#! /usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Copyright 2019, Nils Hilbricht, Germany ( https://www.hilbricht.net ) This file is part of the Laborejo Software Suite ( https://www.laborejo.org ), more specifically its template base application. The Template Base Application is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . """ import logging; logging.info("import {}".format(__file__)) #Standard Library Modules #Third Party Modules from calfbox import cbox #Template Modules from template.engine.data import Data as TemplateData import template.engine.sequencer from template.engine.duration import D4 from template.engine.pitch import simpleNoteNames #Our modules from .track import Track class Data(template.engine.sequencer.Score): """There must always be a Data class in a file main.py. Simply inheriting from engine.data.Data is easiest. You need to match the init parameters of your parent class. They vary from class to class of course. Simply copy and paste them from your Data parent class Pattern is our measure. Since Patroneo is not a metrical program we use the simple traditional time signatures. """ def __init__(self, parentSession): super().__init__(parentSession) self.howManyUnits = 8 self.whatTypeOfUnit = D4 self.numberOfMeasures = 64 self.measuresPerGroup = 8 # meta data, has no effect on playback. self.subdivisions = 1 self.lastUsedNotenames = simpleNoteNames["English"] #The default value for new tracks/patterns. Changed each time the user picks a new representation via api.setNoteNames . noteNames are saved with the patterns. self.addTrack(name="Melody A", color="#ffff00") self.tracks[0].structure=set((0,)) #Already have the first pattern activated, so 'play' after startup already produces sounding notes. This is less confusing for a new user. self.addTrack(name="Bass A", color="#00ff00") self.addTrack(name="Drums A", color="#ff5500") self._processAfterInit() def _processAfterInit(self): pass def addTrack(self, name="", scale=None, color=None, simpleNoteNames=None): """Overrides the simpler template version""" track = Track(parentScore=self, name=name, scale=scale, color=color, simpleNoteNames=simpleNoteNames) self.tracks.append(track) return track def convertSubdivisions(self, value, errorHandling): """Not only setting the subdivisions but also trying to scale existing notes up or down proportinally. But only if possible.""" assert errorHandling in ("fail", "delete", "merge") scaleFactor = value / self.subdivisions inverseScaleFactor = self.subdivisions / value #the easiest case. New value is bigger and a multiple of the old one. 1->everything, 2->4. #We do need not check if the old notes have a place in the new grid because there are more new places than before if int(scaleFactor) == scaleFactor: assert int(scaleFactor * self.howManyUnits) == scaleFactor * self.howManyUnits self.howManyUnits = int(scaleFactor * self.howManyUnits) for track in self.tracks: for step in track.pattern.data: step["index"] = int(scaleFactor * step["index"]) step["factor"] = scaleFactor * step["factor"] #Possible case, but needs checking. elif int(inverseScaleFactor) == inverseScaleFactor: assert int(scaleFactor * self.howManyUnits) == scaleFactor * self.howManyUnits #Test, if in "fail" mode if errorHandling == "fail": if not int(scaleFactor * self.howManyUnits) == scaleFactor * self.howManyUnits: return False for track in self.tracks: for step in track.pattern.data: if not int(scaleFactor * step["index"]) == scaleFactor * step["index"]: #yes, not inverse. return False #Then apply todelete = [] self.howManyUnits = int(scaleFactor * self.howManyUnits) for track in self.tracks: for step in track.pattern.data: if errorHandling == "delete" and not int(scaleFactor * step["index"]) == scaleFactor * step["index"]: todelete.append(step) else: # if error handling was "merge" then impossible conversions will lead to step positions that can't be undone by restoring the old subdivision value. step["index"] = int(scaleFactor * step["index"]) #yes, not inverse. step["factor"] = scaleFactor * step["factor"] track.pattern.data = [d for d in track.pattern.data if not d in todelete] else: #anything involving a 3. #test if a conversion is possible. It is possible if you could first convert to 1 manually and then back up to the target number. #Or in other words: if only the main positions are set as steps. if errorHandling == "fail": if not int(scaleFactor * self.howManyUnits) == scaleFactor * self.howManyUnits: return False for track in self.tracks: for step in track.pattern.data: if step["index"] % self.subdivisions: #not on a main position. return False #Test without error. Go! self.howManyUnits = int(scaleFactor * self.howManyUnits) todelete = [] for track in self.tracks: for step in track.pattern.data: if errorHandling == "delete" and not int(scaleFactor * step["index"]) == scaleFactor * step["index"]: todelete.append(step) step["index"] = int(scaleFactor * step["index"]) #yes, not inverse. step["factor"] = scaleFactor * step["factor"] track.pattern.data = [d for d in track.pattern.data if not d in todelete] self.subdivisions = value return True def buildAllTracks(self): """Includes all patterns. This still needs to be followed by buildSongDuration. Explicit is better than implicit.""" for track in self.tracks: track.pattern.buildExportCache() track.buildTrack() self.buildSongDuration() def buildSongDuration(self, loopMeasureAroundPpqn=None): oneMeasureInTicks = (self.howManyUnits * self.whatTypeOfUnit) / self.subdivisions oneMeasureInTicks = int(oneMeasureInTicks) maxTrackDuration = self.numberOfMeasures * oneMeasureInTicks if loopMeasureAroundPpqn is None: #could be 0 cbox.Document.get_song().set_loop(maxTrackDuration, maxTrackDuration) #set playback length for the entire score. Why is the first value not zero? That would create an actual loop from the start to end. We want the song to play only once. The cbox way of doing that is to set the loop range to zero at the end of the track. Zero length is stop. else: loopMeasure = int(loopMeasureAroundPpqn / oneMeasureInTicks) #0 based start = loopMeasure * oneMeasureInTicks end = start + oneMeasureInTicks cbox.Document.get_song().set_loop(start, end) #set playback length for the entire score. Why is the first value not zero? That would create an actual loop from the start to end. We want the song to play only once. The cbox way of doing that is to set the loop range to zero at the end of the track. Zero length is stop. return start, end #Save / Load / Export def serialize(self)->dict: dictionary = super().serialize() dictionary.update( { #update in place "howManyUnits" : self.howManyUnits, "whatTypeOfUnit" : self.whatTypeOfUnit, "numberOfMeasures" : self.numberOfMeasures, "measuresPerGroup" : self.measuresPerGroup, "subdivisions" : self.subdivisions, "lastUsedNotenames" : self.lastUsedNotenames, }) return dictionary @classmethod def instanceFromSerializedData(cls, parentSession, serializedData): self = cls.__new__(cls) self.howManyUnits = serializedData["howManyUnits"] self.whatTypeOfUnit = serializedData["whatTypeOfUnit"] self.numberOfMeasures = serializedData["numberOfMeasures"] self.measuresPerGroup = serializedData["measuresPerGroup"] self.subdivisions = serializedData["subdivisions"] self.lastUsedNotenames = serializedData["lastUsedNotenames"] #Tracks depend on the rest of the data already in place because they create a cache on creation. super().copyFromSerializedData(parentSession, serializedData, self) #Tracks, parentSession and tempoMap return self def export(self): return { "numberOfTracks" : len(self.tracks), "howManyUnits" : self.howManyUnits, "whatTypeOfUnit" : self.whatTypeOfUnit, "numberOfMeasures" : self.numberOfMeasures, "measuresPerGroup" : self.measuresPerGroup, "subdivisions" : self.subdivisions, "isTransportMaster" : self.tempoMap.export()["isTransportMaster"], }