
Build system to package for the Laborejo Software Suite. No code changes to calfbox. Please do all issues and pull requests upstream.

Ажурирано пре 3 недеља

Python 0 0

An assortment of scripts and programs that pulls in info from our repositories and puts out a website.

Ажурирано пре 5 месеци

Python 0 0

Music production session manager

Ажурирано пре 11 месеци

Python 0 0

Ажурирано пре 1 година

C 0 0

Virtual folk instrument that bows continously.

Ажурирано пре 1 година

Python 0 0

Ажурирано пре 1 година

Python 0 0

Sampled Instrument Player with static and monolithic design. All instruments are built-in.

Ажурирано пре 2 година

Python 0 0

The base-application for Laborejo, Fluajho, Patroneo, Vico etc.

Ажурирано пре 2 година

Raylib 3

Ажурирано пре 2 година