import os import urllib.request, urllib.error, urllib.parse import time from . import utils def download(url, dest, requestArgs=None, context=None, startByte=0, endByte=None, timeout=4, shared_var=None, thread_shared_cmds=None, logger=None, retries=3): "The basic download function that runs at each thread." logger = logger or utils.DummyLogger() req = urllib.request.Request(url, **requestArgs) if endByte: req.add_header('Range', 'bytes={:.0f}-{:.0f}'.format(startByte, endByte))"Downloading '{}' to '{}'...".format(url, dest)) try: # Context is used to skip ssl validation if verify is False. urlObj = urllib.request.urlopen(req, timeout=timeout, context=context) except urllib.error.HTTPError as e: if e.code == 416: ''' HTTP 416 Error: Requested Range Not Satisfiable. Happens when we ask for a range that is not available on the server. It will happen when the server will try to send us a .html page that means something like "you opened too many connections to our server". If this happens, we will wait for the other threads to finish their connections and try again. ''' if retries > 0: logger.warning("Thread didn't got the file it was expecting. Retrying ({} times left)...".format(retries-1)) time.sleep(5) return download(url, dest, requestArgs, startByte, endByte, timeout, shared_var, thread_shared_cmds, logger, retries-1) else: raise else: raise with open(dest, 'wb') as f: if endByte: filesize = endByte-startByte else: try: meta = filesize = int(urlObj.headers["Content-Length"])"Content-Length is {}.".format(filesize)) except (IndexError, KeyError, TypeError): logger.warning("Server did not send Content-Length. Filesize is unknown.") filesize_dl = 0 # total downloaded size limitspeed_timestamp = time.time() limitspeed_filesize = 0 block_sz = 8192 while True: if thread_shared_cmds: if 'stop' in thread_shared_cmds:'stop command received. Stopping.') raise CanceledException() if 'pause' in thread_shared_cmds: time.sleep(0.2) continue if 'limit' in thread_shared_cmds: now = time.time() time_passed = now - limitspeed_timestamp if time_passed > 0.1: # we only observe the limit after 100ms # if we passed the limit, we should if (filesize_dl-limitspeed_filesize)/time_passed >= thread_shared_cmds['limit']: time_to_sleep = (filesize_dl-limitspeed_filesize) / thread_shared_cmds['limit'] logger.debug('Thread has downloaded {} in {}. Limit is {}/s. Slowing down...'.format(utils.sizeof_human(filesize_dl-limitspeed_filesize), utils.time_human(time_passed, fmt_short=True, show_ms=True), utils.sizeof_human(thread_shared_cmds['limit']))) time.sleep(time_to_sleep) continue else: limitspeed_timestamp = now limitspeed_filesize = filesize_dl try: buff = except Exception as e: logger.error(str(e)) if shared_var: shared_var.value -= filesize_dl raise if not buff: break filesize_dl += len(buff) if shared_var: shared_var.value += len(buff) f.write(buff) urlObj.close()