#Inject more help texts in the templates About "Did You Know" field.
#About.didYouKnow is a class variable.
#Make the first three words matter!
#Do not start them all with "You can..." or "...that you can", in response to the Did you know? title.
#We use injection into the class and not a parameter because this dialog gets shown by creating an object. We can't give the parameters when this is shown via the mainWindow menu.
QtCore.QCoreApplication.translate("About","Each instrument has individual JACK audio outputs, but also is send to an internal stereo mixer output. The instruments mixer-volume can be changed, which has no effect on the individual output."),
QtCore.QCoreApplication.translate("About","There is no way to load your own instruments into this program. If you create your own instruments and would like them to be included please contact the developers for a collaboration.")
api.callbacks.rescanSampleDir.append(self.react_rescanSampleDir)#This only happens on actual, manually instructed rescanning through the api. We instruct this through our Rescan-Dialog.
self.start(additionalData)#This shows the GUI, or not, depends on the NSM gui save setting. We need to call that after the menu, otherwise the about dialog will block and then we get new menu entries, which looks strange.
self.menu.addMenuEntry("menuEdit","actionLoadSamples",QtCore.QCoreApplication.translate("Menu","Load all Instrument Samples (slow!)"),api.loadAllInstrumentSamples)
self.menu.addMenuEntry("menuView","actionExpandAll",QtCore.QCoreApplication.translate("Menu","Expand all Libraries"),lambda:self.instrumentTreeController.setAllExpanded(True))
self.menu.addMenuEntry("menuView","actionCollapseAll",QtCore.QCoreApplication.translate("Menu","Collapse all Libraries"),lambda:self.instrumentTreeController.setAllExpanded(False))
self.menu.addMenuEntry("menuView","actionFlatNested",QtCore.QCoreApplication.translate("Menu","Nested Instrument List"),self.instrumentTreeController.toggleNestedFlat,checkable=True,startChecked=nested)#function receives check state as automatic parameter