Sampled Instrument Player with static and monolithic design. All instruments are built-in.
No puede seleccionar más de 25 temas Los temas deben comenzar con una letra o número, pueden incluir guiones ('-') y pueden tener hasta 35 caracteres de largo.

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#! /usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Copyright 2021, Nils Hilbricht, Germany ( )
This file is part of the Laborejo Software Suite ( ),
This application is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
import logging; logger = logging.getLogger(__name__);"import")
#Python Standard Lib
#Third Party
from calfbox import cbox
#Template Modules
class Instrument(object):
"""Literally one instrument.
It might exists in different versions that are all loaded here and can be switched in the GUI.
For that we identify different .sfz files by a minor version number (see below).
All data is provided by the parsed metadata dict, except the filepath of the tar which calfbox
needs again here.
The metadata dict contains a list of all available sfz files describing variants of the same file,
eg. sharing most of the sample data. The variants filename will be used directly as "preset"
name in a GUI etc.
The variants are case sensitive filenames ending in .sfz
The order of variants in the config file will never change, it can only get appended.
This way indexing will remain consistent over time.
The default variant after the first start (no save file) is the a special entry in metadata.
It can change with new versions, so new projects will start with the newer file.
Here we have versions 1.2, 1.3 and 1.6. 4 and 5 were never released. A dropdown in a GUI
would show these four entries.
Patches are differentiated by the MINOR version as int. MINOR versions slightly change the sound.
Typical reasons are retuning, filter changes etc.
The chosen MINOR version stays active until changed by the user. All MINOR versions variant of
an instrument must be available in all future file-releases.
PATCH version levels are just increased, as they are defined to not change the sound outcome.
For example they fix obvious bugs nobody could have wanted, extend the range of an instrument
or introduce new CC controlers for parameters previously not available.
PATCH versions are automatically upgraded. You cannot go back programatically.
The PATCH number is not included in the sfz file name, while major and minor are.
A MAJOR version must be an entirely different file. These are incompatible with older versions.
For example they use a different control scheme (different CC maps)
Besides version there is also the option to just name the sfz file anything you want, as a
special variant. Which is problematic:
What constitues as "Instrument Variant" and what as "New Instrument" must be decided on a case
by case basis. For example a different piano than the salamander is surely a new instrument.
But putting a blanket over the strings (prepared piano) to muffle the sound is the same physical
instrument, but is this a variant? Different microphone or mic position maybe?
This is mostly important when we are not talking about upgrades, which can just use version
numbers, but true "side-grades". I guess the main argument is that you never would want both
variants at the same time. And even if the muffled blanket sound is the same instrument,
this could be integrated as CC switch or fader. Same for the different microphones and positions.
At the time of writing the author was not able to come up with a "sidegrade" usecase,
that isn't either an sfz controller or a different instrument (I personally consider the
blanket-piano a different instrument)"""
allInstruments = {} # (libraryId, instrumentId):Instrument()-object
def __init__(self, parentLibrary, libraryId:int, metadata:dict, tarFilePath:str, startVariantSfzFilename:str=None):
self.parentLibrary = parentLibrary = metadata["id"]
self.idKey = (libraryId, metadata["id"])
Instrument.allInstruments[self.idKey] = self
self.cboxMidiPortUid = None
self.metadata = metadata #parsed from the ini file. See self.exportMetadata for the pythonic dict
self.instrumentsInLibraryCount = None #injected by the creating process. Counted live in the program, not included in the ini file.
self.tarFilePath = tarFilePath = metadata["name"]
self.midiInputPortName = f"[{libraryId}-{}] " + metadata["name"]
self.variants = metadata["variants"].split(",")
self.defaultVariant = metadata["defaultVariant"]
self.enabled = False #means loaded.
if "root" in metadata:
if metadata["root"].endswith("/"):
self.rootPrefixPath = metadata["root"]
self.rootPrefixPath = metadata["root"] + "/"
self.rootPrefixPath = ""
#Calfbox. The JACK ports are constructed without samples at first.
self.scene = cbox.Document.get_engine().new_scene()
layer = self.scene.add_new_instrument_layer(self.midiInputPortName, "sampler") #"sampler" is the cbox sfz engine
self.scene.status().layers[0].get_instrument().engine.load_patch_from_string(0, "", "", "") #fill with null instruments
self.instrumentLayer = self.scene.status().layers[0].get_instrument()
self.program = None #return object from self.instrumentLayer.engine.load_patch_from_tar
self.scene.status().layers[0].set_ignore_program_changes(1) #TODO: ignore different channels. We only want one channel per scene/instrument/port. #TODO: Add generic filters to filter out redundant tasks like mixing and panning, which should be done in an audio mixer.
#Create Stereo Audio Ouput Ports
#Connect to our own pair but also to a generic mixer port that is in Data()
jackAudioOutLeft = cbox.JackIO.create_audio_output(self.midiInputPortName+"_L")
jackAudioOutRight = cbox.JackIO.create_audio_output(self.midiInputPortName+"_R")
outputMergerRouter = cbox.JackIO.create_audio_output_router(jackAudioOutLeft, jackAudioOutRight)
instrument = layer.get_instrument()
instrument.get_output_slot(0).rec_wet.attach(outputMergerRouter) #output_slot is 0 based and means a pair. Most sfz instrument have only one stereo pair. #TODO: And what if not?
routerToGlobalSummingStereoMixer = cbox.JackIO.create_audio_output_router(self.parentLibrary.parentData.lmixUuid, self.parentLibrary.parentData.rmixUuid)
#Create Midi Input Port
self.cboxMidiPortUid = cbox.JackIO.create_midi_input(self.midiInputPortName)
cbox.JackIO.set_appsink_for_midi_input(self.cboxMidiPortUid, True) #This sounds like a program wide sink, but it is needed for every port.
cbox.JackIO.route_midi_input(self.cboxMidiPortUid, self.scene.uuid)
self.startVariantSfzFilename = startVariantSfzFilename
self.currentVariant:str = None #set by self.chooseVariant()
#We could call self.load() now, but we delay that for the user experience. See docstring.
def exportStatus(self):
"""The call-often function to get the instrument status. Includes only data that can
actually change during runtime."""
result = {}
#Static ids
result["id"] = self.metadata["id"]
result["id-key"] = self.idKey #redundancy for convenience.
#Dynamic data
result["currentVariant"] = self.currentVariant # str
result["currentVariantWithoutSfzExtension"] = self.currentVariant.rstrip(".sfz") if self.currentVariant else ""# str
result["state"] = self.enabled #bool
return result
def exportMetadata(self):
"""This gets called before the samples are loaded.
Only static data, that does not get changed during runtime, is included here.
Please note that we don't add the default variant here. It is only important for the
external world to know what the current variant is. Which is handled by self.exportStatus()
parentMetadata = self.parentLibrary.config["library"]
result = {}
result["id"] = self.metadata["id"] #int
result["id-key"] = self.idKey # tuple (int, int) redundancy for convenience.
result["name"] = self.metadata["name"] #str
result["description"] = self.metadata["description"] #str
result["variants"] = self.variants #list of str
result["variantsWithoutSfzExtension"] = [var.rstrip(".sfz") for var in self.variants] #list of str
result["defaultVariant"] = self.metadata["defaultVariant"] #str
result["defaultVariantWithoutSfzExtension"] = self.metadata["defaultVariant"].rstrip(".sfz") #str
result["tags"] = self.metadata["tags"].split(",") # list of str
result["instrumentsInLibraryCount"] = self.instrumentsInLibraryCount # int
#Optional Tags.
result["group"] = self.metadata["group"] if "group" in self.metadata else "" #str
#While license replaces the library license, vendor is an addition:
if "license" in self.metadata:
result["license"] = self.metadata["license"]
result["license"] = parentMetadata["license"]
if "vendor" in self.metadata:
result["vendor"] = parentMetadata["vendor"] + "\n\n" + self.metadata["vendor"]
result["vendor"] = parentMetadata["vendor"]
return result
def loadSamples(self):
"""Instrument is constructed without loading the sample data. But the JACK Port and
all Python objects exist. The API can instruct the loading when everything is ready,
so that the callbacks can receive load-progress messages"""
if self.startVariantSfzFilename:
def chooseVariantByIndex(self, index:int):
"""The variant list is static. Instead of a name we can just choose by index.
This is convenient for functions that choose the variant by a list index"""
variantSfzFileName = self.variants[index]
def chooseVariant(self, variantSfzFileName:str):
"""load_patch_from_tar is blocking. This function will return when the instrument is ready
to play.
The function will do nothing when the instrument is not enabled.
if not self.enabled:
if not variantSfzFileName in self.metadata["variants"]:
raise ValueError("Variant not in list: {} {}".format(variantSfzFileName, self.metadata["variants"]))"Start loading samples for instrument {variantSfzFileName} with id key {self.idKey}")
#help (self.allInstrumentLayers[self.defaultPortUid].engine) #shows the functions to load programs into channels etc.
#newProgramNumber = self.instrumentLayer.engine.get_unused_program()
programNumber = self.metadata["variants"].index(variantSfzFileName) #counts from 1
self.program = self.instrumentLayer.engine.load_patch_from_tar(programNumber, self.tarFilePath, self.rootPrefixPath+variantSfzFileName, self.metadata["name"]) #tar_name, sfz_name, display_name
self.instrumentLayer.engine.set_patch(1, programNumber) #1 is the channel, counting from 1. #TODO: we want this to be on all channels.
#self.program is always None ?
#self.instrumentLayer is type DocInstrument
#self.instrumentLayer.engine is type SamplerEngine
#self.instrumentLayer.engine.get_patches returns a dict like {0: ('Harpsichord.sfz', <calfbox.cbox.SamplerProgram object at 0x7fd324226a60>, 16)}
#Only ever index 0 is used because we have one patch per port
#self.instrumentLayer.engine.get_patches()[0][1] is the cbox.SamplerProgram. That should have been self.program, but isn't!
self.program = self.instrumentLayer.engine.get_patches()[0][1]
print (self.program.status())
self.currentVariant = variantSfzFileName"Finished loading samples for instrument {variantSfzFileName} with id key {self.idKey}")
def enable(self):
self.enabled = True
def disable(self):
"""Jack midi port and audio ports will disappear. Impact on RAM and CPU usage unknown."""
self.enabled = False