndTen") #This is now a chord-instance method.