@ -129,6 +129,8 @@ if compiledVersion:
with zipfile . ZipFile ( zipfilePath , mode = " r " ) as ourzipappfile :
ourzipappfile . extract ( f " sitepackages/ { cboxSharedObjectVersionedName } " , path = libsharedDir . name )
sys . path . append ( os . path . join ( zipfilePath , " sitepackages " ) )
cboxso = os . path . join ( libsharedDir . name , f " sitepackages/ { cboxSharedObjectVersionedName } " )
logger . info ( f " Shared library extracted to: { cboxso } " )
os . environ [ " CALFBOXLIBABSPATH " ] = cboxso
@ -354,6 +356,7 @@ if args.mute:
#Make sure calfbox is available.
pycboxfound = False
if " CALFBOXLIBABSPATH " in os . environ :
logger . info ( " Looking for calfbox shared library in absolute path: {} " . format ( os . environ [ " CALFBOXLIBABSPATH " ] ) )
@ -362,22 +365,29 @@ else:
if compiledVersion :
from sitepackages import cbox
logger . info ( f " Calbox Python module loaded: { os . path . abspath ( cbox . __file__ ) } " )
try :
from sitepackages . calfbox import cbox
logger . info ( f " Calbox Python module loaded: { os . path . abspath ( cbox . __file__ ) } " )
pycboxfound = True
except Exception as e :
print ( e )
else :
try :
from calfbox import cbox
logger . info ( " {} : using cbox python module from {} . Local version has higher priority than system wide. " . format ( METADATA [ " name " ] , os . path . abspath ( cbox . __file__ ) ) )
pycboxfound = True
except Exception as e :
print ( e )
print ( " Here is some information. Please show this to the developers. " )
if " calfbox " in sys . modules :
print ( sys . modules [ " calfbox " ] , " -> " , os . path . abspath ( sys . modules [ " calfbox " ] . __file__ ) )
else :
print ( " calfbox python module is not in sys.modules. This means it truly can ' t be found or you forgot --mute " )
print ( " sys.path start and tail: " , sys . path [ 0 : 5 ] , sys . path [ - 1 ] )
exitWithMessage ( " Calfbox module could not be loaded " )
if not pycboxfound :
print ( " Here is some information. Please show this to the developers. " )
if " calfbox " in sys . modules :
print ( sys . modules [ " calfbox " ] , " -> " , os . path . abspath ( sys . modules [ " calfbox " ] . __file__ ) )
else :
print ( " calfbox python module is not in sys.modules. This means it truly can ' t be found or you forgot --mute " )
print ( " sys.path start and tail: " , sys . path [ 0 : 5 ] , sys . path [ - 5 : - 1 ] )
exitWithMessage ( " Calfbox module could not be loaded " )
#Capture Ctlr+C / SIGINT and let @atexit handle the rest.