/* Calf Box, an open source musical instrument. Copyright (C) 2010-2013 Krzysztof Foltman This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "config.h" #include "config-api.h" #include "dspmath.h" #include "errors.h" #include "midi.h" #include "module.h" #include "rt.h" #include "sampler.h" #include "sampler_impl.h" #include "sfzloader.h" #include "stm.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static void lfo_update_freq(struct sampler_lfo *lfo, struct sampler_lfo_params *lfop, int srate, double srate_inv) { lfo->delta = (uint32_t)(lfop->freq * 65536.0 * 65536.0 * CBOX_BLOCK_SIZE * srate_inv); lfo->delay = (uint32_t)(lfop->delay * srate); lfo->fade = (uint32_t)(lfop->fade * srate); lfo->wave = (int32_t)(lfop->wave); } static void lfo_init(struct sampler_lfo *lfo, struct sampler_lfo_params *lfop, int srate, double srate_inv) { lfo->phase = 0; lfo->xdelta = 0; lfo->age = 0; lfo->random_value = 0; // safe, less CPU intensive value lfo_update_freq(lfo, lfop, srate, srate_inv); } static inline float lfo_run(struct sampler_lfo *lfo) { if (lfo->age < lfo->delay) { lfo->age += CBOX_BLOCK_SIZE; return 0.f; } uint32_t delta = lfo->delta + lfo->xdelta; const int FRAC_BITS = 32 - 11; float v = 0; switch(lfo->wave) { case 0: // triangle { uint32_t ph = lfo->phase + 0x40000000; uint32_t tri = (ph & 0x7FFFFFFF) ^ (((ph >> 31) - 1) & 0x7FFFFFFF); v = -1.0 + tri * (2.0 / (1U << 31)); break; } case 1: // sine (default) default: { uint32_t iphase = lfo->phase >> FRAC_BITS; float frac = (lfo->phase & ((1 << FRAC_BITS) - 1)) * (1.0 / (1 << FRAC_BITS)); v = sampler_sine_wave[iphase] + (sampler_sine_wave[iphase + 1] - sampler_sine_wave[iphase]) * frac; break; } case 2: v = lfo->phase < 0xC0000000 ? 1 : -1; break; case 3: v = lfo->phase < 0x80000000 ? 1 : -1; break; case 4: v = lfo->phase < 0x40000000 ? 1 : -1; break; case 5: v = lfo->phase < 0x20000000 ? 1 : -1; break; case 6: v = -1 + lfo->phase * (1.0 / (1U << 31)); break; case 7: v = 1 - lfo->phase * (1.0 / (1U << 31)); break; case 12: if ((lfo->phase & 0x80000000) != ((lfo->phase + delta) & 0x80000000)) lfo->random_value = -1 + 2 * rand() / (1.0 * RAND_MAX); v = lfo->random_value; break; } lfo->phase += delta; if (lfo->fade && lfo->age < lfo->delay + lfo->fade) { v *= (lfo->age - lfo->delay) * 1.0 / lfo->fade; lfo->age += CBOX_BLOCK_SIZE; } return v; } static gboolean is_tail_finished(struct sampler_voice *v) { if (!v->layer->eff_num_stages) return TRUE; double eps = 1.0 / 65536.0; if (cbox_biquadf_is_audible(&v->filter.filter_left[0], eps)) return FALSE; if (cbox_biquadf_is_audible(&v->filter.filter_right[0], eps)) return FALSE; int num_stages = v->layer->eff_num_stages; if (num_stages > 1) { if (cbox_biquadf_is_audible(&v->filter.filter_left[num_stages - 1], eps)) return FALSE; if (cbox_biquadf_is_audible(&v->filter.filter_right[num_stages - 1], eps)) return FALSE; } return TRUE; } #if USE_NEON #include static inline void mix_block_into_with_gain(cbox_sample_t **outputs, int oofs, float *src_leftright, float gain) { float *dst_left = outputs[oofs]; float *dst_right = outputs[oofs + 1]; float32x2_t gain2 = {gain, gain}; for (size_t i = 0; i < CBOX_BLOCK_SIZE; i += 2) { float32x2_t lr1 = vld1_f32(&src_leftright[2 * i]); float32x2_t lr2 = vld1_f32(&src_leftright[2 * i + 2]); float32x2x2_t lr12 = vtrn_f32(lr1, lr2); float32x2_t dl1 = vld1_f32(&dst_left[i]); float32x2_t dr1 = vld1_f32(&dst_right[i]); float32x2_t l1 = vmla_f32(dl1, lr12.val[0], gain2); vst1_f32(&dst_left[i], l1); float32x2_t r1 = vmla_f32(dr1, lr12.val[1], gain2); vst1_f32(&dst_right[i], r1); } } static inline void mix_block_into(cbox_sample_t **outputs, int oofs, float *src_leftright) { float *dst_left = outputs[oofs]; float *dst_right = outputs[oofs + 1]; for (size_t i = 0; i < CBOX_BLOCK_SIZE; i += 2) { float32x2_t lr1 = vld1_f32(&src_leftright[2 * i]); float32x2_t lr2 = vld1_f32(&src_leftright[2 * i + 2]); float32x2x2_t lr12 = vtrn_f32(lr1, lr2); float32x2_t dl1 = vld1_f32(&dst_left[i]); float32x2_t dr1 = vld1_f32(&dst_right[i]); float32x2_t l1 = vadd_f32(dl1, lr12.val[0]); vst1_f32(&dst_left[i], l1); float32x2_t r1 = vadd_f32(dr1, lr12.val[1]); vst1_f32(&dst_right[i], r1); } } #else static inline void mix_block_into_with_gain(cbox_sample_t **outputs, int oofs, float *src_leftright, float gain) { cbox_sample_t *dst_left = outputs[oofs]; cbox_sample_t *dst_right = outputs[oofs + 1]; for (size_t i = 0; i < CBOX_BLOCK_SIZE; i++) { dst_left[i] += gain * src_leftright[2 * i]; dst_right[i] += gain * src_leftright[2 * i + 1]; } } static inline void mix_block_into(cbox_sample_t **outputs, int oofs, float *src_leftright) { cbox_sample_t *dst_left = outputs[oofs]; cbox_sample_t *dst_right = outputs[oofs + 1]; for (size_t i = 0; i < CBOX_BLOCK_SIZE; i++) { dst_left[i] += src_leftright[2 * i]; dst_right[i] += src_leftright[2 * i + 1]; } } #endif //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static float sfz_crossfade(float param, float xfin_lo, float xfin_hi, float xfout_lo, float xfout_hi, enum sampler_xf_curve xfc) { if (param >= xfin_hi && param <= xfout_lo) return 1.f; if (param < xfin_lo || param > xfout_hi) return 0.f; float for0 = (param < xfout_lo) ? xfin_lo : xfout_hi; float for1 = (param < xfout_lo) ? xfin_hi : xfout_lo; if (for0 == for1) return 1.f; if (xfc == stxc_gain) return (param - for0) / (for1 - for0); else { float v = (param - for0) / (for1 - for0); return sqrtf(v); } } // One-half version for CC-based crossfades static inline float sfz_crossfade2(float param, float xflo, float xfhi, float left, float right, enum sampler_xf_curve xfc) { if (xflo > xfhi) return sfz_crossfade2(param, xfhi, xflo, right, left, xfc); if (param <= xflo) return left; if (param >= xfhi) return right; float res; if (xflo == xfhi) res = 0.5f * (left + right); else res = left + (right - left) * (param - xflo) / (xfhi - xflo); if (xfc == stxc_gain) return res; else return sqrtf(res); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void sampler_voice_activate(struct sampler_voice *v, enum sampler_player_type mode) { assert(v->gen.mode == spt_inactive); sampler_voice_unlink(&v->program->module->voices_free, v); assert(mode != spt_inactive); assert(v->channel); v->gen.mode = mode; sampler_voice_link(&v->channel->voices_running, v); } void sampler_voice_start(struct sampler_voice *v, struct sampler_channel *c, struct sampler_layer_data *l, int note, int vel, int *exgroups, int *pexgroupcount) { struct sampler_module *m = c->module; sampler_gen_reset(&v->gen); v->age = 0; if (l->trigger == stm_release) { // time since last 'note on' for that note v->age = m->current_time - c->prev_note_start_time[note]; double age = v->age * m->module.srate_inv; // if attenuation is more than 84dB, ignore the release trigger if (age * l->rt_decay > 84) return; } uint32_t end = l->eff_waveform->info.frames; if (l->end != 0) end = (l->end == SAMPLER_NO_LOOP) ? 0 : l->end; v->last_waveform = l->eff_waveform; v->gen.cur_sample_end = end; if (end > l->eff_waveform->info.frames) end = l->eff_waveform->info.frames; assert(!v->current_pipe); if (end > l->eff_waveform->preloaded_frames) { if (l->eff_loop_mode == slm_loop_continuous && l->loop_end < l->eff_waveform->preloaded_frames) { // Everything fits in prefetch, because loop ends in prefetch and post-loop part is not being played } else { uint32_t loop_start = -1, loop_end = end; // If in loop mode, set the loop over the looped part... unless we're doing sustain-only loop on prefetch area only. Then // streaming will only cover the release part, and it shouldn't be looped. if (l->eff_loop_mode == slm_loop_continuous || (l->eff_loop_mode == slm_loop_sustain && l->loop_end >= l->eff_waveform->preloaded_frames)) { loop_start = l->loop_start; loop_end = l->loop_end; } // Those are initial values only, they will be adjusted in process function v->current_pipe = cbox_prefetch_stack_pop(m->pipe_stack, l->eff_waveform, loop_start, loop_end, l->count); if (!v->current_pipe) { g_warning("Prefetch pipe pool exhausted, no streaming playback will be possible"); end = l->eff_waveform->preloaded_frames; v->gen.cur_sample_end = end; } } } v->output_pair_no = (l->output + c->output_shift) % m->output_pairs; v->serial_no = m->serial_no; v->gen.loop_overlap = l->loop_overlap; v->gen.loop_overlap_step = l->loop_overlap > 0 ? 1.0 / l->loop_overlap : 0; v->gain_fromvel = l->eff_amp_velcurve[vel]; v->gain_shift = (note - l->amp_keycenter) * l->amp_keytrack; v->gain_fromvel *= sfz_crossfade(note, l->xfin_lokey, l->xfin_hikey, l->xfout_lokey, l->xfout_hikey, l->xf_keycurve); v->gain_fromvel *= sfz_crossfade(vel, l->xfin_lovel, l->xfin_hivel, l->xfout_lovel, l->xfout_hivel, l->xf_velcurve); v->note = note; v->vel = vel; v->off_vel = 0; v->pitch_shift = 0; v->released = 0; v->released_with_sustain = 0; v->released_with_sostenuto = 0; v->captured_sostenuto = 0; v->channel = c; v->layer = l; v->program = c->program; v->amp_env.shape = &l->amp_env_shape; v->filter_env.shape = &l->filter_env_shape; v->pitch_env.shape = &l->pitch_env_shape; v->cutoff_shift = vel * l->fil_veltrack / 127.0 + (note - l->fil_keycenter) * l->fil_keytrack; v->cutoff2_shift = vel * l->fil2_veltrack / 127.0 + (note - l->fil2_keycenter) * l->fil2_keytrack; v->loop_mode = l->eff_loop_mode; v->off_by = l->off_by; v->reloffset = l->reloffset; int auxes = (m->module.outputs - m->module.aux_offset) / 2; if (l->effect1bus >= 1 && l->effect1bus < 1 + auxes) v->send1bus = l->effect1bus; else v->send1bus = 0; if (l->effect2bus >= 1 && l->effect2bus < 1 + auxes) v->send2bus = l->effect2bus; else v->send2bus = 0; v->send1gain = l->effect1 * 0.01; v->send2gain = l->effect2 * 0.01; if (l->group >= 1 && *pexgroupcount < MAX_RELEASED_GROUPS) { gboolean found = FALSE; for (int j = 0; j < *pexgroupcount; j++) { if (exgroups[j] == l->group) { found = TRUE; break; } } if (!found) { exgroups[(*pexgroupcount)++] = l->group; } } lfo_init(&v->amp_lfo, &l->amp_lfo, m->module.srate, m->module.srate_inv); lfo_init(&v->filter_lfo, &l->filter_lfo, m->module.srate, m->module.srate_inv); lfo_init(&v->pitch_lfo, &l->pitch_lfo, m->module.srate, m->module.srate_inv); for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { cbox_biquadf_reset(&v->filter.filter_left[i]); cbox_biquadf_reset(&v->filter.filter_right[i]); cbox_biquadf_reset(&v->filter2.filter_left[i]); cbox_biquadf_reset(&v->filter2.filter_right[i]); } cbox_onepolef_reset(&v->onepole_left); cbox_onepolef_reset(&v->onepole_right); // set gain later (it's a less expensive operation) if (l->tonectl_freq != 0) cbox_onepolef_set_highshelf_tonectl(&v->onepole_coeffs, l->tonectl_freq * M_PI * m->module.srate_inv, 1.0); v->offset = l->offset; GSList *nif = v->layer->voice_nifs; while(nif) { struct sampler_noteinitfunc *p = nif->data; p->notefunc_voice(p, v); nif = nif->next; } if (v->gain_shift) v->gain_fromvel *= dB2gain(v->gain_shift); if (v->offset + v->reloffset != 0) { // For streamed samples, allow only half the preload period worth of offset to avoid gaps // (maybe we can allow up to preload period minus one buffer size here?) uint32_t maxend = v->current_pipe ? (l->eff_waveform->preloaded_frames >> 1) : l->eff_waveform->preloaded_frames; int32_t pos = v->offset + v->reloffset * maxend * 0.01; if (pos < 0) pos = 0; if ((uint32_t)pos > maxend) pos = (int32_t)maxend; v->offset = pos; } cbox_envelope_reset(&v->amp_env); cbox_envelope_reset(&v->filter_env); cbox_envelope_reset(&v->pitch_env); v->last_eq_bitmask = 0; sampler_voice_activate(v, l->eff_waveform->info.channels == 2 ? spt_stereo16 : spt_mono16); uint32_t pos = v->offset; if (l->offset_random) pos += ((uint32_t)(rand() + (rand() << 16))) % l->offset_random; if (pos >= end) pos = end; v->gen.bigpos = ((uint64_t)pos) << 32; v->gen.virtpos = ((uint64_t)pos) << 32; if (v->current_pipe && v->gen.bigpos) cbox_prefetch_pipe_consumed(v->current_pipe, v->gen.bigpos >> 32); v->layer_changed = TRUE; } void sampler_voice_link(struct sampler_voice **pv, struct sampler_voice *v) { v->prev = NULL; v->next = *pv; if (*pv) (*pv)->prev = v; *pv = v; } void sampler_voice_unlink(struct sampler_voice **pv, struct sampler_voice *v) { if (*pv == v) *pv = v->next; if (v->prev) v->prev->next = v->next; if (v->next) v->next->prev = v->prev; v->prev = NULL; v->next = NULL; } void sampler_voice_inactivate(struct sampler_voice *v, gboolean expect_active) { assert((v->gen.mode != spt_inactive) == expect_active); sampler_voice_unlink(&v->channel->voices_running, v); v->gen.mode = spt_inactive; if (v->current_pipe) { cbox_prefetch_stack_push(v->program->module->pipe_stack, v->current_pipe); v->current_pipe = NULL; } v->channel = NULL; sampler_voice_link(&v->program->module->voices_free, v); } void sampler_voice_release(struct sampler_voice *v, gboolean is_polyaft) { if ((v->loop_mode == slm_one_shot_chokeable) != is_polyaft) return; if (v->loop_mode != slm_one_shot && !v->layer->count) { v->released = 1; if (v->loop_mode == slm_loop_sustain && v->current_pipe) { // Break the loop v->current_pipe->file_loop_end = v->gen.cur_sample_end; v->current_pipe->file_loop_start = -1; } } } void sampler_voice_update_params_from_layer(struct sampler_voice *v) { struct sampler_layer_data *l = v->layer; struct sampler_module *m = v->program->module; lfo_update_freq(&v->amp_lfo, &l->amp_lfo, m->module.srate, m->module.srate_inv); lfo_update_freq(&v->filter_lfo, &l->filter_lfo, m->module.srate, m->module.srate_inv); lfo_update_freq(&v->pitch_lfo, &l->pitch_lfo, m->module.srate, m->module.srate_inv); cbox_envelope_update_shape(&v->amp_env, &l->amp_env_shape); cbox_envelope_update_shape(&v->filter_env, &l->filter_env_shape); cbox_envelope_update_shape(&v->pitch_env, &l->pitch_env_shape); } static inline void lfo_update_xdelta(struct sampler_module *m, struct sampler_lfo *lfo, uint32_t modmask, uint32_t dest, const float *moddests) { if (!(modmask & (1 << dest))) lfo->xdelta = 0; else lfo->xdelta = (uint32_t)(moddests[dest] * 65536.0 * 65536.0 * CBOX_BLOCK_SIZE * m->module.srate_inv); } static inline void sampler_filter_process_control(struct sampler_filter *f, enum sampler_filter_type fil_type, float logcutoff, float resonance_linearized, const struct cbox_sincos *sincos_base) { f->second_filter = &f->filter_coeffs; if (logcutoff < 0) logcutoff = 0; if (logcutoff > 12798) logcutoff = 12798; //float resonance = v->resonance*pow(32.0,c->cc[71]/maxv); float resonance = resonance_linearized; if (resonance < 0.7f) resonance = 0.7f; if (resonance > 32.f) resonance = 32.f; const struct cbox_sincos *sincos = &sincos_base[(int)logcutoff]; switch(fil_type) { case sft_lp24hybrid: cbox_biquadf_set_lp_rbj_lookup(&f->filter_coeffs, sincos, resonance * resonance); cbox_biquadf_set_1plp_lookup(&f->filter_coeffs_extra, sincos, 1); f->second_filter = &f->filter_coeffs_extra; break; case sft_lp12: case sft_lp24: case sft_lp36: cbox_biquadf_set_lp_rbj_lookup(&f->filter_coeffs, sincos, resonance); break; case sft_hp12: case sft_hp24: cbox_biquadf_set_hp_rbj_lookup(&f->filter_coeffs, sincos, resonance); break; case sft_bp6: case sft_bp12: cbox_biquadf_set_bp_rbj_lookup(&f->filter_coeffs, sincos, resonance); break; case sft_lp6: case sft_lp12nr: case sft_lp24nr: cbox_biquadf_set_1plp_lookup(&f->filter_coeffs, sincos, fil_type != sft_lp6); break; case sft_hp6: case sft_hp12nr: case sft_hp24nr: cbox_biquadf_set_1php_lookup(&f->filter_coeffs, sincos, fil_type != sft_hp6); break; default: assert(0); } } static inline void sampler_filter_process_audio(struct sampler_filter *f, int num_stages, float *leftright) { for (int i = 0; i < num_stages; ++i) cbox_biquadf_process_stereo(&f->filter_left[i], &f->filter_right[i], i ? f->second_filter : &f->filter_coeffs, leftright); } static const float gain_for_num_stages[] = { 1, 1, 0.5, 0.33f }; void sampler_voice_process(struct sampler_voice *v, struct sampler_module *m, cbox_sample_t **outputs) { struct sampler_layer_data *l = v->layer; assert(v->gen.mode != spt_inactive); struct sampler_channel *c = v->channel; v->age += CBOX_BLOCK_SIZE; const float velscl = v->vel * (1.f / 127.f); struct cbox_envelope_shape *pitcheg_shape = v->pitch_env.shape, *fileg_shape = v->filter_env.shape, *ampeg_shape = v->amp_env.shape; if (__builtin_expect(l->mod_bitmask, 0)) { #define COPY_ORIG_SHAPE(envtype, envtype2, index) \ if (l->mod_bitmask & slmb_##envtype2##eg_cc) { \ memcpy(&v->cc_envs[index], envtype2##eg_shape, sizeof(struct cbox_envelope_shape)); \ envtype2##eg_shape = &v->cc_envs[index]; \ } COPY_ORIG_SHAPE(amp, amp, 0) COPY_ORIG_SHAPE(filter, fil, 1) COPY_ORIG_SHAPE(pitch, pitch, 2) GSList *mod = l->modulations; while(mod) { // Simplified modulations for EG stages (CCs only) struct sampler_modulation *sm = mod->data; if (sm->dest >= smdest_eg_stage_start && sm->dest <= smdest_eg_stage_end) { float value = 0.f; if (sm->src < smsrc_pernote_offset) value = sampler_channel_getcc_mod(c, v, sm->src, sm); uint32_t param = sm->dest - smdest_eg_stage_start; if (value * sm->amount != 0) cbox_envelope_modify_dahdsr(&v->cc_envs[(param >> 4)], param & 0x0F, value * sm->amount, m->module.srate * 1.0 / CBOX_BLOCK_SIZE); } mod = g_slist_next(mod); } #define UPDATE_ENV_POSITION(envtype, envtype2) \ if (l->mod_bitmask & slmb_##envtype##eg_cc) \ cbox_envelope_update_shape_after_modify(&v->envtype2##_env, envtype##eg_shape, m->module.srate * 1.0 / CBOX_BLOCK_SIZE); UPDATE_ENV_POSITION(amp, amp) UPDATE_ENV_POSITION(fil, filter) UPDATE_ENV_POSITION(pitch, pitch) } // if it's a DAHD envelope without sustain, consider the note finished if (__builtin_expect(v->amp_env.cur_stage == 4 && ampeg_shape->stages[3].end_value <= 0.f, 0)) cbox_envelope_go_to(&v->amp_env, 15); #define RECALC_EQ_MASK_EQ1 (7 << smdest_eq1_freq) #define RECALC_EQ_MASK_EQ2 (7 << smdest_eq2_freq) #define RECALC_EQ_MASK_EQ3 (7 << smdest_eq3_freq) #define RECALC_EQ_MASK_ALL (RECALC_EQ_MASK_EQ1 | RECALC_EQ_MASK_EQ2 | RECALC_EQ_MASK_EQ3) uint32_t recalc_eq_mask = 0; if (__builtin_expect(v->layer_changed, 0)) { v->last_level = -1; if (v->last_waveform != v->layer->eff_waveform) { v->last_waveform = v->layer->eff_waveform; if (v->layer->eff_waveform) { v->gen.mode = v->layer->eff_waveform->info.channels == 2 ? spt_stereo16 : spt_mono16; v->gen.cur_sample_end = v->layer->eff_waveform->info.frames; } else { sampler_voice_inactivate(v, TRUE); return; } } if (l->eq_bitmask & (1 << 0)) recalc_eq_mask |= RECALC_EQ_MASK_EQ1; if (l->eq_bitmask & (1 << 1)) recalc_eq_mask |= RECALC_EQ_MASK_EQ2; if (l->eq_bitmask & (1 << 2)) recalc_eq_mask |= RECALC_EQ_MASK_EQ3; v->last_eq_bitmask = l->eq_bitmask; v->layer_changed = FALSE; } float pitch = (v->note - l->pitch_keycenter) * l->pitch_keytrack + velscl * l->pitch_veltrack + l->tune + l->transpose * 100 + v->pitch_shift; float modsrcs[smsrc_pernote_count]; modsrcs[smsrc_vel - smsrc_pernote_offset] = v->vel * velscl; modsrcs[smsrc_pitch - smsrc_pernote_offset] = pitch * (1.f / 100.f); modsrcs[smsrc_chanaft - smsrc_pernote_offset] = c->last_chanaft * (1.f / 127.f); modsrcs[smsrc_polyaft - smsrc_pernote_offset] = sampler_channel_get_poly_pressure(c, v->note); modsrcs[smsrc_pitchenv - smsrc_pernote_offset] = cbox_envelope_get_value(&v->pitch_env, pitcheg_shape) * 0.01f; modsrcs[smsrc_filenv - smsrc_pernote_offset] = cbox_envelope_get_value(&v->filter_env, fileg_shape) * 0.01f; modsrcs[smsrc_ampenv - smsrc_pernote_offset] = cbox_envelope_get_value(&v->amp_env, ampeg_shape) * 0.01f; modsrcs[smsrc_amplfo - smsrc_pernote_offset] = lfo_run(&v->amp_lfo); modsrcs[smsrc_fillfo - smsrc_pernote_offset] = lfo_run(&v->filter_lfo); modsrcs[smsrc_pitchlfo - smsrc_pernote_offset] = lfo_run(&v->pitch_lfo); if (__builtin_expect(v->amp_env.cur_stage < 0, 0)) { if (__builtin_expect(is_tail_finished(v), 0)) { sampler_voice_inactivate(v, TRUE); return; } } float moddests[smdestcount]; moddests[smdest_pitch] = pitch; moddests[smdest_cutoff] = v->cutoff_shift; moddests[smdest_cutoff2] = v->cutoff2_shift; // These are always set uint32_t modmask = (1 << smdest_pitch) | (1 << smdest_cutoff) | (1 << smdest_cutoff2); #if 0 // Those are lazy-initialized using modmask. moddests[smdest_gain] = 0; moddests[smdest_resonance] = 0; moddests[smdest_tonectl] = 0; moddests[smdest_pitchlfo_freq] = 0; moddests[smdest_fillfo_freq] = 0; moddests[smdest_amplfo_freq] = 0; #endif GSList *mod = l->modulations; if (__builtin_expect(l->trigger == stm_release, 0)) { moddests[smdest_gain] = -v->age * l->rt_decay * m->module.srate_inv; modmask |= (1 << smdest_gain); } if (c->pitchwheel) { int pw = c->pitchwheel * (c->pitchwheel > 0 ? l->bend_up : -l->bend_down); // approximate dividing by 8191 if (pw < 0) pw >>= 13; else pw = (pw + 4096) >> 13; if (l->bend_step > 1) pw = (pw / l->bend_step) * l->bend_step; moddests[smdest_pitch] += pw; } while(mod) { struct sampler_modulation *sm = mod->data; float value = 0.f, value2 = 1.f; if (sm->src < smsrc_pernote_offset) value = sampler_channel_getcc_mod(c, v, sm->src, sm); else value = modsrcs[sm->src - smsrc_pernote_offset]; if (sm->src2 != smsrc_none) { if (sm->src2 < smsrc_pernote_offset) value2 = sampler_channel_getcc_mod(c, v, sm->src2, sm); else value2 = modsrcs[sm->src2 - smsrc_pernote_offset]; value *= value2; } if (sm->dest < 32) { if (!(modmask & (1 << sm->dest))) // first value { moddests[sm->dest] = value * sm->amount; modmask |= (1 << sm->dest); } else moddests[sm->dest] += value * sm->amount; } mod = g_slist_next(mod); } lfo_update_xdelta(m, &v->pitch_lfo, modmask, smdest_pitchlfo_freq, moddests); lfo_update_xdelta(m, &v->filter_lfo, modmask, smdest_fillfo_freq, moddests); lfo_update_xdelta(m, &v->amp_lfo, modmask, smdest_amplfo_freq, moddests); recalc_eq_mask |= modmask; #define RECALC_EQ_IF(index) \ if (recalc_eq_mask & RECALC_EQ_MASK_EQ##index) \ { \ float dfreq = velscl * l->eq##index.vel2freq + ((modmask & (1 << smdest_eq##index##_freq)) ? moddests[smdest_eq##index##_freq] : 0);\ float fbw = (modmask & (1 << smdest_eq##index##_bw)) ? pow(0.5, moddests[smdest_eq##index##_bw]) : 1;\ float dgain = velscl * l->eq##index.vel2gain + ((modmask & (1 << smdest_eq##index##_gain)) ? moddests[smdest_eq##index##_gain] : 0);\ cbox_biquadf_set_peakeq_rbj_scaled(&v->eq_coeffs[index - 1], l->eq##index.effective_freq + dfreq, fbw / l->eq##index.bw, dB2gain(0.5 * (l->eq##index.gain + dgain)), m->module.srate); \ if (!(v->last_eq_bitmask & (1 << (index - 1)))) \ { \ cbox_biquadf_reset(&v->eq_left[index-1]); \ cbox_biquadf_reset(&v->eq_right[index-1]); \ } \ } if (__builtin_expect(recalc_eq_mask, 0)) { RECALC_EQ_IF(1) RECALC_EQ_IF(2) RECALC_EQ_IF(3) } cbox_envelope_advance(&v->pitch_env, v->released, pitcheg_shape); cbox_envelope_advance(&v->filter_env, v->released, fileg_shape); cbox_envelope_advance(&v->amp_env, v->released, ampeg_shape); double maxv = 127 << 7; double freq = l->eff_freq * cent2factor(moddests[smdest_pitch]) ; uint64_t freq64 = (uint64_t)(freq * 65536.0 * 65536.0 * m->module.srate_inv); gboolean playing_sustain_loop = !v->released && v->loop_mode == slm_loop_sustain; uint32_t loop_start, loop_end; gboolean bandlimited = FALSE; if (!v->current_pipe) { v->gen.sample_data = v->last_waveform->data; if (v->last_waveform->levels) { gboolean use_cached = v->last_level > 0 && v->last_level < v->last_waveform->level_count && freq64 > v->last_level_min_rate && freq64 <= v->last_waveform->levels[v->last_level].max_rate; if (__builtin_expect(use_cached, 1)) { v->gen.sample_data = v->last_waveform->levels[v->last_level].data; bandlimited = TRUE; } else { for (int i = 0; i < v->last_waveform->level_count; i++) { if (freq64 <= v->last_waveform->levels[i].max_rate) { v->last_level = i; v->gen.sample_data = v->last_waveform->levels[i].data; bandlimited = TRUE; break; } v->last_level_min_rate = v->last_waveform->levels[i].max_rate; } } } } // XXXKF or maybe check for on-cc being in the on-cc range instead? gboolean play_loop = v->layer->loop_end && (v->loop_mode == slm_loop_continuous || playing_sustain_loop) && !v->layer->on_cc.is_active; loop_start = play_loop ? v->layer->loop_start : (v->layer->count ? 0 : (uint32_t)-1); loop_end = play_loop ? v->layer->loop_end : v->gen.cur_sample_end; if (v->current_pipe) { v->gen.sample_data = v->gen.loop_count ? v->current_pipe->data : v->last_waveform->data; v->gen.streaming_buffer = v->current_pipe->data; v->gen.prefetch_only_loop = (loop_end < v->last_waveform->preloaded_frames); v->gen.loop_overlap = 0; if (v->gen.prefetch_only_loop) { assert(!v->gen.in_streaming_buffer); // XXXKF this won't hold true when loops are edited while sound is being played (but that's not supported yet anyway) v->gen.loop_start = loop_start; v->gen.loop_end = loop_end; v->gen.streaming_buffer_frames = 0; } else { v->gen.loop_start = 0; v->gen.loop_end = v->last_waveform->preloaded_frames; v->gen.streaming_buffer_frames = v->current_pipe->buffer_loop_end; } } else { v->gen.loop_count = v->layer->count; v->gen.loop_start = loop_start; v->gen.loop_end = loop_end; if (!bandlimited) { // Use pre-calculated join v->gen.scratch = loop_start == (uint32_t)-1 ? v->layer->scratch_end : v->layer->scratch_loop; } else { // The standard waveforms have extra MAX_INTERPOLATION_ORDER of samples from the loop start added past loop_end, // to avoid wasting time generating the joins in all the practical cases. The slow path covers custom loops // (i.e. partial loop or no loop) over bandlimited versions of the standard waveforms, and those are probably // not very useful anyway, as changing the loop removes the guarantee of the waveform being bandlimited and // may cause looping artifacts or introduce DC offset (e.g. if only a positive part of a sine wave is looped). if (loop_start == 0 && loop_end == l->eff_waveform->info.frames) v->gen.scratch = v->gen.sample_data + l->eff_waveform->info.frames - MAX_INTERPOLATION_ORDER; else { // Generate the join for the current wave level // XXXKF this could be optimised further, by checking if waveform and loops are the same as the last // time. However, this code is not likely to be used... ever, so optimising it is not the priority. int shift = l->eff_waveform->info.channels == 2 ? 1 : 0; uint32_t halfscratch = MAX_INTERPOLATION_ORDER << shift; v->gen.scratch = v->gen.scratch_bandlimited; memcpy(&v->gen.scratch_bandlimited[0], &v->gen.sample_data[(loop_end - MAX_INTERPOLATION_ORDER) << shift], halfscratch * sizeof(int16_t) ); if (loop_start != (uint32_t)-1) memcpy(v->gen.scratch_bandlimited + halfscratch, &v->gen.sample_data[loop_start << shift], halfscratch * sizeof(int16_t)); else memset(v->gen.scratch_bandlimited + halfscratch, 0, halfscratch * sizeof(int16_t)); } } } if (l->timestretch) { v->gen.bigdelta = freq64; v->gen.virtdelta = (uint64_t)(l->eff_freq * 65536.0 * 65536.0 * m->module.srate_inv); v->gen.stretching_jump = l->timestretch_jump; v->gen.stretching_crossfade = l->timestretch_crossfade; } else { v->gen.bigdelta = freq64; v->gen.virtdelta = freq64; } float gain = modsrcs[smsrc_ampenv - smsrc_pernote_offset] * l->volume_linearized * v->gain_fromvel * c->channel_volume_cc * sampler_channel_addcc(c, 11) / (maxv * maxv); if (l->eff_use_xfcc) { gain *= (l->xfin_cc.is_active ? sfz_crossfade2(c->intcc[l->xfin_cc.cc_number], l->xfin_cc.locc, l->xfin_cc.hicc, 0, 1, l->xf_cccurve) : 1.f) * (l->xfout_cc.is_active ? sfz_crossfade2(c->intcc[l->xfout_cc.cc_number], l->xfout_cc.locc, l->xfout_cc.hicc, 1, 0, l->xf_cccurve) : 1.f); } if ((modmask & (1 << smdest_gain)) && moddests[smdest_gain] != 0.f) gain *= dB2gain(moddests[smdest_gain]); float amplitude = l->amplitude; if ((modmask & (1 << smdest_amplitude))) amplitude += moddests[smdest_amplitude]; gain *= amplitude * (1.0 / 100.0); // http://drealm.info/sfz/plj-sfz.xhtml#amp "The overall gain must remain in the range -144 to 6 decibels." if (gain > 2.f) gain = 2.f; float pan = (l->pan + ((modmask & (1 << smdest_pan) ? moddests[smdest_pan] : 0)) + 100.f) * (1.f / 200.f) + (c->channel_pan_cc * 1.f / maxv - 0.5f) * 2.f; if (pan < 0.f) pan = 0.f; if (pan > 1.f) pan = 1.f; v->gen.lgain = gain * (1.f - pan) / 32768.f; v->gen.rgain = gain * pan / 32768.f; if (l->cutoff != -1) { float mod_resonance = (modmask & (1 << smdest_resonance)) ? dB2gain(gain_for_num_stages[l->eff_num_stages] * moddests[smdest_resonance]) : 1; sampler_filter_process_control(&v->filter, l->fil_type, l->logcutoff + moddests[smdest_cutoff], l->resonance_scaled * mod_resonance, m->sincos); } if (l->cutoff2 != -1) { float mod_resonance = (modmask & (1 << smdest_resonance2)) ? dB2gain(gain_for_num_stages[l->eff_num_stages2] * moddests[smdest_resonance2]) : 1; sampler_filter_process_control(&v->filter2, l->fil2_type, l->logcutoff2 + moddests[smdest_cutoff2], l->resonance2_scaled * mod_resonance, m->sincos); } if (__builtin_expect(l->tonectl_freq != 0, 0)) { float ctl = l->tonectl + (modmask & (1 << smdest_tonectl) ? moddests[smdest_tonectl] : 0); if (fabs(ctl) > 0.0001f) cbox_onepolef_set_highshelf_setgain(&v->onepole_coeffs, dB2gain(ctl)); else cbox_onepolef_set_highshelf_setgain(&v->onepole_coeffs, 1.0); } float leftright[2 * CBOX_BLOCK_SIZE]; uint32_t samples = 0; if (v->current_pipe) { uint32_t limit = cbox_prefetch_pipe_get_remaining(v->current_pipe); if (limit <= 4) v->gen.mode = spt_inactive; else { samples = sampler_gen_sample_playback(&v->gen, leftright, limit - 4); cbox_prefetch_pipe_consumed(v->current_pipe, v->gen.consumed); v->gen.consumed = 0; } } else { samples = sampler_gen_sample_playback(&v->gen, leftright, (uint32_t)-1); } if (l->position != 0 || l->width != 100) { float crossmix = (100.0 - l->width) * 0.005f; float amtleft = l->position > 0 ? 1 - 0.01 * l->position : 1; float amtright = l->position < 0 ? 1 - 0.01 * -l->position : 1; if (amtleft < 0) amtleft = 0; if (amtright < 0) amtright = 0; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 2 * samples; i += 2) { float left = leftright[i], right = leftright[i + 1]; float newleft = left + crossmix * (right - left); float newright = right + crossmix * (left - right); leftright[i] = newleft * amtleft; leftright[i + 1] = newright * amtright; } } for (int i = 2 * samples; i < 2 * CBOX_BLOCK_SIZE; i++) leftright[i] = 0.f; if (l->cutoff != -1) sampler_filter_process_audio(&v->filter, l->eff_num_stages, leftright); if (l->cutoff2 != -1) sampler_filter_process_audio(&v->filter2, l->eff_num_stages2, leftright); if (__builtin_expect(l->tonectl_freq != 0, 0)) cbox_onepolef_process_stereo(&v->onepole_left, &v->onepole_right, &v->onepole_coeffs, leftright); if (__builtin_expect(l->eq_bitmask, 0)) { for (int eq = 0; eq < 3; eq++) { if (l->eq_bitmask & (1 << eq)) { cbox_biquadf_process_stereo(&v->eq_left[eq], &v->eq_right[eq], &v->eq_coeffs[eq], leftright); } } } mix_block_into(outputs, v->output_pair_no * 2, leftright); if (__builtin_expect((v->send1bus > 0 && v->send1gain != 0) || (v->send2bus > 0 && v->send2gain != 0), 0)) { if (v->send1bus > 0 && v->send1gain != 0) { int oofs = m->module.aux_offset + (v->send1bus - 1) * 2; mix_block_into_with_gain(outputs, oofs, leftright, v->send1gain); } if (v->send2bus > 0 && v->send2gain != 0) { int oofs = m->module.aux_offset + (v->send2bus - 1) * 2; mix_block_into_with_gain(outputs, oofs, leftright, v->send2gain); } } if (v->gen.mode == spt_inactive) sampler_voice_inactivate(v, FALSE); }