import os import sys import struct import time import unittest sys.path = ["./py"] + sys.path import cbox global Document global Transport Document = cbox.Document Transport = cbox.Transport # Make sure playback doesn't start prematurely Transport.stop() song = Document.get_song() # Delete all the tracks and patterns song.clear() # Add the first track trk = song.add_track() # Create a binary blob that contains zero MIDI events emptyblob = bytes() # Create a new empty pattern empty_pattern = song.pattern_from_blob(emptyblob, 16) # This will be the length of the pattern (in pulses). It should be large enough # to fit all the events pattern_len = 10 * 24 * 2 # Add an instance (clip) of the empty pattern to the track clip1 = trk.add_clip(pattern_len, 0, 16, empty_pattern) # Add another instance after it clip2 = trk.add_clip(2 * pattern_len, 0, 16, empty_pattern) # Create a binary blob that contains the MIDI events pblob = bytes() for noteindex in range(20): # note on pblob += cbox.Pattern.serialize_event(noteindex * 24, 0x90, 36+noteindex*3, 127) # note off pblob += cbox.Pattern.serialize_event(noteindex * 24 + 23, 0x90, 36+noteindex*3, 0) # Create a new pattern object using events from the blob pattern = song.pattern_from_blob(pblob, pattern_len) # Update all attributes of the second clip, rearranging the order clip2.set_pattern(pattern) clip2.set_pos(0) clip2.set_offset(0) clip2.set_length(pattern_len) # Verify that the clips have been reordered clips = [o.clip for o in trk.status().clips] assert clips == [clip2, clip1] # Stop the song at the end song.set_loop(pattern_len, pattern_len) # Set tempo - the argument must be a float Transport.set_tempo(160.0) # Send the updated song data to the realtime thread song.update_playback() # Flush Transport.stop() print ("Song length (seconds) is %f" % (cbox.Transport.ppqn_to_samples(pattern_len) * 1.0 / Transport.status().sample_rate)) # The /master object API doesn't have any nice Python wrapper yet, so accessing # it is a bit ugly, still - it works # Start playback print ("Playing") while True: # Get transport information - current position (samples and pulses), current tempo etc. master = Transport.status() print (master.pos_ppqn) # Query JACK ports, new USB devices etc. cbox.call_on_idle() time.sleep(0.1)