# Generator for laborejo.org An assortment of scripts and programs that pulls in info from our repositories and puts out a website. Everything is a low-tech as possible while avoiding editing redundant information (e.g. copyright date on every individual page) This is specialized for our own website and *not* a general purpose CMS or static site generator. 1. `generate.bash` 2. get out/ into your public html 3. ???? 4. profit ## Directories `static` holds the base structure and all non-generated files such as css and images. These files do not get parsed, combined or modified but simply cp -r into `out`/. This is done as first step. If you have conflicting files names later they will overwrite static files. `modules` are parts of static html that is the same on every page. `directcontent` texts and content exclusively for the website, like a welcome, are also found here. These are not generated from projects but written directly in these files. Watch out for redundant information. Dates, version numbers etc. should not be in here.