#! /usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Copyright 2022, Nils Hilbricht, Germany ( https://www.hilbricht.net ) This file is part of the Laborejo Software Suite ( https://www.laborejo.org ), more specifically its template base application. This application is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . """ import logging; logging.info("import {}".format(__file__)) #Python Standard Library #Third Party Modules #Template Modules from template.engine.input_midi import MidiInput #Our Modules import engine.api as api """ This file is used directly. It is a global part of the engine (see bottom of the file) that uses the api directly, which in turn triggers the GUI. """ class StepMidiInput(MidiInput): """We initialize with everything switched off. This makes it easier for a complex system of engine, GUI and midiinput to start up and get the order of operations right For chord entry we use the first note only as indicator. The indicator was a set() at one time, which means that as long as one of the chord notes would still be down the chord was still "on". That is not as robust and convenient as using the starting note, which is counter intuitive, therefore documented here. Up until 2022 we used the midi in active toggle just on/off. So the template bypass. But now we never switch midi processing off, we just reroute input vs. setting the pitch cursor """ def __init__(self): #No super init in here! This is delayed until self.start self.firstActiveNote = None #for chord entry. self._currentlyActiveNotes = set() self.ready = False #Program start self.inputitemTrueCursorpitchFalse = False #start with just def start(self): """Call this manually after the engine and an event loop have started. For example from the GUI. It is currently started by mainwindow.py start() But it could be started from a simple command line interface as well.""" assert api.laborejoEngineStarted super().__init__(session=api.session, portName="in") self.midiProcessor.active = True #never off. self.ready = True #Program start #Connect the template midi input with Laborejo api calls. #self.midiProcessor.notePrinter(True) self.midiProcessor.register_NoteOn(self._insertMusicItemFromMidi) self.midiProcessor.register_NoteOff(self._pop) api.callbacks.setCursor.append(self._setMidiThru) #When the track changes re-route cbox RT midi thru api.callbacks._setCursor(destroySelection = False) #Force once to trigger a cursor export which calls our midi thru setter @property def midiInIsActive(self): """ try: return self.midiProcessor.active except AttributeError: #during startup return False """ return self.inputitemTrueCursorpitchFalse def _insertMusicItemFromMidi(self, timeStamp, channel, midipitch, velocity): keysig = api.session.data.currentTrack().state.keySignature() pitchToInsert = api.pitchmath.fromMidi(midipitch, keysig) if self.inputitemTrueCursorpitchFalse: if self._currentlyActiveNotes: #Chord api.left() api.addNoteToChord(pitchToInsert) api.right() else: #Single note baseDuration = api.session.data.cursor.prevailingBaseDuration api.insertChord(baseDuration, pitchToInsert) else: api.session.data.cursor.cursorWasMovedAfterChoosingPitchViaMidi = False api.toPitch(pitchToInsert) self._currentlyActiveNotes.add(midipitch) #This needs to be at the end of the function for chord-detection to work def _pop(self, timeStamp, channel, midipitch, velocity): self._currentlyActiveNotes.remove(midipitch) def setMidiInputActive(self, state:bool): #self.midiProcessor.active = state self.inputitemTrueCursorpitchFalse = state api.callbacks._prevailingBaseDurationChanged(api.session.data.cursor.prevailingBaseDuration) def toggleMidiIn(self): #self.setMidiInputActive(not self.midiInIsActive) self.setMidiInputActive(not self.inputitemTrueCursorpitchFalse) def _setMidiThru(self, cursorExport): """We don't need to react to deleted tracks because that does reset the cursor. The template midi in does _not_ check if the routed output ports still exist. however, that is a low risk state that needs changes in the program""" self.setMidiThru(cursorExport["cboxMidiOutUuid"]) self.setMidiThruChannel(cursorExport["midiChannel"]+1) #cursor midi channel is 0 based stepMidiInput = StepMidiInput() #global to use in other parts of Laborejo