@ -129,6 +129,8 @@ class MainWindow(QtWidgets.QMainWindow):
self . ui . menubar . setNativeMenuBar ( False ) #Force a real menu bar. Qt on wayland will not display it otherwise.
self . menu = Menu ( mainWindow = self ) #needs the about dialog, save file and the api.session ready.
self . installEventFilter ( self ) #Bottom of the file. Works around the hover numpad bug that is in Qt for years.
self . initiGuiSharedDataToSave ( )
def start ( self ) :
@ -148,6 +150,7 @@ class MainWindow(QtWidgets.QMainWindow):
self . _zoom ( ) #enable zoom factor loaded from save file
#def event(self, event):
# print (event.type())
# return super().event(event)
@ -333,5 +336,46 @@ class MainWindow(QtWidgets.QMainWindow):
self . show ( )
self . nsmClient . announceGuiVisibility ( True )
def eventFilter ( self , obj , event ) :
""" Qt has a known but unresolved bug (for many years now)
that shortcuts with the numpad don ' t trigger. This has little
chance of ever getting fixed , despite getting reported multiple
times .
Try to uninstall this filter ( self . __init__ ) after a new qt release
and check if it works without . It should ( it did already in the past )
but so far no luck . . .
What do we do ?
We intercept every key and see if it was with a numpad modifier .
If yes we trigger the menu action ourselves and discard the event
We also need to separate the action of assigning a hover shortcut
to a menu and actually triggering it . Since we are in the template
part of the program we can ' t assume there is a main widget,
as in Patroneo and Laborejos case .
The obj is always MainWindow , so we can ' t detect if the menu was open or not.
self . qtApp . focusWidget ( ) is also NOT the menu .
The menu is only triggered AFTER the filter . But we need to
detect if a menu is open while we are running the filter .
self . menu . ui . menubar . activeAction ( )
For each key press / release we receive 3 keypress events , not
counting autoRepeats . event . type ( ) which is different from type ( event )
returns 51 ( press ) , 6 ( release ) , 7 ( accept ) for the three . This is key press , release and event accept ( ? ) .
This event filter somehow does not differentiate between numpad
on or numpad off . There maybe is another qt check for that .
if ( not self . menu . ui . menubar . activeAction ( ) ) and event . type ( ) == 51 and type ( event ) is QtGui . QKeyEvent and event . modifiers ( ) == QtCore . Qt . KeypadModifier and event . text ( ) and event . text ( ) in " 0123456789 " :
action = self . menu . hoverShortcutDict [ event . text ( ) ]
if action :
action . trigger ( )
event . accept ( ) #despite what Qt docs say it is not enough to return True to "eat" the event.
return True
else :
#No keypad shortcut. Just use the normal handling.
return super ( ) . eventFilter ( obj , event )