An assortment of scripts and programs that pulls in info from our repositories and puts out a website.
Ви не можете вибрати більше 25 тем Теми мають розпочинатися з літери або цифри, можуть містити дефіси (-) і не повинні перевищувати 35 символів.
Nils 7954295016 remove broken bugtracker 4 місяці тому
directcontent remove broken bugtracker 4 місяці тому
modules Serve module files always from root 4 роки тому
static new laborejo animated screenshot 2 роки тому
.gitignore Recreate current site 4 роки тому Recreate current site 4 роки тому Deprecate fluajho 4 місяці тому
generate.bash Deprecate fluajho 4 місяці тому Add last generated date to index.html 4 роки тому remove broken bugtracker 4 місяці тому

Generator for

An assortment of scripts and programs that pulls in info from our repositories and puts out a website. Everything is a low-tech as possible while avoiding editing redundant information (e.g. copyright date on every individual page)

This is specialized for our own website and not a general purpose CMS or static site generator.

  1. generate.bash
  2. get out/ into your public html
  3. ????
  4. profit


static holds the base structure and all non-generated files such as css and images. These files do not get parsed, combined or modified but simply cp -r into out/. This is done as first step. If you have conflicting files names later they will overwrite static files.

modules are parts of static html that is the same on every page.

directcontent texts and content exclusively for the website, like a welcome, are also found here. These are not generated from projects but written directly in these files. Watch out for redundant information. Dates, version numbers etc. should not be in here.