#! /usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Copyright 2022, Nils Hilbricht, Germany ( https://www.hilbricht.net ) This file is part of the Laborejo Software Suite ( https://www.laborejo.org ), Laborejo2 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . """ import logging; logger = logging.getLogger(__name__); logger.info("import") #Standard Library from math import log #Third party from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtGui, QtWidgets translate = QtCore.QCoreApplication.translate #Template from template.qtgui.helper import stringToColor from template.qtgui.helper import stretchLine, stretchRect, callContextMenu, removeInstancesFromScene #Our own files import engine.api as api from . import graphs from .items import staticItem2Item, GuiTieCurveGraphicsItem from .constantsAndConfigs import constantsAndConfigs from .submenus import BlockPropertiesEdit cosmeticPen = QtGui.QPen() cosmeticPen.setCosmetic(True) class GuiBlockHandle(QtWidgets.QGraphicsRectItem): """A simplified version of a Block. Since we don't use blocks in the GUI, only in the backend we still need them sometimes as macro strutures, where we don't care about the content. This is the transparent Block handle that appears when the user uses the mouse to drag and drop a block. It is visible all the time though and can be clicked on. In opposite to the background color, which is just a color and stays in place. """ def __init__(self, parent, staticExportItem, x, y, w, h): super().__init__(x, y, w, h) #x and y are coordinates relative to its parent block. Y will always be a fixed value. At the moment of writing -14. #self.setFlag(QtWidgets.QGraphicsItem.ItemHasNoContents, True) #only child items. Without this we get notImplementedError: QGraphicsItem.paint() is abstract and must be overridden #self.setFlag(QtWidgets.QGraphicsItem.ItemContainsChildrenInShape, True) self.parent = parent #GuiTrack instance self.parentGuiTrack = parent #redundant, but specifically for block movement. see ScoreScene self.trans = QtGui.QColor("transparent") self.setPen(self.trans) self.setBrush(self.trans) #self.setOpacity(0.4) #slightly fuller than background self.setFlag(QtWidgets.QGraphicsItem.ItemIgnoresParentOpacity, True) self.setFlag(QtWidgets.QGraphicsItem.ItemIsMovable, True) self.setParentItem(parent) self.setZValue(10) #This is the z value within GuiTrack self.staticExportItem = staticExportItem self._color = None # @property self.posBeforeMove = None self.cursorPosOnMoveStart = None #Display Block ID """ self.idText = QtWidgets.QGraphicsSimpleTextItem(str(self.staticExportItem["id"])) self.idText.setParentItem(self) self.idText.setPos(0, constantsAndConfigs.stafflineGap) #self.idText.setScale(4) self.idText.setFlags(QtWidgets.QGraphicsItem.ItemIgnoresParentOpacity) """ if self.staticExportItem["completeDuration"] >= 16 * api.D1: #cosmetics self.startLabel = QtWidgets.QGraphicsSimpleTextItem(self.staticExportItem["name"]) self.endLabel = QtWidgets.QGraphicsSimpleTextItem(self.staticExportItem["name"] + translate("musicstructures", " end ")) elif self.staticExportItem["completeDuration"] >= 8 * api.D1: #cosmetics self.startLabel = QtWidgets.QGraphicsSimpleTextItem(self.staticExportItem["name"]) self.endLabel = QtWidgets.QGraphicsSimpleTextItem("") else: self.startLabel = QtWidgets.QGraphicsSimpleTextItem("") self.endLabel = QtWidgets.QGraphicsSimpleTextItem("") self.startLabel.setParentItem(self) self.startLabel.setPos(0, constantsAndConfigs.stafflineGap) self.startLabel.setFlags(QtWidgets.QGraphicsItem.ItemIgnoresParentOpacity) self.endLabel.setParentItem(self) self.endLabel.setPos(self.rect().width() - self.endLabel.boundingRect().width(), constantsAndConfigs.stafflineGap) self.endLabel.setFlags(QtWidgets.QGraphicsItem.ItemIgnoresParentOpacity) @property def color(self): assert self._color return self._color @color.setter def color(self, c:QtGui.QColor): """QColor inserted by the creating function in GuiTrack. Only available during mousePressEvent. Used during dragging, then reset to transparent. This is on every change. Every note.""" self._color = c if c.lightness() > 127: #between 0 (for black) and 255 (for white) labelColor = QtGui.QColor("black") else: labelColor = QtGui.QColor("white") self.startLabel.setBrush(labelColor) self.endLabel.setBrush(labelColor) def stretchXCoordinates(self, factor): """Reposition the items on the X axis. Call goes through all parents/children, starting from ScoreView._stretchXCoordinates. Docstring there.""" stretchRect(self, factor) self.endLabel.setPos(self.rect().width() - self.endLabel.boundingRect().width(), constantsAndConfigs.stafflineGap) def blockMode(self): self.startLabel.show() self.endLabel.show() def itemMode(self): self.startLabel.hide() self.endLabel.hide() def mousePressEventCustom(self, event): """Not a qt-override. This is called directly by GuiScore if you click on a block with the right modifier keys (none)""" self.posBeforeMove = self.pos() self.cursorPosOnMoveStart = QtGui.QCursor.pos() self.setBrush(self.color) self.endLabel.hide() super().mousePressEvent(event) #Mouse Move Event, as in dragging the blocks around, in in scorescene.py #because we need to drag blocks into another track. def mouseReleaseEventCustom(self, event): """Not a qt-override. This is called directly by GuiScore if you click-release on a block""" self.setBrush(self.trans) self.setPos(self.posBeforeMove) #In case the block was moved to a position where no track is (below the tracks) we just reset the graphics. self.posBeforeMove = None self.cursorPosOnMoveStart = None self.endLabel.show() super().mouseReleaseEvent(event) def contextMenuEventCustom(self, event): """The original context menu was too unreliable. We now call it directly in Track. We do not use event parameter. This is for compatibility. """ if self.startLabel.isVisible(): #block mode listOfLabelsAndFunctions = [ (translate("musicstructures", "edit properties"), lambda: BlockPropertiesEdit(self.scene().parentView.mainWindow, staticExportItem = self.staticExportItem)), ("separator", None), #("split here", lambda: self.splitHere(event)), #Impossible because we can't see notes. (translate("musicstructures", "duplicate"), lambda: api.duplicateBlock(self.staticExportItem["id"])), (translate("musicstructures", "create content link"), lambda: api.duplicateContentLinkBlock(self.staticExportItem["id"])), (translate("musicstructures", "unlink"), lambda: api.unlinkBlock(self.staticExportItem["id"])), (translate("musicstructures", "move to start"), lambda: api.moveBlockToStartOfTrack(self.staticExportItem["id"])), (translate("musicstructures", "move to end"), lambda: api.moveBlockToEndOfTrack(self.staticExportItem["id"])), ("separator", None), (translate("musicstructures", "join with next block"), lambda: api.joinBlockWithNext(self.staticExportItem["id"])), (translate("musicstructures", "delete block"), lambda: api.deleteBlock(self.staticExportItem["id"])), ("separator", None), (translate("musicstructures", "append block at the end"), lambda: api.appendBlock(self.parent.staticExportItem["id"])), ] callContextMenu(listOfLabelsAndFunctions) class GuiTrack(QtWidgets.QGraphicsItem): """In opposite to tracks and block(backgrounds and handles) tracks never get recreated. Init is called once on creation, not virtually on every update. However, the track children, its parts, get deleted and recreated very often. Order of creation: init stafflines second init update edit mode -> then api takes over and instructs the following methods through callbacks Typical order of method calls for updates: barlines beams stafflines items redraw background color update edit mode (not on every item update, but at least on load) """ def __init__(self, parentScore, staticExportItem): super().__init__() self.setFlag(QtWidgets.QGraphicsItem.ItemHasNoContents, True) #only child items. Without this we get notImplementedError: QGraphicsItem.paint() is abstract and must be overridden #self.setFlag(QtWidgets.QGraphicsItem.ItemContainsChildrenInShape, True) #Do not use! If we activate this a block will not be able to cross over into another track with drag and drop self.parentScore = parentScore self.staticExportItem = staticExportItem #This is not the notes but the track meta data. The notes are called staticRepresentationList self.items = [] #this is used for stretching and processing of the current items. scene clear is done diffently. See self.createGraphicItemsFromData self.barLines = [] self.beams = [] self.staffLines = [] self.staticItems = [] #not deleted automatically by callbacks. self.ItemIgnoresTransformations = [] #not literally colors. QRectItems with a color. created in self.paintBlockBackgroundColors() self.transparentBlockHandles = [] #list of GuiBlockHandle in order. Only appear when the mouse is used to drag and drop. self.backgroundBlockColors = [] #QGraphicsRectItems. Always visible. self.lengthInPixel = 0 # a cached value self.createStaffLines() #no stafflines at all are too confusing. self.ccPaths = {} # ccNumber0-127:PathItem. Empty for a new track. We only create ccPaths with the first ccBlock. Creation and handling is done in GuiScore, starting with syncCCsToBackend. self.setFlag(QtWidgets.QGraphicsItem.ItemIsMovable, True) self.nameGraphic = self.NameGraphic("", parent = self) self.staticItems.append(self.nameGraphic) self.nameGraphic.updateName(self.staticExportItem) self.blockModeNameGraphic = self.NameGraphic("", parent = self) #additional name graphic in block mode that is always visible self.staticItems.append(self.blockModeNameGraphic) self.blockModeNameGraphic.updateName(self.staticExportItem) #Add one central "Create new CC Path" button which is for all non-existing CC Paths of this track and reacte to the current constantsAndConfig.ccValue #This button is not in the CCPath object because those only get created for existing backend-CCs. self.universalCreateFirstCCBlock = QtWidgets.QGraphicsSimpleTextItem(translate("musicstructures", "Create CC Path")) self.universalCreateFirstCCBlock.setFlag(QtWidgets.QGraphicsItem.ItemIgnoresParentOpacity) #toggle between edit modes not only hides stuff but the track itself gets 10% opacity. We want to avoid it for this item. self.universalCreateFirstCCBlock.mousePressEvent = lambda mouseEvent: api.newGraphTrackCC(trId = self.staticExportItem["id"], cc = constantsAndConfigs.ccViewValue) #trigger callback to self.syncCCsToBackend self.universalCreateFirstCCBlock.setParentItem(self) self.universalCreateFirstCCBlock.setPos(0,0) #for now. Afterwards it gets updated by updateBlocks . self.universalCreateFirstCCBlock.setZValue(10) #self.secondStageInitNowThatWeHaveAScene gets called by the ScoreScene.redraw(), where new tracks get created. After it was inserted into the scene. class NameGraphic(QtWidgets.QGraphicsSimpleTextItem): """The update callback is in scoreScene.redraw()""" def __init__(self, text, parent): super().__init__(text) self.setFlags(QtWidgets.QGraphicsItem.ItemIgnoresParentOpacity) self.parent = parent self.setParentItem(parent) def _editName(self): result = QtWidgets.QInputDialog.getText(self.scene().parentView, translate("musicstructures", "Track Name"), #dialog title translate("musicstructures", "Set Track Name for {}").format(self.parent.staticExportItem["id"]), #label QtWidgets.QLineEdit.Normal, self.parent.staticExportItem["name"] ) if result[1]: api.setTrackName(self.parent.staticExportItem["id"], nameString = result[0], initialInstrumentName = self.parent.staticExportItem["initialInstrumentName"], initialShortInstrumentName = self.parent.staticExportItem["initialShortInstrumentName"]) #keep the old lilypond names def contextMenuEvent(self, event): listOfLabelsAndFunctions = [ (translate("musicstructures", "edit name"), self._editName), ] callContextMenu(listOfLabelsAndFunctions) event.accept() def updateName(self, trackExportObject:dict): self.setText(f"Track {trackExportObject['index']+1} - {trackExportObject['name']}") def secondStageInitNowThatWeHaveAScene(self): """ScoreScene.redraw() calls this after the track was inserted into the scene and therefore has a position, opacity, parent item etc. (All of that is not read in normal __init__)""" pass def boundingRect(self): """Without bounding rect not mousePressEvents for children""" if self.staticExportItem["double"]: #double track, twice as high h = 10 * constantsAndConfigs.stafflineGap else: h = 4 * constantsAndConfigs.stafflineGap w = self.lengthInPixel return QtCore.QRectF(0,0,w,h) #x,y,w,h - relative to self, so pos is always 0,0 def toggleNoteheadsRectangles(self): for item in self.items: item.updateVisibility() for beam in self.beams: beam.rectangle.setVisible(constantsAndConfigs.noteHeadMode) def redraw(self, staticRepresentationList): """Called very often. For example after each note insert into the track. But not after a mode change""" self.createGraphicItemsFromData(staticRepresentationList) self.nameGraphic.setPos(30 + self.lengthInPixel, -1*constantsAndConfigs.stafflineGap) #self.lengthInPixel is now up to date def centerBlockModeNameGraphic(self, centerSceneX): """Attached to the horizontal scrollbar. Instead of calculating X in every track we do it once in parentScore.reactToHorizontalScroll()""" self.blockModeNameGraphic.setPos(centerSceneX, (-5*constantsAndConfigs.stafflineGap)) #y is in track coordinates def paintBlockBackgroundColors(self, staticBlocksRepresentation): """This gets not called by self.createGraphicItemsFromData but only by a score callback for blocksChanged""" for bg in self.backgroundBlockColors: self.parentScore.removeWhenIdle(bg) for th in self.transparentBlockHandles: self.parentScore.removeWhenIdle(th) self.backgroundBlockColors = [] self.transparentBlockHandles = [] for block in staticBlocksRepresentation: if self.staticExportItem["double"]: #double track, twice as high h = 10 * constantsAndConfigs.stafflineGap else: h = 4 * constantsAndConfigs.stafflineGap bgItem = QtWidgets.QGraphicsRectItem(0, 0, block["completeDuration"] / constantsAndConfigs.ticksToPixelRatio, h) #x, y, w, h bgItem.setFlag(QtWidgets.QGraphicsItem.ItemIgnoresParentOpacity) bgItem.setPen(QtGui.QColor("transparent")) color = stringToColor(block["name"]) bgItem.setBrush(color) bgItem.setParentItem(self) self.backgroundBlockColors.append(bgItem) bgItem.setPos(block["tickindex"] / constantsAndConfigs.ticksToPixelRatio, -2*constantsAndConfigs.stafflineGap) bgItem.setZValue(-10) #This is the z value within GuiTrack bgItem.setEnabled(False) transparentBlockHandle = GuiBlockHandle(self, block, 0, -2 * constantsAndConfigs.stafflineGap, block["completeDuration"] / constantsAndConfigs.ticksToPixelRatio, h-constantsAndConfigs.stafflineGap) #x, y, w, h transparentBlockHandle.color = color self.transparentBlockHandles.append(transparentBlockHandle) transparentBlockHandle.setPos(block["tickindex"] / constantsAndConfigs.ticksToPixelRatio, -2*constantsAndConfigs.stafflineGap) def createStaffLines(self, lengthInPixel = 0): """By default creates 5 stafflines. But it can be 10; 5 extra below the origin-staff. This is NOT a double-system like a piano but just a staff with more lines that happens to have the range of e.g. treble + bass clef.""" def createLine(yOffset): line = QtWidgets.QGraphicsLineItem(QtCore.QLineF(0, 0, lengthInPixel, 0)) line.setParentItem(self) line.setPen(cosmeticPen) self.staffLines.append(line) line.setPos(0, yOffset*constantsAndConfigs.stafflineGap) line.setZValue(-5) #This is the z value within GuiTrack for l in self.staffLines: self.parentScore.removeWhenIdle(l) self.staffLines = [] lengthInPixel += 25 #a bonus that gives the hint that you can write after the last object. for i in range(-2, 3): #the normal 5 line system. We have a lower and upper range/position. The middle line is at position 0 createLine(i) if self.staticExportItem["double"]: #add more stuffs below (user-perspective. positive Qt values) for i in range(4, 9): #i is now 3. Make a gap: createLine(i) def createBarlines(self, barlinesTickList): """and measure numbers""" for bl in self.barLines: self.parentScore.removeWhenIdle(bl) self.barLines = [] if self.staticExportItem["double"]: h = 10 * constantsAndConfigs.stafflineGap else: h = 4 * constantsAndConfigs.stafflineGap #if barlinesTickList[0] == 0: #happens when there is a metrical instruction at tick 0. # del barlinesTickList[0] last = None offset = 0 for barnumber, barlineTick in enumerate(barlinesTickList): if barlineTick == last: offset += 1 continue #don't draw the double barline last = barlineTick line = QtWidgets.QGraphicsLineItem(QtCore.QLineF(0, 0, 0, h)) line.setParentItem(self) self.barLines.append(line) line.setPos(barlineTick / constantsAndConfigs.ticksToPixelRatio, -2*constantsAndConfigs.stafflineGap) number = QtWidgets.QGraphicsSimpleTextItem(str(barnumber+1-offset)) number.setScale(0.75) number.setParentItem(line) number.setPos(-2, -3*constantsAndConfigs.stafflineGap) #-2 on X for a little fine tuning. def createBeams(self, beamList): """This creates the beam-rectangle above/below the stems. The stems theselves are created in items.py""" for b in self.beams: self.parentScore.removeWhenIdle(b) self.beams = [] for startTick, endTick, beamtype, positionAsStaffline, direction in beamList: numberOfBeams = int(log(beamtype, 2)-2) assert numberOfBeams == log(beamtype, 2)-2 for x in range(numberOfBeams): if direction > 0: #stem/beam upwards beamNumberOffset = 4*x xOffset = 7 else: beamNumberOffset = -4*x xOffset = 1 #non-scalable X-Offsets are not possible via setPos. zoom and stretch go haywire. #Instead we use one item for streching for the offset position and wrap it in an item group that is used for positioing. shifterAnchor = QtWidgets.QGraphicsItemGroup() shifterAnchor.setParentItem(self) rectangle = QtWidgets.QGraphicsRectItem(0, 0, (endTick-startTick) / constantsAndConfigs.ticksToPixelRatio, constantsAndConfigs.beamHeight) #x, y, w, h rectangle.setBrush(QtGui.QColor("black")) shifterAnchor.addToGroup(rectangle) shifterAnchor.rectangle = rectangle rectangle.setPos(xOffset, 0) #We need the beam no matter the note head mode. if constantsAndConfigs.noteHeadMode: rectangle.show() else: rectangle.hide() self.beams.append(shifterAnchor) x = startTick/ constantsAndConfigs.ticksToPixelRatio y = beamNumberOffset + positionAsStaffline * constantsAndConfigs.stafflineGap / 2 - 1 shifterAnchor.setPos(x, y) class TrackAnchor(QtWidgets.QGraphicsItemGroup): """Handling all items as individuals when deleting a track to redraw it is too much. Better let Qt handle it all at once.""" def __init__(self, parent): super().__init__() self.parent = parent def createGraphicItemsFromData(self, staticRepresentationList): """Create staff objects including simple barlines""" self.parentScore.cursor.clearItemHighlight() #or else the current highlight gets deleted while it is on an item try: self.parentScore.removeWhenIdle(self.anchor) except AttributeError: #first round pass self.items = [] itemsAppend = self.items.append self.anchor = GuiTrack.TrackAnchor(self) self.anchor.setParentItem(self) metaDataDict = staticRepresentationList.pop() for staticItem in staticRepresentationList: item = staticItem2Item(staticItem) #item.setParentItem(self.anchor) self.anchor.addToGroup(item) itemsAppend(item) item.setPos(item.pixelPosition, 0) # Y axis is set by the position of the track. This sets the position of the whole ItemGroup. The actual pitch of a chord/note is set locally by the chord itself and of no concern here. item.setZValue(5) #This is the z value within GuiTrack self.lengthInPixel = metaDataDict["duration"] / constantsAndConfigs.ticksToPixelRatio #this gets updated in stretchXCoordinates self.createBarlines(metaDataDict["barlines"]) self.createBeams(metaDataDict["beams"]) self.createStaffLines(self.lengthInPixel) def stretchXCoordinates(self, factor): """Reposition the items on the X axis. Call goes through all parents/children, starting from ScoreView._stretchXCoordinates. Docstring there.""" #The rects and lines here are just a QGraphicsRectItem and have no custom subclass. So they have no stretchXCoordinates itself. for item in self.items: item.setX(item.pos().x() * factor) item.stretchXCoordinates(factor) for staticItem in self.staticItems: #labels etc. staticItem.setX(staticItem.pos().x() * factor) for barline in self.barLines: barline.setX(barline.pos().x() * factor) for staffline in self.staffLines: #stafflines start from x=0. 0*factor=0 so we omit setPos stretchLine(staffline, factor) for beam in self.beams: #beams are part of the track, not of the note items. beam.setX(beam.pos().x() * factor ) stretchRect(beam.rectangle, factor) for backgroundBlockColor in self.backgroundBlockColors: backgroundBlockColor.setX(backgroundBlockColor.pos().x() * factor) stretchRect(backgroundBlockColor, factor) for transparentBlockHandle in self.transparentBlockHandles: transparentBlockHandle.setX(transparentBlockHandle.pos().x() * factor) transparentBlockHandle.stretchXCoordinates(factor) for ccPath in self.ccPaths.values(): ccPath.stretchXCoordinates(factor) self.lengthInPixel = self.lengthInPixel * factor #this also gets updated in createGraphicItemsFromData def itemById(self, itemId): """The itemId is the same for backend and gui items. In fact, it is really the backend-python-object id. But we exported it as static value.""" return next(item for item in self.items if item.staticItem["id"] == itemId) def blockAt(self, xScenePosition): for th in self.transparentBlockHandles: start = th.staticExportItem["tickindex"] / constantsAndConfigs.ticksToPixelRatio end = start + th.staticExportItem["completeDuration"] / constantsAndConfigs.ticksToPixelRatio if start <= xScenePosition < end: return th return None #After the last block. def updateMode(self, nameAsString): """Modes are opacity based, not show and hide. This gives us the option that children can ignore the opacity (via qt-flag). For example we need the block backgrounds to stay visible. """ assert nameAsString in constantsAndConfigs.availableEditModes #We always hide all CC paths and reactivate only a specific one in cc mode later. for ccPath in self.ccPaths.values(): ccPath.hide() self.universalCreateFirstCCBlock.hide() if nameAsString == "notation": self.blockModeNameGraphic.hide() self.nameGraphic.show() self.setOpacity(1) for backgroundColor in self.backgroundBlockColors: #created in self.paintBlockBackgroundColors() backgroundColor.setOpacity(0.2) for tbh in self.transparentBlockHandles: tbh.itemMode() elif nameAsString == "cc": self.blockModeNameGraphic.hide() self.nameGraphic.show() self.setOpacity(0.1) #the notes can still be seen in the background. if constantsAndConfigs.ccViewValue in self.ccPaths: #It is not guaranteed that all CC Values have content. On the contrary... self.ccPaths[constantsAndConfigs.ccViewValue].show() else: self.universalCreateFirstCCBlock.show() for backgroundColor in self.backgroundBlockColors: #created in self.paintBlockBackgroundColors() backgroundColor.setOpacity(0.2) for tbh in self.transparentBlockHandles: tbh.itemMode() elif nameAsString == "block": self.blockModeNameGraphic.show() self.nameGraphic.hide() self.setOpacity(0) for backgroundColor in self.backgroundBlockColors: #simple QRectItems, they don't have their own updateMode function backgroundColor.setOpacity(1) for tbh in self.transparentBlockHandles: tbh.blockMode()