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GUI menu action to only view loaded instruments

Nils 3 years ago
  1. 66
  2. 29


@ -57,7 +57,6 @@ class InstrumentTreeController(object):
#self._cachedLastInstrumentStatus = {} # instrument idKey : status Dict
#self.guiLibraries = {} # idKey : GuiLibrary
#self.guiInstruments = {} # idKey : GuiInstrument
self.currentlyNested = None #is the view nested in libraries or just all instruments?
self.headerLabels = [
@ -93,7 +92,13 @@ class InstrumentTreeController(object):
#self.treeWidget.setStyleSheet("QTreeWidget::item { border-bottom: 1px solid black;}") #sadly for all items. We want a line below top level items.
if not "libraryIsExpanded" in api.session.guiSharedDataToSave:
if "libraryIsExpanded" in api.session.guiSharedDataToSave:
#This is loaded from JSON, where keys MUST be strings. Our ids got converted into strings on save so we have to convert back to int here.
correctTypesDict = {}
for key, value in api.session.guiSharedDataToSave["libraryIsExpanded"].items():
correctTypesDict[int(key)] = value
api.session.guiSharedDataToSave["libraryIsExpanded"] = correctTypesDict
api.session.guiSharedDataToSave["libraryIsExpanded"] = {} # libId : bool if expanded or not. Also used when switching from nested to flat and back.
#Default values are used in self.buildTree
@ -108,7 +113,6 @@ class InstrumentTreeController(object):
def itemExpandedOrCollapsed(self, libraryItem:QtWidgets.QTreeWidgetItem):
#print (, libraryItem.isExpanded())
api.session.guiSharedDataToSave["libraryIsExpanded"][] = libraryItem.isExpanded()
def itemSelectionChanged(self):
@ -131,9 +135,13 @@ class InstrumentTreeController(object):
if type(item) is GuiInstrument:
def isNested(self)->bool:
return self.parentMainWindow.ui.actionFlatNested.isChecked()
def isShowOnlyLoadedInstruments(self)->bool:
return self.parentMainWindow.ui.actionShowOnlyLoadedInstruments.isChecked()
def buildTree(self, data:dict, nested:bool=True):
def buildTree(self, data:dict):
Create the tree. Can be called multiple times and it will re-create itself destructively.
If you call it with data, once at program start, data will get cached. If you call
@ -199,7 +207,6 @@ class InstrumentTreeController(object):
self.treeWidget.clear() #will delete the C++ objects. We need to delete the PyQt objects ourselves, like so:
self.guiLibraries = {} # idKey : GuiLibrary
self.guiInstruments = {} # idKey : GuiInstrument
self.currentlyNested = nested
if data:
self._cachedData = data
@ -207,7 +214,9 @@ class InstrumentTreeController(object):
assert self._cachedData
data = self._cachedData
self.currentlyNested = nested
nested = self.isNested()
showOnlyLoadedInstruments = self.isShowOnlyLoadedInstruments()
for libraryId, libraryDict in data.items():
@ -219,30 +228,49 @@ class InstrumentTreeController(object):
parentLibraryWidget.setExpanded(api.session.guiSharedDataToSave["libraryIsExpanded"][libraryId]) #only possible after gi.init() was done and item inserted.
#parentLibraryWidget.setHidden(True) #only possible after insert
atLeastOneVisible = False
for instrumentdId, instrumentDict in libraryDict.items():
if instrumentdId == "library":
#Top level item was already created. Ignore here.
if showOnlyLoadedInstruments and instrumentDict["idKey"] in self._cachedLastInstrumentStatus and not self._cachedLastInstrumentStatus[instrumentDict["idKey"]]["state"]: #don't create if we only want to see enabled instrument
instrumentVisible = False
elif showOnlyLoadedInstruments and not instrumentDict["status"]["state"]:
instrumentVisible = False
instrumentVisible = True
atLeastOneVisible = True
gi = GuiInstrument(parentTreeController=self, instrumentDict=instrumentDict)
if nested:
gi = GuiInstrument(parentTreeController=self, instrumentDict=instrumentDict)
if nested:
gi.injectWidgets() #only possible after gi.init() was done and item inserted.
self.guiInstruments[instrumentDict["idKey"]] = gi
if instrumentDict["idKey"] in self._cachedLastInstrumentStatus:
gi.injectWidgets() #only possible after gi.init() was done and item inserted.
self.guiInstruments[instrumentDict["idKey"]] = gi
if instrumentDict["idKey"] in self._cachedLastInstrumentStatus:
gi.setHidden(not instrumentVisible)
#If no instruments were added maybe the lib needs hiding because it is empty
if showOnlyLoadedInstruments and nested and not atLeastOneVisible:
def showOnlyLoadedInstruments(self, state:bool):
"""The logic is backwards. We receive state=True if instruments should be hidden"""
self.buildTree(data=None) #uses the menu state for everything except data
def setAllExpanded(self, state:bool):
"""We do not use the qt function collapseAll and expandAll because they do not trigger
the signal"""
if self.currentlyNested:
if self.isNested():
for libid, guiLib in self.guiLibraries.items():
guiLib.setExpanded(state) #triggers signal which will trigger self.toggleNestedFlat
def _adjustColumnSize(self):
self.treeWidget.sortItems(self.sortByColumnValue, self.sortDescendingValue)
@ -548,7 +576,7 @@ class GuiInstrument(QtWidgets.QTreeWidgetItem):
libId, instrId = instrumentDict[key]
zeros = int(instrumentDict["instrumentsInLibraryCount"]/10)+1
instIdZFilled = str(instrId).zfill(zeros)
if self.parentTreeController.currentlyNested:
if self.parentTreeController.isNested():
self.setText(index, instIdZFilled)
else: #full id
#self.setText(index, f"{libId}-{str(instrId).zfill(zeros)}")


@ -145,14 +145,15 @@ class MainWindow(TemplateMainWindow):
self.pianoRollToggleVisibleAndRemember(settings.value("pianoRollVisible", type=bool))
if settings.contains("pianoVisible"):
self.pianoToggleVisibleAndRemember(settings.value("pianoVisible", type=bool))
if settings.contains("instrumentTreeIsNested"):
self.ui.actionFlatNested.setChecked(settings.value("instrumentTreeIsNested", type=bool))
if settings.contains("showOnlyLoadedInstruments"):
self.ui.actionShowOnlyLoadedInstruments.setChecked(settings.value("showOnlyLoadedInstruments", type=bool))
self.start(additionalData) #This shows the GUI, or not, depends on the NSM gui save setting. We need to call that after the menu, otherwise the about dialog will block and then we get new menu entries, which looks strange.
api.callbacks.rescanSampleDir.append(self.react_rescanSampleDir) #This only happens on actual, manually instructed rescanning through the api. We instruct this through our Rescan-Dialog.
if settings.contains("instrumentTreeIsNested"): #Only call after the instruments got parsed
self.toggleNestedFlatAndRemember(settings.value("instrumentTreeIsNested", type=bool))
#Statusbar will show possible actions, such as "use scrollwheel to transpose"
#self.statusBar().showMessage(QtCore.QCoreApplication.translate("Statusbar", ""))
@ -174,6 +175,7 @@ class MainWindow(TemplateMainWindow):"menuView", "actionExpandAll", QtCore.QCoreApplication.translate("Menu", "Expand all Libraries"), lambda: self.instrumentTreeController.setAllExpanded(True))"menuView", "actionCollapseAll", QtCore.QCoreApplication.translate("Menu", "Collapse all Libraries"), lambda: self.instrumentTreeController.setAllExpanded(False))"menuView", "actionShowOnlyLoadedInstruments", QtCore.QCoreApplication.translate("Menu", "Show only loaded instruments"), self.toggleShowOnlyLoadedInstrumentsAndRemember, checkable=True, startChecked=False) #function receives check state as automatic parameter"menuView", "actionFlatNested", QtCore.QCoreApplication.translate("Menu", "Nested Instrument List"), self.toggleNestedFlatAndRemember, checkable=True, startChecked=True) #function receives check state as automatic parameter"menuView", "actionPianoRollVisible", QtCore.QCoreApplication.translate("Menu", "Piano Roll"), self.pianoRollToggleVisibleAndRemember, shortcut="Ctrl+R", checkable=True, startChecked=True) #function receives check state as automatic parameter"menuView", "actionPianoVisible", QtCore.QCoreApplication.translate("Menu", "Piano"), self.pianoToggleVisibleAndRemember, shortcut="Ctrl+P", checkable=True, startChecked=True) #function receives check state as automatic parameter
@ -189,28 +191,41 @@ class MainWindow(TemplateMainWindow):
The program start happens without that and just sends data into a prepared but empty GUI."""
def toggleShowOnlyLoadedInstrumentsAndRemember(self, state:bool):
This function can only be called after the instrument tree has been build.
self.ui.actionShowOnlyLoadedInstruments.setChecked(state) #if called from outside the menu, e.g. load
self.instrumentTreeController.buildTree(data=None) #with data=None it will used the cache data we received once, at startup. All other values use the menu check marks
settings = QtCore.QSettings("LaborejoSoftwareSuite", METADATA["shortName"])
settings.setValue("showOnlyLoadedInstruments", state)
def toggleNestedFlatAndRemember(self, state:bool):
"""We receive state as automatic parameter from Qt from the calling menu action.
This function can only be called after the instrument tree has been build.
instrumentTreeController.buildTree(data=None) relies on cached data.
self.instrumentTreeController.buildTree(data=None, nested=state) #with data=None it will used the cache data we received once, at startup
self.ui.actionFlatNested.setChecked(state) #if called from outside the menu, e.g. load
self.instrumentTreeController.buildTree(data=None) #with data=None it will used the cache data we received once, at startup. All other values use the menu check marks
settings = QtCore.QSettings("LaborejoSoftwareSuite", METADATA["shortName"])
settings.setValue("instrumentTreeIsNested", state)
self.ui.actionFlatNested.setChecked(state) #if called from outside the menu, e.g. load
def pianoRollToggleVisibleAndRemember(self, state:bool):
self.ui.actionPianoRollVisible.setChecked(state) #if called from outside the menu, e.g. load
settings = QtCore.QSettings("LaborejoSoftwareSuite", METADATA["shortName"])
settings.setValue("pianoRollVisible", state)
self.ui.actionPianoRollVisible.setChecked(state) #if called from outside the menu, e.g. load
def pianoToggleVisibleAndRemember(self, state:bool):
self.ui.actionPianoVisible.setChecked(state) #if called from outside the menu, e.g. load
settings = QtCore.QSettings("LaborejoSoftwareSuite", METADATA["shortName"])
settings.setValue("pianoVisible", state)
self.ui.actionPianoVisible.setChecked(state) #if called from outside the menu, e.g. load
def selectedInstrumentChanged(self, instrumentStatus, instrumentData):
"""We receive this from, when the user clicks on a GUI
