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#! /usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Copyright 2021, Nils Hilbricht, Germany ( )
This file is part of the Laborejo Software Suite ( ),
This application is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
import logging; logger = logging.getLogger(__name__);"import")
#Standard Library Modules
#Third Party Modules
from calfbox import cbox
#Template Modules
from import Data as TemplateData
import template.engine.sequencer
from template.engine.sequencer import SequencerInterface #group tracks
from template.engine.duration import D4
from template.engine.pitch import simpleNoteNames
#Our modules
from .track import Track
class Data(template.engine.sequencer.Score):
"""There must always be a Data class in a file
Simply inheriting from is easiest.
You need to match the init parameters of your parent class. They vary from class to class
of course. Simply copy and paste them from your Data parent class
Pattern is our measure. Since Patroneo is not a metrical program we use the simple
traditional time signatures.
def __init__(self, parentSession):
self.howManyUnits = 8
self.whatTypeOfUnit = D4
self.numberOfMeasures = 64
self.measuresPerGroup = 8 # meta data, has no effect on playback.
self.subdivisions = 1
self.lastUsedNotenames = simpleNoteNames["English"] #The default value for new tracks/patterns. Changed each time the user picks a new representation via api.setNoteNames . noteNames are saved with the patterns.
self.loopMeasureFactor = 1 #when looping how many at once?
self.swing = 0 #-0.5 to 0.5 See pattern.buildPattern docstring.
self.globalOffsetMeasures = 0 #relative to the current measure length. Parsed every export.
self.globalOffsetTicks = 0 #absolute
self.cachedOffsetInTicks = 0
#Create three tracks with their first pattern activated, so 'play' after startup already produces sounding notes. This is less confusing for a new user.
#self.tracks is created in the template.
self._emptyFile = True
self.addTrack(name="Melody A", color="#ffff00")
self.addTrack(name="Chords A", color="#0055ff")
self.addTrack(name="Bass A", color="#00ff00")
self.addTrack(name="Drums A", color="#ff5500")
self.addTrack(name="Drums B", color="#ff5500")
self.tracks[0].group = "Melody"
self.tracks[1].group = "Chords"
self.tracks[2].group = "Bass"
self.tracks[3].group = "Drums"
self.tracks[4].group = "Drums"
self.tracks[1].pattern.scale = (60, 59, 57, 55, 53, 52, 50, 48) #Middle base notes, C-Major
self.tracks[2].pattern.scale = (48, 47, 45, 43, 41, 40, 38, 36) #Low base notes, C-Major
self.tracks[3].pattern.simpleNoteNames = simpleNoteNames["Drums GM"]
self.tracks[3].pattern.scale = (49, 53, 50, 45, 42, 39, 38, 36) #A pretty good starter drum set
self.tracks[4].pattern.simpleNoteNames = simpleNoteNames["Drums GM"]
self.tracks[4].pattern.scale = (49, 53, 50, 45, 42, 39, 38, 36) #A pretty good starter drum set
def _processAfterInit(self):
self._lastLoopStart = 0 #ticks. not saved
self.parentData = self # a trick to get SequencerInterface to play nicely with our groups
#After load each track has it's own groupless Sequencerinterface.
#self.groups itself is not saved.
#Restore groups:"Restoring saved groups")
self.groups = {} #NameString:SequencerInterface . Updated through function self.setGroup.
assert self.tracks #at least 1
self._duringFileLoadGroupIndicator = True
for track in self.tracks:
self.setGroup(track,, buildAllTracksAfterwards=False) #buildAllTracks is handled by the API initial callback/load engineStart
self._duringFileLoadGroupIndicator = False
def setLanguageForEmptyFile(self, language):
"""Only use in api.startEngine. Overrides the empty.
language is the summarized language string from Qt, like "German" which covers
de_DE, _AT and _CH. If another GUI is used in the future it needs to send these as well."""
if self._emptyFile:
if language in simpleNoteNames:"Setting language for empty / new file to " + language)
self.lastUsedNotenames = simpleNoteNames[language]
self.tracks[0].pattern.simpleNoteNames = simpleNoteNames[language]
self.tracks[1].pattern.simpleNoteNames = simpleNoteNames[language]
self.tracks[2].pattern.simpleNoteNames = simpleNoteNames[language]
#not drums.
def cacheOffsetInTicks(self):
oneMeasureInTicks = (self.howManyUnits * self.whatTypeOfUnit) / self.subdivisions
oneMeasureInTicks = int(oneMeasureInTicks)
self.cachedOffsetInTicks = oneMeasureInTicks * self.globalOffsetMeasures + self.globalOffsetTicks
return self.cachedOffsetInTicks
def addTrack(self, name="", scale=None, color=None, simpleNoteNames=None):
"""Overrides the simpler template version"""
track = Track(parentData=self, name=name, scale=scale, color=color, simpleNoteNames=simpleNoteNames)
#self.sortTracks() no sortTracks here. This is used during file load! The api takes care of sortTracks
return track
def convertSubdivisions(self, value, errorHandling):
"""Not only setting the subdivisions but also trying to scale existing notes up or down
proportionally. But only if possible."""
assert errorHandling in ("fail", "delete", "merge")
scaleFactor = value / self.subdivisions
inverseScaleFactor = self.subdivisions / value
#the easiest case. New value is bigger and a multiple of the old one. 1->everything, 2->4.
#We do need not check if the old notes have a place in the new grid because there are more new places than before
if int(scaleFactor) == scaleFactor:
assert int(scaleFactor * self.howManyUnits) == scaleFactor * self.howManyUnits, (scaleFactor, self.howManyUnits)
self.howManyUnits = int(scaleFactor * self.howManyUnits)
for track in self.tracks:
for step in
step["index"] = int(scaleFactor * step["index"])
step["factor"] = scaleFactor * step["factor"]
#Possible case, but needs checking.
elif int(inverseScaleFactor) == inverseScaleFactor:
#The following assertion is simply not correct. scaleFactor 0.5 and howManyUnits 11 means with 11 steps per measure you go from group 4 to 2, or 2 to 1. With "delete if fail". normal operation
#assert int(scaleFactor * self.howManyUnits) == scaleFactor * self.howManyUnits, (scaleFactor, self.howManyUnits)
#Test, if in "fail" mode
if errorHandling == "fail":
if not int(scaleFactor * self.howManyUnits) == scaleFactor * self.howManyUnits:
return False
for track in self.tracks:
for step in
if not int(scaleFactor * step["index"]) == scaleFactor * step["index"]: #yes, not inverse.
return False
#Then apply
todelete = []
self.howManyUnits = int(scaleFactor * self.howManyUnits)
for track in self.tracks:
for step in
if errorHandling == "delete" and not int(scaleFactor * step["index"]) == scaleFactor * step["index"]:
else: # if error handling was "merge" then impossible conversions will lead to step positions that can't be undone by restoring the old subdivision value.
step["index"] = int(scaleFactor * step["index"]) #yes, not inverse.
step["factor"] = scaleFactor * step["factor"] = [d for d in if not d in todelete]
else: #anything involving a 3.
#test if a conversion is possible. It is possible if you could first convert to 1 manually and then back up to the target number.
#Or in other words: if only the main positions are set as steps.
if errorHandling == "fail":
if not int(scaleFactor * self.howManyUnits) == scaleFactor * self.howManyUnits:
return False
for track in self.tracks:
for step in
if step["index"] % self.subdivisions: #not on a main position.
return False
#Test without error. Go!
self.howManyUnits = int(scaleFactor * self.howManyUnits)
todelete = []
for track in self.tracks:
for step in
if errorHandling == "delete" and not int(scaleFactor * step["index"]) == scaleFactor * step["index"]:
step["index"] = int(scaleFactor * step["index"]) #yes, not inverse.
step["factor"] = scaleFactor * step["factor"] = [d for d in if not d in todelete]
self.subdivisions = value
return True
def _isGroupVisible(self, groupName:str):
for track in self.tracks:
if == groupName:
return track.visible
return None #not a group
def setGroup(self, track, groupName:str, buildAllTracksAfterwards=True):
"""Assigns a track to a group.
This is the only function that changes, be it to a group or empty string
for "standalone track".
We assume that groupName is a sanitized string. The api processes it as:
groupName = ''.join(ch for ch in groupName if ch.isalnum())
Group will be created if it does not exist yet,
otherwise the track will be attached to the existing group.
Track loses its existing standalone jack midi port OR its existing group connection
and is assigned to the new one.
Groups without connected tracks will be cleaned and their jack ports closed.
Tracks that lose their group to empty string will get a new jack port.
In the end we call buildAllTracks(), if not overriden by the parameter flag.
If you do several track-groups in a row (e.g. on file load) you don't need to call that
everytime. Once after you're done is enough.
#Simplest case first. If this is during load and this was a standalone track don't try to do anything group related
if self._duringFileLoadGroupIndicator and == "":
if (not self._duringFileLoadGroupIndicator) and == groupName: #no change. During file load these are the same. see secondinit
#Convert ex-group to standalone track
elif groupName == "" and not self._duringFileLoadGroupIndicator:
self.groups[].deleteSubtrack(id(track)) = ""
track.visible = True
#we never deleted the tracks standalone sequencerInterface. Reactivate."Re-activiating standalone SequencerInterface for track {}")
#Add track to new or existing group
if groupName in self.groups:
#We need to base track visibility on the other group members. But we cannot use the inner position in the group for that because the first one might already be the new track.
groupVisibility = self._isGroupVisible(groupName) #checking one track is enough. They are all the same, once the file is loaded.
assert not groupVisibility is None
else:"Creating new group SequencerInterface for {groupName}")
if not self._duringFileLoadGroupIndicator: #During file load tracks have groups already.
assert not groupName in [ for track in self.tracks if], ([ for track in self.tracks]) #no track should have that group yet
self.groups[groupName] = SequencerInterface(parentTrack=self, name=groupName) #we are not really a parentTrack, but it works.
groupVisibility = True #First member of a new group, everything stays visible. It already is, but this makes it easier to set self.visible below.
if == "" or self._duringFileLoadGroupIndicator: #Change from standalone to group"Deactiviating standalone SequencerInterface for track {}")
track.sequencerInterface.prepareForDeletion() #we do NOT delete the sequencerInterface. That has more data, such as the name!
else: #track was already in another group. But could also be file load!"Changing group for track {}")
if not self._duringFileLoadGroupIndicator:
#next export (called at bottom of this function) will use the new subtrack already
self.groups[groupName].setSubtrack(id(track), blobs=[(bytes(), 0, 0)]) = groupName #this switches the tracks midi generation to the subtrack based on its own id
if (not self._duringFileLoadGroupIndicator):
track.visible = groupVisibility
if not self._duringFileLoadGroupIndicator:
#Now that all tracks are set parse them all again to check if we have groups without tracks that need to get removed."Removing groups without tracks")
leftOverGroups = set(self.groups.keys())
for track in self.tracks:
if and in leftOverGroups:
for loGroup in leftOverGroups:"Group {loGroup} has no tracks left and will be deleted now.")
self.groups[loGroup].prepareForDeletion() #SequencerInterface.prepareForDeletion()
del self.groups[loGroup]
if buildAllTracksAfterwards:
#TODO: this could be optimized. Currently everytime you delete a track, even an empty one, all tracks are re-built.
#However, it is not *that* important. Everything works, good enough.
def sortTracks(self):
"""Called by api.move and self.setGroup and all functions that either move tracks or
manipulate groups.
All tracks of a group must be neighbours in self.tracks.
The track order within a group is choice to the user.
We assume that self.groups is up to date.
self.groups = {} #NameString:SequencerInterface . Updated through function self.setGroup.
""""Sorting tracks and groups")
tempGroups = {}
listOfLists = [] #holds mutable instances of the same lists in tempGroups.values(). Standalone tracks are a list of len==1
tempGroupOrder = [] #just group names. We use it for a test below.
#Gather data
for track in self.tracks:
assert in self.groups
if not in tempGroupOrder:
sublist = []
tempGroups[] = sublist #sub-order per group
listOfLists.append(sublist) #mutable, same instances.
assert tempGroups[] is listOfLists[-1]
else: #standalone track.
#insert as group of one into listOfLists so we a sorted list, with a compatible format, later
l = []
track.visible = True # all standalone tracks are visible
#Assemble new track order
self._cachedTrackAndGroupOrderForJackMetadata = {}
counter = 0
newTracks = []
for grouplist in listOfLists:
for track in grouplist:
#Cache jack metadata port order
portname = self.groups[].cboxPortName()
if not portname in self._cachedTrackAndGroupOrderForJackMetadata: #did we already encounter this group?
self._cachedTrackAndGroupOrderForJackMetadata[portname] = counter
counter += 1
portname = track.sequencerInterface.cboxPortName()
self._cachedTrackAndGroupOrderForJackMetadata[portname] = counter
counter += 1
assert len(newTracks) == len(self.tracks), (newTracks, self.tracks)
assert set(newTracks) == set(self.tracks), (newTracks, self.tracks)
self.tracks = newTracks
#Test for data corruption. Not 100%, but combined with testing in self.groups above it is reasonably good.
assert len(tempGroupOrder) == len(tempGroups.keys()) == len(self.groups.keys()), (tempGroupOrder, tempGroups, self.groups)
#Override template function to include groups
def updateJackMetadataSorting(self):
"""Add this to you "tracksChanged" or "numberOfTracksChanged" callback.
Tell cbox to reorder the tracks by metadata. Deleted ports are automatically removed by JACK.
It is advised to use this in a controlled manner. There is no Score-internal check if
self.tracks changed and subsequent sorting. Multiple track changes in a row are common,
therefore the place to update jack order is in the API, where the new track order is also
sent to the UI.
We also check if the track is 'deactivated' by probing track.cboxMidiOutUuid.
Patroneo uses prepareForDeletion to deactive the tracks standalone track but keeps the
interface around for later use.
#order = {portName:index for index, portName in enumerate(track.sequencerInterface.cboxPortName() for track in self.tracks if track.sequencerInterface.cboxMidiOutUuid)}
order = self._cachedTrackAndGroupOrderForJackMetadata
except Exception as e: #No Jack Meta Data or Error with ports.
def buildAllTracks(self, buildSongDuration=False):
"""Includes all patterns.
buildSongDuration is True at least once in the programs life time, on startup.
If True it will reset the loop. The api calls buildSongDuration directly when it sets
the loop.
for track in self.tracks:
if buildSongDuration:
def buildSongDuration(self, loopMeasureAroundPpqn=None):
"""Loop does not reset automatically. We keep it until explicitely changed.
If we do not have a loop the song duration is already maxTrackDuration, no update needed.
An optional loopMeasureFactor can loop more than one measure. This is especially useful is
track multiplicators are used. This is a saved context value in self.
oneMeasureInTicks = (self.howManyUnits * self.whatTypeOfUnit) / self.subdivisions
oneMeasureInTicks = int(oneMeasureInTicks)
maxTrackDuration = self.numberOfMeasures * oneMeasureInTicks + self.cachedOffsetInTicks
if loopMeasureAroundPpqn is None: #could be 0
cbox.Document.get_song().set_loop(maxTrackDuration, maxTrackDuration) #set playback length for the entire score. Why is the first value not zero? That would create an actual loop from the start to end. We want the song to play only once. The cbox way of doing that is to set the loop range to zero at the end of the track. Zero length is stop.
loopMeasure = int(loopMeasureAroundPpqn / oneMeasureInTicks) #0 based
start = loopMeasure * oneMeasureInTicks
end = start + oneMeasureInTicks * self.loopMeasureFactor
start = start + self.cachedOffsetInTicks
end = end + self.cachedOffsetInTicks
cbox.Document.get_song().set_loop(start, end) #set playback length for the entire score. Why is the first value not zero? That would create an actual loop from the start to end. We want the song to play only once. The cbox way of doing that is to set the loop range to zero at the end of the track. Zero length is stop.
return start, end
#Save / Load / Export
def serialize(self)->dict:
dictionary = super().serialize()
dictionary.update( { #update in place
"howManyUnits" : self.howManyUnits,
"whatTypeOfUnit" : self.whatTypeOfUnit,
"numberOfMeasures" : self.numberOfMeasures,
"measuresPerGroup" : self.measuresPerGroup,
"subdivisions" : self.subdivisions,
"lastUsedNotenames" : self.lastUsedNotenames,
"loopMeasureFactor" : self.loopMeasureFactor,
"swing" : self.swing,
"globalOffsetMeasures" : self.globalOffsetMeasures,
"globalOffsetTicks" : self.globalOffsetTicks,
return dictionary
def instanceFromSerializedData(cls, parentSession, serializedData):
self = cls.__new__(cls)
self.howManyUnits = serializedData["howManyUnits"]
self.whatTypeOfUnit = serializedData["whatTypeOfUnit"]
self.numberOfMeasures = serializedData["numberOfMeasures"]
self.measuresPerGroup = serializedData["measuresPerGroup"]
self.subdivisions = serializedData["subdivisions"]
self.lastUsedNotenames = serializedData["lastUsedNotenames"]
if "loopMeasureFactor" in serializedData:
self.loopMeasureFactor = serializedData["loopMeasureFactor"]
self.loopMeasureFactor = 1
if "swing" in serializedData:
self.swing = serializedData["swing"]
self.swing = 0
if "globalOffsetMeasures" in serializedData:
self.globalOffsetMeasures = serializedData["globalOffsetMeasures"]
self.globalOffsetMeasures = 0
if "globalOffsetTicks" in serializedData:
self.globalOffsetTicks = serializedData["globalOffsetTicks"]
self.globalOffsetTicks = 0
self._emptyFile = False
#Tracks depend on the rest of the data already in place because they create a cache on creation.
super().copyFromSerializedData(parentSession, serializedData, self) #Tracks, parentSession and tempoMap
return self
def export(self):
return {
"numberOfTracks" : len(self.tracks),
"howManyUnits" : self.howManyUnits,
"whatTypeOfUnit" : self.whatTypeOfUnit,
"numberOfMeasures" : self.numberOfMeasures,
"measuresPerGroup" : self.measuresPerGroup,
"subdivisions" : self.subdivisions,
"loopMeasureFactor" : self.loopMeasureFactor,
"isTransportMaster" : self.tempoMap.export()["isTransportMaster"],
"swing" : self.swing,
"globalOffsetMeasures" : self.globalOffsetMeasures,
"globalOffsetTicks" : self.globalOffsetTicks,