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//Author: Tony Wilk
//Source: https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/887604/jWrite-A-Really-Simple-JSON-Writer-in-C
//LICENSE: The Code Project Open License (CPOL) 1.02
//see provided file ICENSE_jReadJWrite.html or https://www.codeproject.com/info/cpol10.aspx
// jWrite.c version 1v2
// A *really* simple JSON writer in C
// see: jWrite.h for info
// TonyWilk, Mar 2015
#define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS // stop complaining about deprecated functions
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h> // memset()
#include "jWrite.h"
//#include <stdint.h> // definintion of uint32_t, int32_t
typedef unsigned int uint32_t;
typedef int int32_t;
// the jWrite functions take the above jWriteControl structure pointer
// to maintain state while writing a JSON string.
// You can opt to use a single global instance of a jWriteControl structure
// which simplifies the function parameters or to supply your own structure
struct jWriteControl g_jWriteControl; // global control struct
#define JWC_DECL // function parameter decl is empty
#define JWC_DECL0
#define JWC(x) g_jWriteControl.x // functions access global
#define JWC_PARAM // pointer to struct is empty
#define JWC_PARAM0
#define JWC_DECL struct jWriteControl *jwc, // function parameter is ptr to control struct
#define JWC_DECL0 struct jWriteControl *jwc // function parameter, no params
#define JWC(x) jwc->x // functions use pointer
#define JWC_PARAM jwc, // pointer to stuct
#define JWC_PARAM0 jwc // pointer to stuct, no params
// Internal functions
void jwPutch( JWC_DECL char c );
void jwPutstr( JWC_DECL char *str );
void jwPutraw( JWC_DECL char *str );
void modp_itoa10(int32_t value, char* str);
void modp_dtoa2(double value, char* str, int prec);
void jwPretty( JWC_DECL0 );
enum jwNodeType jwPop( JWC_DECL0 );
void jwPush( JWC_DECL enum jwNodeType nodeType );
// jwOpen
// - open writing of JSON starting with rootType = JW_OBJECT or JW_ARRAY
// - initialise with user string buffer of length buflen
// - isPretty=JW_PRETTY adds \n and spaces to prettify output (else JW_COMPACT)
void jwOpen( JWC_DECL char *buffer, unsigned int buflen,
enum jwNodeType rootType, int isPretty )
memset( buffer, 0, buflen ); // zap the whole destination buffer
JWC(buffer)= buffer;
JWC(buflen)= buflen;
JWC(bufp)= buffer;
JWC(nodeStack)[0].nodeType= rootType;
JWC(nodeStack)[0].elementNo= 0;
JWC(error)= JWRITE_OK;
JWC(callNo)= 1;
JWC(isPretty)= isPretty;
jwPutch( JWC_PARAM (rootType==JW_OBJECT) ? '{' : '[' );
// jwClose
// - closes the root JSON object started by jwOpen()
// - returns error code
int jwClose( JWC_DECL0 )
if( JWC(error) == JWRITE_OK )
if( JWC(stackpos) == 0 )
enum jwNodeType node= JWC(nodeStack)[0].nodeType;
if( JWC(isPretty) )
jwPutch( JWC_PARAM '\n' );
jwPutch( JWC_PARAM (node == JW_OBJECT) ? '}' : ']');
JWC(error)= JWRITE_NEST_ERROR; // nesting error, not all objects closed when jwClose() called
return JWC(error);
// End the current array/object
int jwEnd( JWC_DECL0 )
if( JWC(error) == JWRITE_OK )
enum jwNodeType node;
int lastElemNo= JWC(nodeStack)[JWC(stackpos)].elementNo;
node= jwPop( JWC_PARAM0 );
if( lastElemNo > 0 )
jwPretty( JWC_PARAM0 );
jwPutch( JWC_PARAM (node == JW_OBJECT) ? '}' : ']');
return JWC(error);
// jwErrorPos
// - Returns position of error: the nth call to a jWrite function
int jwErrorPos( JWC_DECL0 )
return JWC(callNo);
// Object insert functions
int _jwObj( JWC_DECL char *key );
// put raw string to object (i.e. contents of rawtext without quotes)
void jwObj_raw( JWC_DECL char *key, char *rawtext )
if(_jwObj( JWC_PARAM key ) == JWRITE_OK)
jwPutraw( JWC_PARAM rawtext);
// put "quoted" string to object
void jwObj_string( JWC_DECL char *key, char *value )
if(_jwObj( JWC_PARAM key ) == JWRITE_OK)
jwPutstr( JWC_PARAM value );
void jwObj_int( JWC_DECL char *key, int value )
modp_itoa10( value, JWC(tmpbuf) );
jwObj_raw( JWC_PARAM key, JWC(tmpbuf) );
void jwObj_double( JWC_DECL char *key, double value )
modp_dtoa2( value, JWC(tmpbuf), 6 );
jwObj_raw( JWC_PARAM key, JWC(tmpbuf) );
void jwObj_bool( JWC_DECL char *key, int oneOrZero )
jwObj_raw( JWC_PARAM key, (oneOrZero) ? "true" : "false" );
void jwObj_null( JWC_DECL char *key )
jwObj_raw( JWC_PARAM key, "null" );
// put Object in Object
void jwObj_object( JWC_DECL char *key )
if(_jwObj( JWC_PARAM key ) == JWRITE_OK)
jwPutch( JWC_PARAM '{' );
// put Array in Object
void jwObj_array( JWC_DECL char *key )
if(_jwObj( JWC_PARAM key ) == JWRITE_OK)
jwPutch( JWC_PARAM '[' );
// Array insert functions
int _jwArr( JWC_DECL0 );
// put raw string to array (i.e. contents of rawtext without quotes)
void jwArr_raw( JWC_DECL char *rawtext )
if(_jwArr( JWC_PARAM0 ) == JWRITE_OK)
jwPutraw( JWC_PARAM rawtext);
// put "quoted" string to array
void jwArr_string( JWC_DECL char *value )
if(_jwArr( JWC_PARAM0 ) == JWRITE_OK)
jwPutstr( JWC_PARAM value );
void jwArr_int( JWC_DECL int value )
modp_itoa10( value, JWC(tmpbuf) );
jwArr_raw( JWC_PARAM JWC(tmpbuf) );
void jwArr_double( JWC_DECL double value )
modp_dtoa2( value, JWC(tmpbuf), 6 );
jwArr_raw( JWC_PARAM JWC(tmpbuf) );
void jwArr_bool( JWC_DECL int oneOrZero )
jwArr_raw( JWC_PARAM (oneOrZero) ? "true" : "false" );
void jwArr_null( JWC_DECL0 )
jwArr_raw( JWC_PARAM "null" );
void jwArr_object( JWC_DECL0 )
if(_jwArr( JWC_PARAM0 ) == JWRITE_OK)
jwPutch( JWC_PARAM '{' );
void jwArr_array( JWC_DECL0 )
if(_jwArr( JWC_PARAM0 ) == JWRITE_OK)
jwPutch( JWC_PARAM '[' );
// jwErrorToString
// - returns string describing error code
char *jwErrorToString( int err )
switch( err )
case JWRITE_OK: return "OK";
case JWRITE_BUF_FULL: return "output buffer full";
case JWRITE_NOT_ARRAY: return "tried to write Array value into Object";
case JWRITE_NOT_OBJECT: return "tried to write Object key/value into Array";
case JWRITE_STACK_FULL: return "array/object nesting > JWRITE_STACK_DEPTH";
case JWRITE_STACK_EMPTY:return "stack underflow error (too many 'end's)";
case JWRITE_NEST_ERROR: return "nesting error, not all objects closed when jwClose() called";
return "Unknown error";
// Internal functions
void jwPretty( JWC_DECL0 )
int i;
if( JWC(isPretty) )
jwPutch( JWC_PARAM '\n' );
for( i=0; i<JWC(stackpos)+1; i++ )
jwPutraw( JWC_PARAM " " );
// Push / Pop node stack
void jwPush( JWC_DECL enum jwNodeType nodeType )
if( (JWC(stackpos)+1) >= JWRITE_STACK_DEPTH )
JWC(error)= JWRITE_STACK_FULL; // array/object nesting > JWRITE_STACK_DEPTH
JWC(nodeStack[++JWC(stackpos)]).nodeType= nodeType;
JWC(nodeStack[JWC(stackpos)]).elementNo= 0;
enum jwNodeType jwPop( JWC_DECL0 )
enum jwNodeType retval= JWC(nodeStack[JWC(stackpos)]).nodeType;
if( JWC(stackpos) == 0 )
JWC(error)= JWRITE_STACK_EMPTY; // stack underflow error (too many 'end's)
return retval;
void jwPutch( JWC_DECL char c )
if( (unsigned int)(JWC(bufp) - JWC(buffer)) >= JWC(buflen) )
*JWC(bufp)++ = c;
// put string enclosed in quotes
void jwPutstr( JWC_DECL char *str )
jwPutch( JWC_PARAM '\"' );
while( *str != '\0' )
jwPutch( JWC_PARAM *str++ );
jwPutch( JWC_PARAM '\"' );
// put raw string
void jwPutraw( JWC_DECL char *str )
while( *str != '\0' )
jwPutch( JWC_PARAM *str++ );
// *common Object function*
// - checks error
// - checks current node is OBJECT
// - adds comma if reqd
// - adds "key" :
int _jwObj( JWC_DECL char *key )
if(JWC(error) == JWRITE_OK)
if( JWC(nodeStack)[JWC(stackpos)].nodeType != JW_OBJECT )
JWC(error)= JWRITE_NOT_OBJECT; // tried to write Object key/value into Array
else if( JWC(nodeStack)[JWC(stackpos)].elementNo++ > 0 )
jwPutch( JWC_PARAM ',' );
jwPretty( JWC_PARAM0 );
jwPutstr( JWC_PARAM key );
jwPutch( JWC_PARAM ':' );
if( JWC(isPretty) )
jwPutch( JWC_PARAM ' ' );
return JWC(error);
// *common Array function*
// - checks error
// - checks current node is ARRAY
// - adds comma if reqd
int _jwArr( JWC_DECL0 )
if(JWC(error) == JWRITE_OK)
if( JWC(nodeStack)[JWC(stackpos)].nodeType != JW_ARRAY )
JWC(error)= JWRITE_NOT_ARRAY; // tried to write array value into Object
else if( JWC(nodeStack)[JWC(stackpos)].elementNo++ > 0 )
jwPutch( JWC_PARAM ',' );
jwPretty( JWC_PARAM0 );
return JWC(error);
// modp value-to-string functions
// - modified for C89
// We use these functions as they are a lot faster than sprintf()
// Origin of these routines:
* <pre>
* Copyright &copy; 2007, Nick Galbreath -- nickg [at] modp [dot] com
* All rights reserved.
* http://code.google.com/p/stringencoders/
* Released under the bsd license.
* </pre>
static void strreverse(char* begin, char* end)
char aux;
while (end > begin)
aux = *end, *end-- = *begin, *begin++ = aux;
/** \brief convert an signed integer to char buffer
* \param[in] value
* \param[out] buf the output buffer. Should be 16 chars or more.
void modp_itoa10(int32_t value, char* str)
char* wstr=str;
// Take care of sign
unsigned int uvalue = (value < 0) ? -value : value;
// Conversion. Number is reversed.
do *wstr++ = (char)(48 + (uvalue % 10)); while(uvalue /= 10);
if (value < 0) *wstr++ = '-';
// Reverse string
* Powers of 10
* 10^0 to 10^9
static const double pow10[] = {1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000, 1000000,
10000000, 100000000, 1000000000};
/** \brief convert a floating point number to char buffer with a
* variable-precision format, and no trailing zeros
* This is similar to "%.[0-9]f" in the printf style, except it will
* NOT include trailing zeros after the decimal point. This type
* of format oddly does not exists with printf.
* If the input value is greater than 1<<31, then the output format
* will be switched exponential format.
* \param[in] value
* \param[out] buf The allocated output buffer. Should be 32 chars or more.
* \param[in] precision Number of digits to the right of the decimal point.
* Can only be 0-9.
void modp_dtoa2(double value, char* str, int prec)
/* if input is larger than thres_max, revert to exponential */
const double thres_max = (double)(0x7FFFFFFF);
int count;
double diff = 0.0;
char* wstr = str;
int neg= 0;
int whole;
double tmp;
uint32_t frac;
/* Hacky test for NaN
* under -fast-math this won't work, but then you also won't
* have correct nan values anyways. The alternative is
* to link with libmath (bad) or hack IEEE double bits (bad)
if (! (value == value)) {
str[0] = 'n'; str[1] = 'a'; str[2] = 'n'; str[3] = '\0';
if (prec < 0) {
prec = 0;
} else if (prec > 9) {
/* precision of >= 10 can lead to overflow errors */
prec = 9;
/* we'll work in positive values and deal with the
negative sign issue later */
if (value < 0) {
neg = 1;
value = -value;
whole = (int) value;
tmp = (value - whole) * pow10[prec];
frac = (uint32_t)(tmp);
diff = tmp - frac;
if (diff > 0.5) {
/* handle rollover, e.g. case 0.99 with prec 1 is 1.0 */
if (frac >= pow10[prec]) {
frac = 0;
} else if (diff == 0.5 && ((frac == 0) || (frac & 1))) {
/* if halfway, round up if odd, OR
if last digit is 0. That last part is strange */
/* for very large numbers switch back to native sprintf for exponentials.
anyone want to write code to replace this? */
normal printf behavior is to print EVERY whole number digit
which can be 100s of characters overflowing your buffers == bad
if (value > thres_max) {
sprintf(str, "%e", neg ? -value : value);
if (prec == 0) {
diff = value - whole;
if (diff > 0.5) {
/* greater than 0.5, round up, e.g. 1.6 -> 2 */
} else if (diff == 0.5 && (whole & 1)) {
/* exactly 0.5 and ODD, then round up */
/* 1.5 -> 2, but 2.5 -> 2 */
//vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv Diff from modp_dto2
} else if (frac) {
count = prec;
// now do fractional part, as an unsigned number
// we know it is not 0 but we can have leading zeros, these
// should be removed
while (!(frac % 10)) {
frac /= 10;
//^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Diff from modp_dto2
// now do fractional part, as an unsigned number
do {
*wstr++ = (char)(48 + (frac % 10));
} while (frac /= 10);
// add extra 0s
while (count-- > 0) *wstr++ = '0';
// add decimal
*wstr++ = '.';
// do whole part
// Take care of sign
// Conversion. Number is reversed.
do *wstr++ = (char)(48 + (whole % 10)); while (whole /= 10);
if (neg) {
*wstr++ = '-';
strreverse(str, wstr-1);
/* end of jWrite.c */