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#! /usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Copyright 2019, Nils Hilbricht, Germany ( )
This file is part of the Laborejo Software Suite ( ),
more specifically its template base application.
The Template Base Application is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
#Standard Library Modules
from typing import List, Set, Dict, Tuple
#Third Party Modules
#Template Modules
import template.engine.sequencer
#Our modules
from .pattern import Pattern
class Track(object): #injection at the bottom of this file!
"""The pattern is same as the track, even if the GUI does not represent it that way
Init parameters are for cloned and copied tracks, but not for loading from json.
def __init__(self, parentScore,
self.parentScore = parentScore
self.sequencerInterface = template.engine.sequencer.SequencerInterface(parentTrack=self, name=name) #needs parentScore
self.color = color if color else "#00FFFF" # "#rrggbb" in hex. no alpha. a convenience slot for the GUI to save a color.
self.pattern = Pattern(parentTrack=self, scale=scale, simpleNoteNames=simpleNoteNames)
self.structure = structure if structure else set() #see buildTrack(). This is the main track data structure besides the pattern. Just integers (starts at 0) as switches which are positions where to play the patterns. In between are automatic rests.
self.whichPatternsAreScaleTransposed = whichPatternsAreScaleTransposed if whichPatternsAreScaleTransposed else {} #position:integers between -7 and 7. Reversed pitch, row based: -7 is higher than 7!!
self.whichPatternsAreHalftoneTransposed = whichPatternsAreHalftoneTransposed if whichPatternsAreHalftoneTransposed else {} #position:integers between -7 and 7. Reversed pitch, row based: -7 is higher than 7!!
def _processAfterInit(self):
def buildTrack(self):
"""The goal is to create a cbox-track, consisting of cbox-clips which hold cbox-pattern,
generated with our own note data. The latter happens in structures_pattern.
#First clean the transpositions of zeroes
self.whichPatternsAreScaleTransposed = {k:v for k,v in self.whichPatternsAreScaleTransposed.items() if v!=0 and k in self.structure}
self.whichPatternsAreHalftoneTransposed = {k:v for k,v in self.whichPatternsAreHalftoneTransposed.items() if v!=0 and k in self.structure}
oneMeasureInTicks = (self.parentScore.howManyUnits * self.parentScore.whatTypeOfUnit) / self.parentScore.subdivisions #subdivisions is 1 by default. bigger values mean shorter values, which is compensated by the user setting bigger howManyUnits manually.
oneMeasureInTicks = int(oneMeasureInTicks)
filteredStructure = [index for index in sorted(self.structure) if index < self.parentScore.numberOfMeasures] #not <= because we compare count with range
cboxclips = [o.clip for o in self.sequencerInterface.calfboxTrack.status().clips]
for cboxclip in cboxclips:
cboxclip.delete() #removes itself from the track
for index in filteredStructure:
scaleTransposition = self.whichPatternsAreScaleTransposed[index] if index in self.whichPatternsAreScaleTransposed else 0
halftoneTransposition = self.whichPatternsAreHalftoneTransposed[index] if index in self.whichPatternsAreHalftoneTransposed else 0
cboxPattern = self.pattern.buildPattern(scaleTransposition, halftoneTransposition, self.parentScore.howManyUnits, self.parentScore.whatTypeOfUnit, self.parentScore.subdivisions)
r = self.sequencerInterface.calfboxTrack.add_clip(index*oneMeasureInTicks, 0, oneMeasureInTicks, cboxPattern) #pos, pattern-internal offset, length, pattern.
######Old optimisations. Keep for later####
#if changeClipsInPlace: #no need for track.buildTrack. Very cheap pattern exchange.
# cboxclips = [o.clip for o in self.parentTrack.sequencerInterface.calfboxTrack.status().clips]
# for cboxclip in cboxclips:
# cboxclip.set_pattern(self.cboxPattern[cboxclip.patroneoScaleTransposed])
#Save / Load / Export
def serialize(self)->dict:
return {
"sequencerInterface" : self.sequencerInterface.serialize(),
"color" : self.color,
"structure" : list(self.structure),
"pattern" : self.pattern.serialize(),
"whichPatternsAreScaleTransposed" : self.whichPatternsAreScaleTransposed,
"whichPatternsAreHalftoneTransposed" : self.whichPatternsAreHalftoneTransposed,
def instanceFromSerializedData(cls, parentScore, serializedData):
self = cls.__new__(cls)
self.parentScore = parentScore
self.sequencerInterface = template.engine.sequencer.SequencerInterface.instanceFromSerializedData(self, serializedData["sequencerInterface"])
self.color = serializedData["color"]
self.structure = set(serializedData["structure"])
self.whichPatternsAreHalftoneTransposed = {int(k):int(v) for k,v in serializedData["whichPatternsAreHalftoneTransposed"].items()} #json saves dict keys as strings
self.whichPatternsAreScaleTransposed = {int(k):int(v) for k,v in serializedData["whichPatternsAreScaleTransposed"].items()} #json saves dict keys as strings
self.pattern = Pattern.instanceFromSerializedData(parentTrack=self, serializedData=serializedData["pattern"] )
return self
def export(self)->dict:
return {
"id" : id(self),
"sequencerInterface" : self.sequencerInterface.export(),
"color" : self.color,
"structure" : sorted(self.structure),
"pattern": self.pattern.exportCache,
"scale": self.pattern.scale,
"simpleNoteNames": self.pattern.simpleNoteNames,
"numberOfMeasures": self.parentScore.numberOfMeasures,
"whichPatternsAreScaleTransposed": self.whichPatternsAreScaleTransposed,
"whichPatternsAreHalftoneTransposed": self.whichPatternsAreHalftoneTransposed,
#Dependency Injections.
template.engine.sequencer.Score.TrackClass = Track #Score will look for Track in its module.