3 years ago
6 changed files with 437 additions and 35 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,405 @@ |
#! /usr/bin/env python3 |
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- |
""" |
Copyright 2021, Nils Hilbricht, Germany ( ) |
This file is part of the Laborejo Software Suite ( ), |
This is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify |
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by |
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or |
(at your option) any later version. |
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, |
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
GNU General Public License for more details. |
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License |
along with this program. If not, see <>. |
""" |
import logging; logger = logging.getLogger(__name__);"import") |
#Standard Library Modules |
#Third Party Modules |
from PyQt5 import QtWidgets, QtCore, QtGui, QtOpenGL |
#Template Modules |
from template.engine.duration import baseDurationToTraditionalNumber |
#User modules |
import engine.api as api |
from .verticalpiano import WIDTH as HEIGHT |
from .verticalpiano import STAFFLINEGAP as WIDTH |
WIDTH = WIDTH * 1.5 |
SCOREWIDTH = WIDTH * 75 #75 white keys. The vertical piano does have a linear layout while we have the inverleaved piano one. |
class HorizontalPiano(QtWidgets.QGraphicsView): |
def __init__(self, mainWindow): |
super().__init__(mainWindow) |
self.mainWindow = mainWindow |
self.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignLeft|QtCore.Qt.AlignTop) |
self.setDragMode(QtWidgets.QGraphicsView.NoDrag) |
self.setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(QtCore.Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOn) |
self.setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(QtCore.Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOff) |
self.pianoScene = _HorizontalPianoScene(self) |
self.setScene(self.pianoScene) |
self.setSceneRect(QtCore.QRectF(0, 0, SCOREWIDTH, HEIGHT)) #x,y,w,h |
#self.setFixedHeight(SCOREHEIGHT+3) # Don't set to scoreheight. Then we don't get a scrollbar. We need to set the sceneRect to 100%, not the view. |
#self.mainWindow.ui.horizontalPianoFrame.setFixedHeight(SCOREHEIGHT+3) #Don't. This makes the whole window a fixed size! |
#self.setFixedWidth(WIDTH) #Also done by parent widget in mainWindow |
self.setLineWidth(0) |
self.centerOn(SCOREWIDTH/2, 0) |
def wheelEvent(self, event): |
"""Convert vertical scrolling to horizontal""" |
event.accept() #eat the event |
self.horizontalScrollBar().setValue(self.horizontalScrollBar().value() + event.pixelDelta().y()) #y because it is the original vert. scroll |
class _HorizontalPianoScene(QtWidgets.QGraphicsScene): |
"""Most of this is copy paste from piano grid""" |
def __init__(self, parentView): |
super().__init__() |
self.parentView = parentView |
#Set color, otherwise it will be transparent in window managers or wayland that want that. |
self.backColor = QtGui.QColor() |
self.backColor.setNamedColor("#fdfdff") |
self.setBackgroundBrush(self.backColor) |
self.linesHorizontal = [] |
self.allKeys = {} # pitch/int : BlackKey or WhiteKey |
self.numberLabels = [] #index is pitch |
self._selectedInstrument = None #tuple instrumentStatus, instrumentData |
self._leftMouseDown = False #For note preview |
self.gridPen = QtGui.QPen(QtCore.Qt.SolidLine) |
self.gridPen.setCosmetic(True) |
boldPen = QtGui.QPen(QtCore.Qt.SolidLine) |
boldPen.setCosmetic(True) |
boldPen.setWidth(1) |
whitekeyCounter = 0 |
for i in range(128): |
blackKey = i % 12 in (1, 3, 6, 8, 10) |
if blackKey: |
key = BlackKey(self, i) |
x = whitekeyCounter * WIDTH - WIDTH/2 |
numberY = 0 #for later |
if i < 100: |
numberX = x + 4 |
else: |
numberX = x |
key.setPos(x, HEIGHT * -0.66) |
key.setZValue(4) |
else: |
key = WhiteKey(self, i) |
x = whitekeyCounter * WIDTH |
key.setPos(x, 0) |
key.setZValue(1) |
if i < 100: |
numberX = x + 5 |
else: |
numberX = x + 3 |
numberY = HEIGHT/2 -3 #100 #for later |
whitekeyCounter += 1 |
self.addItem(key) #we can setPos before adding to the scene. |
self.allKeys[i] = key |
if not blackKey: |
vline = QtWidgets.QGraphicsLineItem(0, 0, 0, HEIGHT) #x1, y1, x2, y2 |
vline.setPen(self.gridPen) |
self.addItem(vline) |
vline.setPos(key.x(), 0) |
vline.setEnabled(False) |
vline.setAcceptedMouseButtons(QtCore.Qt.NoButton) #Disabled items discard the mouse event unless mouseButtons are not accepted |
vline.setZValue(2) #above the white keys |
self.linesHorizontal.append(vline) |
#Numbers last so they are on top. |
numberLabel = NumberLabel(self, i) |
self.addItem(numberLabel) |
self.numberLabels.append(numberLabel) #index is pitch |
#numberLabel.setPos(i * WIDTH + 2, 0) |
numberLabel.setPos(numberX, numberY) |
numberLabel.setZValue(10) |
self.fakeDeactivationOverlay = QtWidgets.QGraphicsRectItem(0,0, SCOREWIDTH, HEIGHT) |
self.fakeDeactivationOverlay.setBrush(QtGui.QColor("black")) |
self.fakeDeactivationOverlay.setOpacity(0.6) |
self.fakeDeactivationOverlay.setEnabled(False) |
self.fakeDeactivationOverlay.setAcceptedMouseButtons(QtCore.Qt.NoButton) #Disabled items discard the mouse event unless mouseButtons are not accepted |
self.addItem(self.fakeDeactivationOverlay) |
self.fakeDeactivationOverlay.setPos(0,0) |
self.fakeDeactivationOverlay.setZValue(12) #above the numbers |
| |
#Keyboard Creation Done |
api.callbacks.instrumentMidiNoteOnActivity.append(self.highlightNoteOn) |
api.callbacks.instrumentMidiNoteOffActivity.append(self.highlightNoteOff) |
api.callbacks.instrumentStatusChanged.append(self.instrumentStatusChanged) |
def clearHorizontalPiano(self): |
for keyPitch, keyObject in self.allKeys.items(): |
| |
keyObject.highlightOff() |
keyObject.setPlayable(False) |
keyObject.setKeySwitch(False) |
for nl in self.numberLabels: |
nl.setLabel("") #reset to just number |
| |
def instrumentStatusChanged(self, instrumentStatus:dict): |
"""GUI callback. Data is live""" |
#Is this for us? |
if instrumentStatus and self._selectedInstrument and not instrumentStatus["idKey"] == self._selectedInstrument[0]["idKey"]: |
return |
#else: |
# print ("not for us", instrumentStatus["idKey"]) |
self.clearHorizontalPiano() |
if not instrumentStatus["state"]: |
| |
return |
self.fakeDeactivationOverlay.hide() |
for keyPitch, keyObject in self.allKeys.items(): |
if keyPitch in instrumentStatus["keySwitches"]: |
opcode, keyswitchLabel = instrumentStatus["keySwitches"][keyPitch] |
self.numberLabels[keyPitch].setLabel(keyswitchLabel) |
keyObject.setKeySwitch(True) |
elif keyPitch in instrumentStatus["playableKeys"]: |
keyObject.setPlayable(True) |
#else: |
#self.numberLabels[keyPitch].hide() |
def selectedInstrumentChanged(self, instrumentStatus, instrumentData): |
"""GUI click to different instrument. The arguments are cached GUI data |
If a library is clicked, and not an instrument, both parameters will be None. |
""" |
if instrumentStatus is None: |
self._selectedInstrument = None |
self.clearHorizontalPiano() |
| |
else: |
self._selectedInstrument = (instrumentStatus, instrumentData) |
self.instrumentStatusChanged(instrumentStatus) |
def highlightNoteOn(self, idKey:tuple, pitch:int, velocity:int): |
self.allKeys[pitch].highlightOn() |
def highlightNoteOff(self, idKey:tuple, pitch:int, velocity:int): |
self.allKeys[pitch].highlightOff() |
def allHighlightsOff(self): |
for keyPitch, keyObject in self.allKeys.items(): |
keyObject[pitch].highlightNoteOff() |
def mousePressEvent(self, event): |
self._leftMouseDown = False |
if event.button() == QtCore.Qt.LeftButton: |
self._leftMouseDown = True |
self._lastPlayPitch = None #this must not be in _play, otherwise you can't move the mouse while pressed down |
self._play(event) |
super().mousePressEvent(event) |
def wheelEvent(self, event): |
event.ignore() #let the view handle it, for the scrollbar |
def _off(self): |
if self._selectedInstrument and not self._lastPlayPitch is None: |
status, data = self._selectedInstrument |
libId, instrId = status["idKey"] |
api.sendNoteOffToInstrument(status["idKey"], self._lastPlayPitch) |
self._lastPlayPitch = None |
def _play(self, event): |
assert self._leftMouseDown |
potentialItem = self.itemAt(event.scenePos(), self.parentView.transform() ) |
if not (potentialItem and type(potentialItem) in (BlackKey, WhiteKey)): |
return |
pitch = potentialItem.pitch |
if pitch < 0 or pitch > 127: |
pitch = None |
if self._selectedInstrument and not pitch == self._lastPlayPitch: |
#TODO: Play note on at a different instrument than note off? Possible? |
status, data = self._selectedInstrument |
if not self._lastPlayPitch is None: |
#Force a note off that is currently playing but not under the cursor anymore |
#User did some input tricks with keyboard and mouse combined etc. |
api.sendNoteOffToInstrument(status["idKey"], self._lastPlayPitch) |
if not pitch is None: |
#This is the normal note-on click |
api.sendNoteOnToInstrument(status["idKey"], pitch) |
self._lastPlayPitch = pitch |
def mouseMoveEvent(self, event): |
"""Event button is always 0 in a mouse move event""" |
if self._leftMouseDown: |
self._play(event) |
super().mouseMoveEvent(event) |
def mouseReleaseEvent(self, event): |
if self._leftMouseDown: |
self._off() |
self._leftMouseDown = False |
if event.button() == QtCore.Qt.LeftButton: |
self._lastPlayPitch = None |
super().mouseReleaseEvent(event) |
class NumberLabel(QtWidgets.QGraphicsSimpleTextItem): |
"""In opposite to verticalPiano the key label is a different childItem as the number""" |
def __init__(self, parentGrid, number:int): |
super().__init__() |
self.parentGrid = parentGrid |
self.number = number |
self.labelItem = QtWidgets.QGraphicsSimpleTextItem("") |
self.labelItem.setParentItem(self) |
self.currentLabel = "" |
self.setText(str(number)) |
self.setFlag(QtWidgets.QGraphicsItem.ItemIgnoresParentOpacity, True) |
self.setAcceptedMouseButtons(QtCore.Qt.NoButton) |
blackKey = number % 12 in (1, 3, 6, 8, 10) |
if blackKey: |
self.setBrush(QtGui.QColor("white")) |
self.labelItem.setBrush(QtGui.QColor("white")) |
self.setScale(0.9) |
self.labelItem.setRotation(90) |
self.labelItem.setPos(15,15) |
else: |
self.setBrush(QtGui.QColor("black")) |
self.labelItem.setBrush(QtGui.QColor("black")) |
self.setScale(1) |
self.labelItem.setRotation(-90) |
self.labelItem.setPos(-5,0) |
def setLabel(self, label:str): |
"""Each key can have an optional text label for keyswitches, percussion names etc. |
Use with empty string to reset to just the midi pitch number.""" |
self.currentLabel = label |
self.labelItem.setText(label) |
class BlackKey(QtWidgets.QGraphicsRectItem): |
def __init__(self, parentGrid, pitch): |
super().__init__(0, 0, WIDTH * 0.8, HEIGHT) #x, y, w, h |
self.parentGrid = parentGrid |
self.pitch = pitch |
self.setPen(QtGui.QPen(QtCore.Qt.NoPen)) |
self.setBrush(QtGui.QColor("black")) |
self.setEnabled(False) |
self.setAcceptedMouseButtons(QtCore.Qt.NoButton) |
self.decorationOverlay = QtWidgets.QGraphicsRectItem(0, 0, WIDTH * 0.8, HEIGHT) #x, y, w, h |
self.decorationOverlay.setEnabled(False) |
self.decorationOverlay.setAcceptedMouseButtons(QtCore.Qt.NoButton) |
self.decorationOverlay.setFlag(QtWidgets.QGraphicsItem.ItemIgnoresParentOpacity, True) |
self.decorationOverlay.setOpacity(0.2) #just a tint |
self.decorationOverlay.hide() |
self.decorationOverlay.setParentItem(self) |
self.highlight = QtWidgets.QGraphicsRectItem(0, 0, WIDTH * 0.8, HEIGHT) #x, y, w, h |
self.highlight.setEnabled(False) |
self.highlight.setAcceptedMouseButtons(QtCore.Qt.NoButton) |
self.highlight.setFlag(QtWidgets.QGraphicsItem.ItemIgnoresParentOpacity, True) |
self.highlight.setOpacity(0.5) |
self.highlight.setBrush(QtGui.QColor("cyan")) |
self.highlight.hide() |
self.highlight.setParentItem(self) |
def setPlayable(self, state:bool): |
if state: |
| |
self.decorationOverlay.setBrush(QtGui.QColor("orange")) |
else: |
self.decorationOverlay.hide() |
def setKeySwitch(self, state:bool): |
if state: |
| |
self.decorationOverlay.setBrush(QtGui.QColor("red")) |
else: |
self.decorationOverlay.hide() |
def highlightOn(self): |
| |
def highlightOff(self): |
self.highlight.hide() |
class WhiteKey(QtWidgets.QGraphicsRectItem): |
def __init__(self, parentGrid, pitch:int): |
super().__init__(0, 0, WIDTH, HEIGHT) #x, y, w, h |
self.parentGrid = parentGrid |
self.pitch = pitch |
self.setPen(QtGui.QPen(QtCore.Qt.NoPen)) |
self.setBrush(QtGui.QColor("white")) |
self.setEnabled(False) |
self.setAcceptedMouseButtons(QtCore.Qt.NoButton) |
self.decorationOverlay = QtWidgets.QGraphicsRectItem(0, 0, WIDTH, HEIGHT) #x, y, w, h |
self.decorationOverlay.setEnabled(False) |
self.decorationOverlay.setAcceptedMouseButtons(QtCore.Qt.NoButton) |
self.decorationOverlay.setFlag(QtWidgets.QGraphicsItem.ItemIgnoresParentOpacity, True) |
self.decorationOverlay.setOpacity(0.2) #just a tint |
self.decorationOverlay.hide() |
self.decorationOverlay.setParentItem(self) |
self.highlight = QtWidgets.QGraphicsRectItem(0, 0, WIDTH, HEIGHT) #x, y, w, h |
self.highlight.setEnabled(False) |
self.highlight.setAcceptedMouseButtons(QtCore.Qt.NoButton) |
self.highlight.setFlag(QtWidgets.QGraphicsItem.ItemIgnoresParentOpacity, True) |
self.highlight.setOpacity(0.5) |
self.highlight.setBrush(QtGui.QColor("cyan")) |
self.highlight.hide() |
self.highlight.setParentItem(self) |
def setPlayable(self, state:bool): |
if state: |
| |
self.decorationOverlay.setBrush(QtGui.QColor("orange")) |
else: |
self.decorationOverlay.hide() |
def setKeySwitch(self, state:bool): |
if state: |
| |
self.decorationOverlay.setBrush(QtGui.QColor("red")) |
else: |
self.decorationOverlay.hide() |
def highlightOn(self): |
| |
def highlightOff(self): |
self.highlight.hide() |
Reference in new issue