Sampled Instrument Player with static and monolithic design. All instruments are built-in.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

564 lines
19 KiB

Calf Box, an open source musical instrument.
Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Krzysztof Foltman
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "cmd.h"
#include "config.h"
#include "config-api.h"
#include "dspmath.h"
#include "errors.h"
#include "tarfile.h"
#include "wavebank.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <glib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
// Sine table
static complex float euler_table[STD_WAVEFORM_FRAMES];
// Bit reversal table
static int map_table[STD_WAVEFORM_FRAMES];
// Initialise tables using for FFT
static void init_tables(void)
int rev = 1 << (STD_WAVEFORM_BITS - 1);
for (int i = 0; i < STD_WAVEFORM_FRAMES; i++)
euler_table[i] = cos(i * 2 * M_PI / STD_WAVEFORM_FRAMES) + I * sin(i * 2 * M_PI / STD_WAVEFORM_FRAMES);
int ni = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < STD_WAVEFORM_BITS; j++)
if (i & (rev >> j))
ni = ni | (1 << j);
map_table[i] = ni;
// Trivial implementation of Cooley-Tukey, only works for even values of ANALYSIS_BUFFER_BITS
static void my_fft_main(complex float output[STD_WAVEFORM_FRAMES])
complex float temp[STD_WAVEFORM_FRAMES];
for (int i = 0; i < STD_WAVEFORM_BITS; i++)
complex float *src = (i & 1) ? temp : output;
complex float *dst = (i & 1) ? output : temp;
int invi = STD_WAVEFORM_BITS - i - 1;
int disp = 1 << i;
int mask = disp - 1;
for (int j = 0; j < STD_WAVEFORM_FRAMES / 2; j++)
int jj1 = (j & mask) + ((j & ~mask) << 1); // insert 0 at i'th bit to get the left arm of the butterfly
int jj2 = jj1 + disp; // insert 1 at i'th bit to get the right arm
assert((jj1 + disp) == (jj1 | disp));
// e^iw
complex float eiw1 = euler_table[(jj1 << invi) & (STD_WAVEFORM_FRAMES - 1)];
complex float eiw2 = euler_table[(jj2 << invi) & (STD_WAVEFORM_FRAMES - 1)];
// printf("%d -> %d, %d\n", j, jj, jj + disp);
butterfly(&dst[jj1], &dst[jj2], src[jj1], src[jj2], eiw1, eiw2);
static void my_fft_r2c(complex float output[STD_WAVEFORM_FRAMES], int16_t input[STD_WAVEFORM_FRAMES])
// Copy + bit reversal addressing
for (int i = 0; i < STD_WAVEFORM_FRAMES; i++)
output[i] = input[map_table[i]] * (1.0 / STD_WAVEFORM_FRAMES);
static void my_ifft_c2r(int16_t output[STD_WAVEFORM_FRAMES], complex float input[STD_WAVEFORM_FRAMES])
complex float temp2[STD_WAVEFORM_FRAMES];
for (int i = 0; i < STD_WAVEFORM_FRAMES; i++)
temp2[i] = input[map_table[i]];
// Copy + bit reversal addressing
float maxv = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < STD_WAVEFORM_FRAMES; i++)
float value = creal(temp2[i]);
if (value < -32768) value = -32768;
if (value > 32767) value = 32767;
if (fabs(value) > maxv)
maxv = fabs(value);
output[i] = (int16_t)value;
struct wave_bank
int64_t bytes, maxbytes, serial_no;
GHashTable *waveforms_by_name, *waveforms_by_id;
GSList *std_waveforms;
uint32_t streaming_prefetch_size;
static struct wave_bank bank;
GQuark cbox_waveform_error_quark(void)
return g_quark_from_string("cbox-waveform-error-quark");
float func_sine(float v, void *user_data)
return sin(2 * M_PI * v);
float func_silence(float v, void *user_data)
return 0.f;
float func_sqr(float v, void *user_data)
return v < 0.5 ? -1 : 1;
float func_saw(float v, void *user_data)
return 2 * v - 1;
float func_tri(float v, void *user_data)
if (v <= 0.25f)
return v * 4;
if (v <= 0.75f)
return 1 - (v - 0.25f) * 4;
return -1 + 4 * (v - 0.75f);
void cbox_waveform_generate_levels(struct cbox_waveform *waveform, int levels, double ratio)
complex float output[STD_WAVEFORM_FRAMES], bandlimited[STD_WAVEFORM_FRAMES];
my_fft_r2c(output, waveform->data);
waveform->levels = calloc(levels, sizeof(struct cbox_waveform_level));
double rate = 65536.0 * 65536.0; // / waveform->info.frames;
double orig_rate = 65536.0 * 65536.0; // / waveform->info.frames;
for (int i = 0; i < levels; i++)
int harmonics = N / 2 / (rate / orig_rate);
bandlimited[0] = 0;
if (harmonics > 0)
for (int j = 1; j <= harmonics; j++)
bandlimited[j] = output[j];
bandlimited[N - j] = output[N - j];
for (int j = harmonics; j <= N / 2; j++)
bandlimited[j] = bandlimited [N - j] = 0;
waveform->levels[i].data = calloc(N + MAX_INTERPOLATION_ORDER, sizeof(int16_t));
my_ifft_c2r(waveform->levels[i].data, bandlimited);
memcpy(waveform->levels[i].data + N, waveform->levels[i].data, MAX_INTERPOLATION_ORDER * sizeof(int16_t));
waveform->levels[i].max_rate = (uint64_t)(rate);
rate *= ratio;
waveform->level_count = levels;
void cbox_wavebank_add_std_waveform(const char *name, float (*getfunc)(float v, void *user_data), void *user_data, int levels)
int16_t *wave = calloc(nsize, sizeof(int16_t));
for (int i = 0; i < nsize; i++)
float v = getfunc(i * 1.0 / nsize, user_data);
if (fabs(v) > 1)
v = (v < 0) ? -1 : 1;
// cannot use full scale here, because bandlimiting will introduce
// some degree of overshoot
wave[i] = (int16_t)(25000 * v);
struct cbox_waveform *waveform = calloc(1, sizeof(struct cbox_waveform));
waveform->data = wave;
waveform->info.channels = 1;
waveform->preloaded_frames = waveform->info.frames = nsize;
waveform->info.samplerate = (int)(nsize * 261.6255);
waveform->id = ++bank.serial_no;
waveform->bytes = waveform->info.channels * 2 * (waveform->info.frames + 1);
waveform->refcount = 1;
waveform->canonical_name = g_strdup(name);
waveform->display_name = g_strdup(name);
waveform->has_loop = TRUE;
waveform->loop_start = 0;
waveform->loop_end = nsize;
waveform->levels = NULL;
waveform->level_count = 0;
if (levels)
cbox_waveform_generate_levels(waveform, levels, 2);
g_hash_table_insert(bank.waveforms_by_name, waveform->canonical_name, waveform);
g_hash_table_insert(bank.waveforms_by_id, &waveform->id, waveform);
bank.std_waveforms = g_slist_prepend(bank.std_waveforms, waveform);
// These waveforms are not included in the bank size, I don't think it has
// much value for the user.
void cbox_wavebank_init()
bank.bytes = 0;
bank.maxbytes = 0;
bank.serial_no = 0;
bank.waveforms_by_name = g_hash_table_new(g_str_hash, g_str_equal);
bank.waveforms_by_id = g_hash_table_new(g_int_hash, g_int_equal);
bank.std_waveforms = NULL;
bank.streaming_prefetch_size = cbox_config_get_int("streaming", "prefetch_size", 65536);
cbox_wavebank_add_std_waveform("*sine", func_sine, NULL, 0);
// XXXKF this should not be a real waveform
cbox_wavebank_add_std_waveform("*silence", func_silence, NULL, 0);
cbox_wavebank_add_std_waveform("*saw", func_saw, NULL, 11);
3 years ago
cbox_wavebank_add_std_waveform("*square", func_sqr, NULL, 11);
cbox_wavebank_add_std_waveform("*triangle", func_tri, NULL, 11);
struct cbox_waveform *cbox_wavebank_get_waveform(const char *context_name, struct cbox_tarfile *tarfile, const char *sample_dir, const char *filename, GError **error)
if (!filename)
g_set_error(error, CBOX_WAVEFORM_ERROR, CBOX_WAVEFORM_ERROR_FAILED, "%s: no filename specified", context_name);
return NULL;
// Built in waveforms don't go through path canonicalization
if (filename[0] == '*')
3 years ago
if (!strcmp(filename + 1, "sqr"))
filename = "*square";
else if (!strcmp(filename + 1, "tri"))
filename = "*triangle";
gpointer value = g_hash_table_lookup(bank.waveforms_by_name, filename);
if (value)
struct cbox_waveform *waveform = value;
return waveform;
gchar *value_copy = g_strdup(filename);
for (int i = 0; value_copy[i]; i++)
if (value_copy[i] == '\\')
value_copy[i] = '/';
gchar *pathname = value_copy[0] == '/' ? g_strdup(value_copy) : g_build_filename(sample_dir, value_copy, NULL);
char *canonical = NULL;
if (tarfile)
canonical = g_strdup_printf("sbtar:%s;%s", tarfile->file_pathname, pathname);
// make sure canonical is always allocated on the same (glib) heap
char *p = realpath(pathname, NULL);
if (p)
canonical = g_strdup(p);
if (!canonical)
g_set_error(error, CBOX_WAVEFORM_ERROR, CBOX_WAVEFORM_ERROR_FAILED, "%s: cannot find a real path for '%s': %s", context_name, pathname, strerror(errno));
return NULL;
gpointer value = g_hash_table_lookup(bank.waveforms_by_name, canonical);
if (value)
struct cbox_waveform *waveform = value;
return waveform;
struct cbox_waveform *waveform = calloc(1, sizeof(struct cbox_waveform));
SNDFILE *sndfile = NULL;
struct cbox_taritem *taritem = NULL;
if (tarfile)
if (strcmp(sample_dir, ".") == 0)
//Potential path lookup problem:
//This is a sample without sfz default_path opcode inside a tar.
//We need to set the sample dir to the position of the .sfz file within the .tar
//because we also assume that the sample paths in regions are relative to the .sfz path.
//If the sfz is in the tar root this is a redundant action, but if the sfz is itself
//in a subdirectoy we need to adjust the path now.
// XXXNH sample_dir will not be updated in the struct itself and thus reported as "." in python etc.
//context_name is the sfz file, filename the sample file without leading ./ and sample_dir just a dot.
gchar *sfz_dir = g_path_get_dirname(context_name); //take the path of the sfz file...
pathname = g_build_filename(sfz_dir, filename, NULL); //... and prefix the sample filename with it.
taritem = cbox_tarfile_get_item_by_name(tarfile, pathname, TRUE);
if (taritem)
sndfile = cbox_tarfile_opensndfile(tarfile, taritem, &waveform->sndstream, &waveform->info);
sndfile = sf_open(pathname, SFM_READ, &waveform->info);
if (!sndfile)
g_set_error(error, G_FILE_ERROR, g_file_error_from_errno (errno), "%s: cannot open '%s'", context_name, pathname);
return NULL;
SF_INSTRUMENT instrument;
uint32_t nshorts;
if (waveform->info.channels != 1 && waveform->info.channels != 2)
"%s: cannot open file '%s': unsupported channel count %d", context_name, pathname, (int)waveform->info.channels);
return NULL;
uint32_t preloaded_frames = waveform->info.frames;
// If sample is larger than 2x prefetch buffer size, then load only
// a prefetch buffer worth of data, and stream the rest.
if (preloaded_frames > 2 * bank.streaming_prefetch_size)
preloaded_frames = bank.streaming_prefetch_size;
waveform->id = ++bank.serial_no;
waveform->bytes = waveform->info.channels * 2 * preloaded_frames;
waveform->data = malloc(waveform->bytes);
waveform->refcount = 1;
waveform->canonical_name = canonical;
waveform->display_name = g_filename_display_name(canonical);
waveform->has_loop = FALSE;
waveform->levels = NULL;
waveform->level_count = 0;
waveform->preloaded_frames = preloaded_frames;
waveform->tarfile = tarfile;
waveform->taritem = taritem;
if (sf_command(sndfile, SFC_GET_INSTRUMENT, &instrument, sizeof(SF_INSTRUMENT)))
for (int i = 0; i < instrument.loop_count; i++)
if (instrument.loops[i].mode == SF_LOOP_FORWARD)
waveform->loop_start = instrument.loops[i].start;
waveform->loop_end = instrument.loops[i].end;
waveform->has_loop = TRUE;
nshorts = waveform->info.channels * preloaded_frames;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < nshorts; i++)
waveform->data[i] = 0;
sf_readf_short(sndfile, waveform->data, preloaded_frames);
bank.bytes += waveform->bytes;
if (bank.bytes > bank.maxbytes)
bank.maxbytes = bank.bytes;
g_hash_table_insert(bank.waveforms_by_name, waveform->canonical_name, waveform);
g_hash_table_insert(bank.waveforms_by_id, &waveform->id, waveform);
return waveform;
int64_t cbox_wavebank_get_bytes()
return bank.bytes;
int64_t cbox_wavebank_get_maxbytes()
return bank.maxbytes;
int cbox_wavebank_get_count()
return g_hash_table_size(bank.waveforms_by_id);
struct cbox_waveform *cbox_wavebank_peek_waveform_by_id(int id)
return g_hash_table_lookup(bank.waveforms_by_id, &id);
void cbox_wavebank_foreach(void (*cb)(void *, struct cbox_waveform *), void *user_data)
GHashTableIter iter;
gpointer key, value;
g_hash_table_iter_init (&iter, bank.waveforms_by_id);
while (g_hash_table_iter_next (&iter, &key, &value))
(*cb)(user_data, value);
void cbox_wavebank_close()
if (bank.bytes > 0)
g_warning("Warning: %lld bytes in unfreed samples", (long long int)bank.bytes);
cbox_waveform_unref((struct cbox_waveform *)bank.std_waveforms->data);
bank.std_waveforms = g_slist_delete_link(bank.std_waveforms, bank.std_waveforms);
bank.waveforms_by_id = NULL;
bank.waveforms_by_name = NULL;
void cbox_waveform_ref(struct cbox_waveform *waveform)
void cbox_waveform_unref(struct cbox_waveform *waveform)
if (--waveform->refcount > 0)
g_hash_table_remove(bank.waveforms_by_name, waveform->canonical_name);
g_hash_table_remove(bank.waveforms_by_id, &waveform->id);
bank.bytes -= waveform->bytes;
for (int i = 0; i < waveform->level_count; i++)
struct waves_foreach_data
struct cbox_command_target *fb;
GError **error;
gboolean success;
void wave_list_cb(void *user_data, struct cbox_waveform *waveform)
struct waves_foreach_data *wfd = user_data;
wfd->success = wfd->success && cbox_execute_on(wfd->fb, NULL, "/waveform", "i", wfd->error, (int)waveform->id);
static gboolean waves_process_cmd(struct cbox_command_target *ct, struct cbox_command_target *fb, struct cbox_osc_command *cmd, GError **error)
if (!strcmp(cmd->command, "/status") && !strcmp(cmd->arg_types, ""))
if (!cbox_check_fb_channel(fb, cmd->command, error))
return FALSE;
// XXXKF this only supports 4GB - not a big deal for now yet?
return cbox_execute_on(fb, NULL, "/bytes", "i", error, (int)cbox_wavebank_get_bytes()) &&
cbox_execute_on(fb, NULL, "/max_bytes", "i", error, (int)cbox_wavebank_get_maxbytes()) &&
cbox_execute_on(fb, NULL, "/count", "i", error, (int)cbox_wavebank_get_count())
else if (!strcmp(cmd->command, "/list") && !strcmp(cmd->arg_types, ""))
if (!cbox_check_fb_channel(fb, cmd->command, error))
return FALSE;
struct waves_foreach_data wfd = { fb, error, TRUE };
cbox_wavebank_foreach(wave_list_cb, &wfd);
return wfd.success;
else if (!strcmp(cmd->command, "/info") && !strcmp(cmd->arg_types, "i"))
if (!cbox_check_fb_channel(fb, cmd->command, error))
return FALSE;
int id = CBOX_ARG_I(cmd, 0);
struct cbox_waveform *waveform = cbox_wavebank_peek_waveform_by_id(id);
if (waveform == NULL)
g_set_error(error, CBOX_MODULE_ERROR, CBOX_MODULE_ERROR_FAILED, "Waveform %d not found", id);
return FALSE;
assert(id == waveform->id);
if (!cbox_execute_on(fb, NULL, "/filename", "s", error, waveform->canonical_name)) // XXXKF convert to utf8
return FALSE;
if (!cbox_execute_on(fb, NULL, "/name", "s", error, waveform->display_name))
return FALSE;
if (!cbox_execute_on(fb, NULL, "/bytes", "i", error, (int)waveform->bytes))
return FALSE;
if (waveform->has_loop && !cbox_execute_on(fb, NULL, "/loop", "ii", error, (int)waveform->loop_start, (int)waveform->loop_end))
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
g_set_error(error, CBOX_MODULE_ERROR, CBOX_MODULE_ERROR_FAILED, "Unknown combination of target path and argument: '%s', '%s'", cmd->command, cmd->arg_types);
return FALSE;
struct cbox_command_target cbox_waves_cmd_target =
.process_cmd = waves_process_cmd,
.user_data = NULL