import threading import time from . import utils class ControlThread(threading.Thread): "A class that shows information about a running SmartDL object." def __init__(self, obj): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.obj = obj self.progress_bar = obj.progress_bar self.logger = obj.logger self.shared_var = obj.shared_var self.dl_speed = 0 self.eta = 0 self.lastBytesSamples = [] # list with last 50 Bytes Samples. self.last_calculated_totalBytes = 0 self.calcETA_queue = [] self.calcETA_i = 0 self.calcETA_val = 0 self.dl_time = -1.0 self.daemon = True self.start() def run(self): t1 = time.time()"Control thread has been started.") while not self.obj.pool.done(): self.dl_speed = self.calcDownloadSpeed(self.shared_var.value) if self.dl_speed > 0: self.eta = self.calcETA((self.obj.filesize-self.shared_var.value)/self.dl_speed) if self.progress_bar: if self.obj.filesize: status = r"[*] %s / %s @ %s/s %s [%3.1f%%, %s left] " % (utils.sizeof_human(self.shared_var.value), utils.sizeof_human(self.obj.filesize), utils.sizeof_human(self.dl_speed), utils.progress_bar(1.0*self.shared_var.value/self.obj.filesize), self.shared_var.value * 100.0 / self.obj.filesize, utils.time_human(self.eta, fmt_short=True)) else: status = r"[*] %s / ??? MB @ %s/s " % (utils.sizeof_human(self.shared_var.value), utils.sizeof_human(self.dl_speed)) status = status + chr(8)*(len(status)+1) print(status, end=' ', flush=True) time.sleep(0.1) if self.obj._killed:"File download process has been stopped.") return if self.progress_bar: if self.obj.filesize: print(r"[*] %s / %s @ %s/s %s [100%%, 0s left] " % (utils.sizeof_human(self.obj.filesize), utils.sizeof_human(self.obj.filesize), utils.sizeof_human(self.dl_speed), utils.progress_bar(1.0))) else: print(r"[*] %s / %s @ %s/s " % (utils.sizeof_human(self.shared_var.value), utils.sizeof_human(self.shared_var.value), utils.sizeof_human(self.dl_speed))) t2 = time.time() self.dl_time = float(t2-t1) while self.obj.post_threadpool_thread.is_alive(): time.sleep(0.1) self.obj.pool.shutdown() self.obj.status = "finished" if not self.obj.errors:"File downloaded within %.2f seconds." % self.dl_time) def get_eta(self): if self.eta <= 0 or self.obj.status == 'paused': return 0 return self.eta def get_speed(self): if self.obj.status == 'paused': return 0 return self.dl_speed def get_dl_size(self): if self.shared_var.value > self.obj.filesize: return self.obj.filesize return self.shared_var.value def get_final_filesize(self): return self.obj.filesize def get_progress(self): if not self.obj.filesize: return 0 return 1.0*self.shared_var.value/self.obj.filesize def get_dl_time(self): return self.dl_time def calcDownloadSpeed(self, totalBytes, sampleCount=30, sampleDuration=0.1): ''' Function calculates the download rate. @param totalBytes: The total amount of bytes. @param sampleCount: How much samples should the function take into consideration. @param sampleDuration: Duration of a sample in seconds. ''' l = self.lastBytesSamples newBytes = totalBytes - self.last_calculated_totalBytes self.last_calculated_totalBytes = totalBytes if newBytes >= 0: # newBytes may be negetive, will happen # if a thread has crushed and the totalBytes counter got decreased. if len(l) == sampleCount: # calc download for last 3 seconds (30 * 100ms per signal emit) l.pop(0) l.append(newBytes) dlRate = sum(l)/len(l)/sampleDuration return dlRate def calcETA(self, eta): self.calcETA_i += 1 l = self.calcETA_queue l.append(eta) if self.calcETA_i % 10 == 0: self.calcETA_val = sum(l)/len(l) if len(l) == 30: l.pop(0) if self.calcETA_i < 50: return 0 return self.calcETA_val